More Camera Features!
My Mommeh's new camera is called a Samsung DV300F. The "DV" part stands for dual view. This means there is a screen on the front of the camera for taking pictures of yourself My Mommeh found out this feature is hard to use with cats!
Many of them turned out blurry like this one!
And we both look like maniacs in this shot.
I guess it is still fun to fool around trying to take pictures of both of us.

49 Notes for Daisy:
MOL! I think a kitty invented that dual view function, to fool humans into thinking they could take photos of themselves with their cats... but of course, it is impossible. ;-)
My mum has super short arms, so this feature would be no good for her.
Good luck getting a good shot.
Of course you have to try if you have a cool function like that on your camera !
Oh, these pictures are FUN! It's always a nice treat to see a picture of you and Harley with your mommeh. Despite the butt. Hee. You said butt.
Oh Daisy- that bottom one is the absolute BEST!
#1 agrees that the arm length issue is a hard one to deal with!
I like them all.... up close and personal...
pawhugs, Max
Blurry or not, maniacs, butts or whatever, these shots are definitely fun and funny!
We like the bottom one the best but they are all pretty funny. Everyone looking very confused as to what is going on. But Daisy, knowing you and your Mom and Harley, I betcha, you get some really good pictures of both of you soon. That was fun.
That's a fun feature. Mom doesn't have any pictures of her with us because she's the one using the flashy box. We know your Mom will figure it out and get some great shots.
MOL @ Harley Butt!
The Florida Furkids
Daisy, I love your expression in that second picture (the first one of you). I don't know what you were looking at, but it looks like it was very interesting.
I LOVE seeing these views and I hope your mommeh will keep trying. And Harley Butts are the best Butts.
Daisy you guys look GREAT! And it's FUN to fool around with cameras!
Selina & MomKatt Laura
You need one of those extenders so that you can shoot from a distance. I don't remember what it is called, but it is a cord that you just press so you can be a bit away from your camera.
That's great to get Mommeh in the photos!
it'd be neat to see a picture of all three of you (not counting the one of the harleybutt).
That one with Harley's butt is funny!
You do looked like you head is floating!
Maybe your Mommeh needs one of those long reacher things that is used to get to something high.
We like the pictures!
~ The Bunch
Glogirly is still thinking she'd really like to have this camera. And I keep telling her, Enough Already!!!
I think it looks cool though that you look bigger than your mommeh in the pics!
~Katie & Glogirly
U kittehs and ur Mommeh look very cute! :)
Those were pawsome shots! Take more.
How cool! That's what mom needs so she doesn't take a million pictures before getting one that is passable.
You are pretty no matter what camera is used, the camera loves you!
At least you tried...Whenever I've tried I look like a man in drag, and Arwen's nose looks about a mile has given her a complex I think :(
You're all very photogenic, at least :)
Cool! We think your Mom did a great job of getting both in the picture!
Daisy you look so cute in front of your Mommeh
Too silly!!
I like that last photo - So fun!
We laughed at the maniac photo because usually it is Harley who is the maniac! I am certain that was just the camera, right?
We luf it! Our Mommy would nefur be able to get us both in a pic! We bet Harley shows his hiney alot! HaHaMeow!
He he he :) Those are pretty cool pictures. New features are always fun to fool around with!
Hey, another redheaded cat lovin blogger! :)
Oh this DID make me smile!! That is one heck of a fun camera isn't it. Harley is such a sweetheart even if he does shove his bum into pictures. Daisy you are the perfect photo subject!!
Those are fun pictures! Mum has tried getting photos of herself with us on the laptop webcam, but they didn't turn out very well.
We think those pics are fun , coolio and sweet all rolled in one.
It will be fun playing with your new camera until you get the purrrfect shot of all of you :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
Gee!! First they stick the flashy box in our faces, now they want in on the action!!!!
On the other paw, Mom thinks that feature is cool!!!"Go figure :/
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
It's kinda confusing to have to look at a camera when there's no treat there but we enjoyed your photos anyway!
what a neat feature to have on a camera. I bet your mom is having a lot of fun playing with that
Well, we think that's pretty cool, Daisy!
blurry or not.... Mum says you are still totally cute!
Ooh! My new cell phone has that feature too! I've had too much fun with it!
wow, I'm happy to see you with your beautiful Mom, I'm glad that you have a great time together :)
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond
They are still fun, cute shots! We'd love to see more.
Mieow Sweet Daisy, we furry sure wif enough practice you & your mommeh will get da hang ov it ^..^ and we will be seein really great picturez furry soon ;)and Harley will be eatin lotza treatz.....hehehehe
♥♥xoxo♥♥ ^..^ x6 +1
LOL! Love these pictures - that last one is so great. The only way I've managed a selfie with a cat is to stick the camera on a tripod and use the 10 second timer - you have to grab the cat and move quickly! :O)
LOL! I love those photos! I can only imagine how many photos your Mommeh takes every day! Good thing you don't have to send them out for processing anymore!
We bet Mommeh is doin great things with that DV feature soon!
Your Mommy has way more talent than my Mommy. She still has not figured out how to turn the flash off on her camera!
PS is it OK if Harley makes some cameo shots in our adventure in Hollywood next week?
Your photo got Harley-bombed!
Haha...I have the same camera and I had the same problem with my two! :D
Recent numbers show that 63% of US households own a pet - that's 71.1 million homes and families with dogs, cats, iguanas, parakeets, fish, ferrets, potbellied pigs, etc, etc., Taking care of a pet is tougher than taking care of an infant, since our pets can't speak. Hence, making sure your pet is safe and happy when you leave it alone at home should be a priority for all pet owners. One of the simplest ways of watching over a pet remotely is by using some sort of webcam software like GotoCamera that is easily available online these days. Thanks to technology and some very smart people who are working on making things easier for us, you can now use your basic webcam to monitor your pets while you're away from them.
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