A New Car!
If you follow my Mommeh on Facebook, you know she has been waiting for a few weeks for her new car, and that it finally arrived last week!
Here is the new car! It is a Mazda Miata MX-5. Want to go on a little drive with her?
Driving down A1A on a sunny morning in Fort Lauderdale with the top down.
The intracoastal waterway. We pixelated the guy's head because he might not want to show his face on my blog!
Driving though a fancy neighborhood. I would like to say this is my house, but that would be a lie.
The inside of the car. Hey, Mommeh! You'd better vacuum up that dirt on the floor mat!
Another view with the top down. Can you tell she loves her new car?

52 Notes for Daisy:
We don't blame her Daisy. That is one good looking car and what fun she is going to have with it. That is so sporty, for sure. Now she needs a flat Daisy and Harley so they can go ride in the car. Take care.
Wonderful new car. And that's a lot coming from me, cuz I never liked to go for rides in cars.
Have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
Daisy, when do you get to drive the new car?
A cool, sporty ride for sure!!
Did you and Harley get to ride in the car yet? I bet you won't like it as much as you mommy does.
That's a beautiful new car! We hope your Mommeh really enjoys it and always drives safely!
The Chans
Ooh! Sooo sexeh!
I'd have to fold my legs up to get in it, but vereh vereh nice!
My mom's dream car was a miata. She never got one... Our moms have good taste in cars.
We have a silver car, too...but it's not sporty! Our ears would flap in the breeze in your mom's new ride, hahameow!
Nice car!!!
I bet it's fun to drive.
OH I LOVE it. And I loved even seeing a mantion of A1A. Mom misses being in FL. so much, so a glimpse and a mention of that too, makes her smile.
BEEYOOTEEFUL car! I and mommy both want a ride. xoxox
Yay Mommeh! I'm so glad it finally arrived! Enjoy that sweet ride!
We think your Mom's new car is great Daisy - our car is silver too but fortunately it's got a roof cos it's hailing here today - ouch!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Ooo fun! My MomKatt has a MINI Cooper & she ADORES it. Let's hear it for cute little cars! Your mom will have a blast in that Miata!
And you'll look WAY classy being driven to the V E T in it! MOL!
Mom used to have a Mazda but it was a MX-6... but it died after 13 years so now she has Honda.
Oooooh, that is a FANCY car! Imagine going to the vet in that, Daisy!
(Oops...did I say something wrong???)
Hee! Hee! Well....imagine HARLEY going to the vet in that. ;)
That is EXACTLY my style!!
Drive it in good health!! (That'as what we Jewish people say lol)
Our Mom likes the car, too. She can not have one, though. She can not pay the speeding tickets she would get!
I saw your car on Facebook! It's so beautiful!
What a neat car! My Mom is wacky about her car (a MINI Cooper S) too! We don't get to go in it often- we're passenger-seat drivers. We wish your Mom many happy Motoring trips!
LOKi and Bean
We don't get the excitement, Daisy, but my Mom says getting new car is one of the most exciting things ever! Wishing your Mommeh many happy miles in her lovely new car. Don't be like our folks and only drive in the old car because they don't want the new car to get any parking lot scratches! Silly beans!
Mom had her Meow-ta for 17 years and loved it! We know your Mommeh will love hers too!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Hide the keys from HARLEY. You know that open air makes him go all squirrely.
Awesome new car, congratulations to your Mommy!...Have a fun week, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
She should. That is a very nice car! When do you go for a ride?
SWEET!!! Our Mommy is ready for a road trip!
Our human sez she wouldn't be able to get in or out of the car, but she knows yer mommy will enjoy it so much!
Your mommeh has a very cute new car Daisy but how come she didn't get it in pink and get a purrsonalized tag that says "Daisy's Mom"? Hmmm.
My human loves your human's new car!! But... is she going to take you and Harley for vet checkups in it?
I love this car!
Wow, lucky Mommy!
That's a cool car your mommeh has, Daisy! We hope she takes you and Harley for a ride!!
Your Mommy's car is way cool. Is there room fur two kittehz in there?
Wowee! What a snazzy car! Of course, it's just PURRfect for the weather in Florida where you live.
Are you going to go for a drive with her, Daisy? You should wear a kerchief on your head to keep your fur from flying!
Your Mom has the Woman's dream car. She's wanted a Miata since they came out...someday she's going to get one with a retractable hard top and paint it metallic purple. Until then she'll just sit here and be jealous.
Wowee! Daisy, we like your Mommeh's fancy new car, too! :)
Very nice car! I'm glad it finally arrived :)
That is a very fanciful car indeed! We would choose it too and can see why your Mama was so anticipatory of it! Daisy , I guess this means you and Harley will be getting driving lessons in the not so far future! :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
Your mom sure did get a sharp set of wheels there. Have you been for a ride yet? :)
Oh. Wow.
And we dont even LIKE cars...
Very sporty!
Oh wow, that is a nice, pretty car! Good for ur hoomins! :)
fancy car your mom has. can we take it for a joyride?
emma and buster
Our Ess is not the genuine name brand Ess even though we call it that. Ours is the Wal Mart version which sells for way less. Just a FYI...
Your mom's new car is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Personally Daisy I'd rather go for a ride with you!
Love it!
Benny & Lily
Such a tiny ride Daisy! You and Harley better call out "shotgun" so you're not left behind too much when Momma goes cruising. You better start hoarding food too, since there isn't much room for your Momma to fit groceries to bring home now.
My Mommy LOVES your Mommy's new car! It is wonderful!
Meowvalous! Nothing better than a CATvertible car!
Allie: Oooh SQUEE! Mother has a Miata too - same color (except hers is an older year *giggle*)
Ohhhhhhhh! :O PRETTY!!! We like watching pretty carz go by...... ^..^ (az long az we not in dem :\ )
Da mom sayz da Mansion iz not too shabby either ;;)
Purrz & Kissez to you All ~
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