Minnie Me!
Look! I got the most beautiful headdress, ever! It has sequins AND a big bow AND it is pink AND it has a flow-y scarf!
I am Princess Minnie Mouse, please give me some cheese.
I am inspired to pose for a glamor shot, on account of this headdress makes me feel beautiful!
Harley, whatchoo mean it makes my ears look big?

50 Notes for Daisy:
Thanks Miss D for making us smile. Have a good weekend honey.
Oh Don't listen to Harley, Daisy! That is one fabulous headdress!
Part me me wants to smooch you, part of me wants to CHASE you! I'm so conflicted!
Awwwww!!! Daisy, we think you are too cute ;)
Your ears are purrfect!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
I'm afraid Harley might be right about the big ears, Daisy. But it is a beautiful color on you.
pawhugs, Max
Over the years I have bought many Minnie Ears, Miss Daisy, but I do believe you have found the perfect ones!
Wow, that's quite the headdress, Daisy...er, we mean Minnie!
Every woman looks her best in pink Daisy and you're a shining example!!
That is very GaGa...very GaGa.
Those are stunning ears!! We're laffin @ Rumbles comment!!!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Oh Daisy,that big pink bow is just gorgeous. And the ears are looking good too. That is quite a head band or hat. Have a super week end.
i think i'm gonna adopt 'give me some cheese,' as my own personal catch phrase.
Daisy you look wonderful.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
At least it doesn't make your BUTT look big, Daisy! MOL
You should be able to hear EVERYTHING with those on!
I love cheese, too!
It's beautiful, Daisy! Pink is definitely your color!
You are gorgeous in that head gear Daisy.
That is a wild headdress! I think you could be in a Vegas show revue with it!
Daisy, you are ALWAYS beautiful.
You could be a showgirl in Vegas--or a Mouseketeer! Pink is definitely your color :)
Darling Daisy, you beautiful girl. Don't listen to Harley. Obviously he's jealous. You look splendid - more like a princess than a mouse!
Awww, u is very cute. I like ur outfit. :) {{{Daisy}}} {{{Harley}}}
Puuuuurrrrrfect Minnie!!!!!!!
You look beautiful, Daisy! I love all the pink and sequins :)
Daisy, don't listen to Harley - he's jealous because you are a fashion icon x
Wow what a gorgeous headdress!! You are still beautiful without it though :-)
That is a fabulous hat - on the line between plain and over the top. No one can wear the edgy styles like you do Daisy.
Daisy you are a model extraordinaire!
Is that Disney calling?
Miss Daisy!
Wow and more wow! I purrticularly love the 3rd shot of you! I just LOVE when you model for us!
I think that headband is a little big for you, but you are still beautiful as always.
Lookin' good, Daisy! Sequins look very pretty on you.
I finks maybe Harley is jealous you haf such a purrty pink hat!
That's what I fink.
Love & Purrs,
(Sorry, I had to fudge the spelling of your name to make it work)
Daisy, you are such a cutie pie. We hope you have a nice weekend!
Daisy, you make us smile every time you post a picture! Thanks for being the cutest kitty on the block!
Gronk and Izzie
Happy first weekend of summer, beautiful girl!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You are Queen of the Mice Daisy! :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
Harley's just teasing. Your ears look just fine, Daisy. Um, they have grown a bit, though, haven't they?
You are the cutest mouse we have seen!
Hmmm.... just a little bit big!
Kisses and hugs
Um, can we see Harley in that outfit? Please? ~ Ayla an Iza
Don't listen to Harley, Daisy. Everyone knows that YOU are the fashionista extraordinaire. If anyone can pull off those ears, it's YOU.
xo, Flat Katie...coming to you from BlogPaws
We like the flow-y scarf!
Happy Saturday,
~ The Bunch
You look lovely in it Daisy. Harley doesn't know what he is talking about.
Wow! I do thinked you are in a movie!
MOL! Daisy, as always you look great. Also, our mama says she wishes she had enough money to buy outfits for us as often as your mama does. AS IF!
You are a true model for being able to balance that on your head!
Daisy, our mommy loves Disney and she loves you so these photos are just what she needed to see to help her smile. Thank you pretty girl!
You look to funny in The Minnie Mouse outfit :)
Meow!! Daisy, The color pink was MADE FOR YOU! That outfit, although maybe not practical for streetwear (um, strollerware) it's devastating for a shoot. It takes a special kitty to pull off a hat like that dahlink!!
As usual, Daisy, you make EVERYTHING look gorgeous!
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