Monday Funnies!
Do not forget to vote in the Petties for all your favorite pet blogs! You can vote once daily through 7/31. Thank you!!!!!
ps: This week, on the PetMeds Pet Talk Blog, I am checking out a new travel tote so I can travel in style!

37 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, Daisy! Be nice to the Harley Quinn. He hasn't completed has time to complete his Professorship yet. Or even start. Bless his heart.
Daisy, this time I have to say Harley is right - rules are made to be broken!
I have to side with Harley on this one especially rules on snacks :)
I think you had too much wine, Harley. It has made you totally fearless! Daisy, you are such a good cat, it makes it difficult for Harley to live up to your pristine example!
Go Harley , GO Harley !!!
Fourteen hours and I can vote for you again!
I'm with Harley!!!
What rules? Cats don't care for rules.
Snack??? Got any cookies?
Harley sometimes you are revolting but guess what, we love you anyway. Our Two Two is just like you. You two would make a great pair.
I'm with Harley on this one!
MOL that's too funny!!!!
We vote every day!!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
welcome to the club harley. my sisters all think i'm revolting too.
You two are so cute and funny. Harley is a guy after my own heart!
We agree... Rules are for hamsters.
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
Just say you don't want to follow the rules.
Do you think Harley even knows that you insulted him? It is not fun when they don't know!
Oh Daisy! Are you picking on your bother, I mean brother?
High five, Daisy! That is one to the girls!
ummm - Harley?? we think Daisy may have gotten you on this one. :)
Daisy I think you might be right!
Hahahahahah! Very funny!
Be careful Harley... It might ruin your yummy dinner. Maybe you can get 1/2 snack...LOL!
Ha ha ha :) That was a good one, Daisy!
Rules? We didn't know there were rules that actually meant something.
ha ha ha ha!!!
Daisy wins!
Aww shucks.
Poor Harley, he walked right into that one.
Good one, Daisy. However, we must agree with Harley. Treats are good anytime.
LOL! Daisy, Harley has a good point! It sounds unfair rule and should be broken! by Goro.
Poor Harley...he gets insulted and doesn't realy register the insult does he Daisy ?! Thick as a brick...kinda like Levon...
Esme +
the critters in the cottage xo
Mol! Daisy 1, Harley 0
Pip, SMidgen, Minnie, HOllie
Oh Daisy, you have a way with words! (or maybe one word)heeheehee
We do like the way Harley thinks though ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
Rules do be good! I do liked to maked rules! For Aswell an' He an' She an' Hunter an' Mandy an' .... EVERBUDDY!
I do be good for making rules!
Daisy! Yous gots Harley good! Yous Rocks!
Nope not revolting at all... but a rebel for sure!
Harley is REVOLTING! And WE say we are REVOLTING too.
Oh wait, do we have ta move elsewhere ta do that?
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