Monday Funnies!
Your daily reminder! Only TWO more days to vote for all of your favorite blogs in the Petties awards!
ps: On today's PetMeds Pet Talk blog, I confess that I am not always an angel... I know, it is hard to believe!

Monday Funnies!
Posted by Daisy at 7/30/2012 04:00:00 AM
Labels: 2012 Olympics, Monday comics, Monday funnies, Olympic events
33 Notes for Daisy:
Harley, ouch! Sometimes your puns hurt!
Hahaha H - you are the best.
Oh Harley... *giggle*
Oh, Harley! hahahaha!
Tommy agrees that anything that has "ticks" in it is not good!
We voted!
MOL...Harley, you never disappointed me...I'm pretty sure you will win !
Miss you both
Haha! That tick is getting a workout!!
I love what Sparkle said. Ditto. LOVED it though.
Look at that, a tick on the Balance beam. Well done tick. Silly Harley. Going off to vote.
i'm not gonna ask what you think of the pommel horse.
BOL!!!! So funnyyyyy!!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
I don't like ticks either.
Hahameow! We kinda like tickles but not ticks...Your tick is quite athletic!
Harley, I am just speechless
Leave it to Harley to find a pun in the Olympics!
Harley--you are so funny.
Hehehehehehe!! Harley you are so silly!! Our favorite is Gymnastics, too, Dasiy! Have a wonderful day!
Your TX furiends,
Oh Harley :) I like Gymnastics, too!
HAhahahah! Harley!! Love you!
Yeah, the REGULAR ticks are bad ENOUGH!
Hee hee Harley!
Oh Harley! Not again!
hee hee heee...
That Tick is stylin must be a city tick! But a gymnas tick! :p
the critters in the cottage xo
LOL LOL LOL!! Oh the image of a tick balancing on the balance beam is hilarious! Oh Harley, you are hysterical!
LOL! That's exactly my kind of humour! Well done.
Um, Daisy? We worry about Harley sometimes. We really do. (MOL)
O hai, Harley, they do not have real ticks in gymnastics. So, u would be safe. :)
Oh Harley! MOL!
Lol my cats dont seem the least bit interested in the Olympics! :)
Ticks! What do you call a crazy tick?
A psychotic.
Those gymnast-ticks are so annoying. They can really get under your skin.
; )
Ha ha Harley! Youze iz heelaireeus! I wish you would come vizzit me :-)
Ha Ha Ha !
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