Wordless Wednesday: Lizard Observation Pen
ps: Now for the not-so-wordless part, our reminder to cast your vote in the Petties for all of your favorite pet blogs! Thanks everso!

Wordless Wednesday: Lizard Observation Pen
Posted by Daisy at 7/25/2012 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Lizard viewing pen, Wordless Wednesday
41 Notes for Daisy:
Oooo that lizard looks FUN!
Was H spoiling your good time Miss D? I can see you were telling him off.
Daisy, are you claiming that lizard for yourself - no touching from Harley? My human is like that - she wants the lizards I've found in the house to herself and doesn't want ME touching them!
Daisy , why are you smacking Harley in the head ??!!
Didn´t you think I should see that ??
I think you shall be nice to poor Harley :)
WHAP! hahahaha!
I love that Mr. Shrill is out thumpin' for votes to help Cats Exclusive get the $1,000. Way to go, Shriller!
HaHa, Ilove it when you give Harley the smackdown.
That looks like a great time. I wonder if the lizard is enjoying it... Maybe he thinks it's his kitty observation pen. HA
hugs, Max
How much time did that occupy?
Do they watch Bert and Ernie like that ??
Heheheheh - Harley smacks lizard, Daisy smacks Harley... lizard watches and laughs.
We bet that leezard is laffing and laffing at you whapping Harley, Daisy!
Eeeee! I do not think I would like that lizard in my house!
Whack the Lizard. Whack Harley. What fun!!!
So, is that a pet lizard. That is really funny Daisy, giving Harley a whap. Good for you or I should say good for the lizard for getting Harley's attention giving you a chance to whap him.
poor harley- of course the temptation would be to whap the lizard. i know what it's like to have sisters who'd prefer to whap a brother.
My (inside) cats spend hours waiting for lizards to come & sun themselves by the windows. The cats are fun to watch!
Better than TV!!
Heheheheh! I love you!
Oh dear, we forget the lizards name.....
don't get into a tug of war over him with Harley. Remember they have that trick tail.
OMD that looks to be so much fun!! I cannot believe you got a chance to watch it!! :)
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
I hope you didn't EAT the lizard
Oh cool! Are you feeding your lizard again?!
It's so cool that you and Harley have an observation pen to see lizards up close :)
Looks like fun watching the lizard. Maybe a little less whapping ;)
Oh lizard! Did you get over excited and that's why you smacked Harley?
Daisy - it looks like you are putting the smackey paw on Harley. Is he trying to take your lunch box? MOL!!!
*perk* LIZARDS? You guys get all the cool toys!
Just make sure that you're looking and not eating!
Heh heh...Harley is bapping the observation pen and Daisy is bapping Harley. That's right Daisy, you gotta keep your brother in line!
Daisy, are you telling Harley that observation means look, not touch?
Haha! Daisy you soon told Harley to keep his paws off the lizard. Is his name George?
Lizards are fun!!
We're glad to see Mr Shrill back (we think!)
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
mol! Daisy, we love how you keep Harley in line :) And way to go, Mr Shrill!
Pip, Smidgen, minnie, HOllie
you must be giving that thing a heart attack
Benny & Lily
Do you think I could stuff the VET into that pen? heh heh
...that Mr. Shrill is gonna need his own campaign bus!
Katie & Glogirly
Oh why didn't WE think of THAT? Well I did. No you DINT! Yes I did, I said we should use the skwerl trap!!! Skwerls arent Lizards! Yes they are, they are both ANNOYING. No, thats not how it werks! Oh yes they are, an I'll PROVE it.
Oh yeah?
Sure, just go in that cage an get that treat. Be sure to step on that little metal bar...
ooooh! I will like to see a lizard too! I might bark and bark though!
Don't touch--MINE!
(We think we'd like one of those lizard cages!)
This is better than videos on the iPad! And yup, we voting for you :-)
Catnip mice and other cat toys containing a catnip scent are popular with nearly all cats. Catnip is often a great way of motivating older or more sedentary cats into getting more exercise since catnip often makes cats roll around, run and play more.
I is giving u a kiss. xoxoxoxo :)
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