Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jumping for Treats

By now you probably know how much I love treats, but did you also know that I love to jump all around? One of my most favorite activities is jumping for treats! My Mommeh puts a treat somewhere and I get to leap for it, just like this:
Here is a movie so you can see me in action: 

Click here to see it full sized on YouTube

28 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Daisy, you should have gotten TWO treats for that! And clearly you agree because you were looking around for a second treat!

Poppy Q said...

You are amazing Miss D.

Anonymous said...

What a jump!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You really are an amazing jumper, Daisy!

Karen and Gerard said...

Very good, Daisy! That's cute how you look for more!

Lin said...

WOW! You are like a circus cat with that jump!

Hey--how is Bert and Ernie? I haven't seen them in a long time. They still around?

Barb said...

Leaping Lizards!

Marg said...

That was a really nice jump. You are just so smart Daisy. Have a great day.

Selina said...

You're SO beautiful my furriend, either standing still or in "Action Treat Cat" mode! :) :)

Have a lovely Thursday!


Hannah and Lucy said...

You are an excellent jumper Daisy but after all your effort we hope you got more than a miserly one treat!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Dma said...

i noticed your mom got her hand out of the line of fire pretty darn quick.

Unknown said...

Wow Daisy, you are really talented. We are glad you didn't slide right off that table. Mom has a new idea to see if she can get us off our butts! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome leaping, Daisy!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

invizabull divin board...

grate act shun mewvie daisy...we wuz waitin in suz pentz for mor treetz...

we wuz even yellin at de mewvie screen


sorree R yellin dinna help....

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I see that you were making sure that there was not another treat. That leap deserved a second!

Rose Clearfield said...

What an awesome game!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are a very good jumper Daisy. You were having a good look to see if there were any more treats.

Marilia said...


GLOGIRLY said...

I bet that leaping comes in handy when you want to get away from the Harleymaniac!
; ) Katie

Two French Bulldogs said...

thank goodness for those 9 lives
Benny & Lily

brokenteepee said...

I think you want MORE treats Daisy. That is some leap!

Poppy said...

Wow, that is a super jump! I'm pretty sure I could never jump that far.


The Island Cats said...

Wow, Daisy! You're quite the jumper!

Lorenza said...

Great jump to get the treat!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

What a amazing athlete yous is!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great jumping Daisy!!!

A Tonl said...

Allie: *shocked look* Oh my, daisy...only ONE?

Maureen said...

Love the way you were all "wait.... just ONE???"

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