Saturday, February 24, 2007

Photo Hunters #7: SOFT

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: soft. I was going to post a photo of my soft, curly furs. But instead, I decided to show a picture of the inside of my new sleeping bag. It is lined in very, very soft pink faux fur. And I just woke up from a nap, so I have a soft, sleepy expression on my face. I love my new sleeping bag!

In case you were wondering what I was dreaming about, click here and you will see!


55 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific photo Daisy! You look so soft and cute in your sleeping bag! It looks very warm and soft too.

Great minds think alike! :)

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh daisy, yoo luk sooo beeeutiful when yoo just wake up. Please note: I'm not hitting on yoo...yer anothur gerl..I'm just stating a fact! -Rosie

What an awesome sleeping bag! Yer sooo lucky to have a bag all fur yerself. We half to use owr ladys bed covurs but it's ok cause it's comfy...but now that we see how cul yer sleeping bag is were going to ask fur one frum Santa...or owr lady!

Anonymous said...

Looks soft and comfy -- thanks for stopping by my weblog too.

Pamela said...

How sweet is she all tuck up in her very soft sleeping bag! That's wonderful that they make sleeping bags so nice for little kittens! :) She is so cute!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dat'z a dreemy pikshur uv u daisy. it lookz verree soft in yer sleepin bag!
if i wuz enterin a pikshur ... "soft" would be mi noo brudder matsui'z fur!
an speekin uv matsui ... it'z almos time (if u know wut i meen)

Caylynn said...

That looks like a wonderfully soft sleeping bag. :) You look very cute all curled up in it.

Thanks for stopping by!

Waspgoddess said...

Oh what a sweetie, just adorable :)
My two cats are cuddled up together on the armchair having an afternoon nap as I'm typing this.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

daisy you have a wonderful soft place to nap honey. lucky girl you!!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

That looks very snuggly. Can you tell us where your Mommie bought your sleeping bag? I would love to have one like it (in blue). It gets COLD where we live!

Anonymous said...

This is an adorrrrrable picture of you, Daisy.
Do you share your stuff with Pixie?
Caesar and Princess sort of share... mostly Caesar takes over things he wants unless I am there to dissuade him to go somewhere else.

You have a very sweet sleepy face.

Daisy said...

Fluffy, I have several of these sleeping bags, and they are great. I get them from here!

sammawow said...

You and your sleeping bag both look soooooo soft!

China Cat & Willow

Rascal said...

Well, I don't know what you're hunting for, but that sure is a cute pic.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo look all soft and sleepy in yer soft snuggly sleeping bag.

Andree said...

You are a lucky girl. That blanket is so warm that I can feel it here! Have a warm week!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Would dat make you lazy Daisy? Pink is definitly yoor color. Hmm, would you share yoor sleeping bag wif Skeezix?

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

You look so soft and snuggly! Very nice picture.

letha said...

That is the sweetest picture ever ...

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you look so soft and warm and cuddly, I just wanna crawl in there with you....
do you think Skeezix would mind a little soft snuggle?

~ Jazper

Mo and The Purries said...

I apologize for Jazper.
He knows better than to hit on his bud Skeezix's sweetie!
No nip for him today!
Not The Mama
It’s A Blog Eat Blog World

PowersTwinB said...

doesnt that new sleeping bag look comfy! great idea for the them this week!

Shawna said...

I need a sleeping bag like that. Can I join you for a nap?

Anonymous said...

I like your sleeping bag! It looks so cozy!!

Heather said...

Daisy - you look like you've just had a great nap! So cute!!

srp said...

My goodness, that looks really soft and comfy. I wonder if the kitties here would use one... Clover loves to make caves under the covers so she might. Keep warm...

Gattina said...

Are you working for the CIA under cover ?? What a cute picture of you as secret agent !

tiggerprr said...

You look so cute and soft and cuddly! :) I just want to cuddle you! That sleeping bag looks very cozy, I bet OC would love it! I bet Carma would too, but I don't think she'd fit. LOL

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely soft photo Daisy.

Smalltown RN said...

oh I love your sleeping bag...I want one.....very nice and soft looking....

A. said...

There is a flower within my heart, Daisy, Daisy!
Planted one day by a glancing dart,
Planted by Daisy Bell!
Whether she loves me of not, Sometimes its hard to tell;
Yet I am longing to share the lot of Beautiful Daisy Bell!

We used to have a dog called Daisy. She was a darling too.

Anonymous said...

Your sleeping blanket looks very, very soft, Daisy...And very pink, as you are a Pink Lady, too!

Tara said...

What a pretty soft pink bag for a pretty soft pink lady! Tara

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, Daisy, as I always ixpektid, yoo have the most adorubul nap-face EVER!!!! I'm going to have lots and lots of fantuseez abowt nappin in that pink furry sleeping bag with yoo... ! And Jazper, yoo can look, but yoo can't tuch!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Daisy ... Love your sleeping bag, but I love your sleepy face much more. Too cute. You look good in pink (You'd hafta to be a Pink Lady and Skeezie's girlie, right?)!

Karen Jo said...

Your sleeping bag looks very soft and comfy. You look adorable in it. It's a great place to dream of Skeezix because it's PINK!

Biker Betty said...

Daisy, I love your soft sleeping bag. I could use one just like it. What a great place to take a nap!!!

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ow I know those sleeping bags and how warm and soft they are inside. Our cats have a few of them too, but prefer to cuddle up all together in one sleeping bag until it almost bursts. ;)

Great weekend and a hug for Daisy!
~ from the curly cats in Holland :)

Unknown said...

Great picture, as always!!!! If we teleport to florreduh, will you share it with us? It's cold here!! And very windy!!

and Jesse (we'll leeve cloudie at home so Skeezix doesn't get jealous!)

Catzee said...

Aw, Daisy, ya look sooooooooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very soft. I wish I had a soft bag like that. I could use a nap right now too :)...

Have a fun-filled weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE this!!! That could very well be a winner in a photo contest. You did a swell job.

My SOFT is added! Hope to see you visit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is a soft, sweet photo of you, Miss Daisy. Skeezix must be pining for you even more now.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Your colors look so much darker in the sleeping bag, Daisy.

Eclair said...

yoo arr soooo kyoot, daisy! no wundur Skeezix is crazee abowt yoo!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! All these pictures of cute kitties are making me wish we had pets!

Leah said...

You are so cute and adorable in that photo Daisy. And I envy your soft and pink sleeping bag.

Heart of Rachel said...

You look so cute peeking through that soft sleeping bag. Must be a nice place to relax.

Lisa said...

Daisy that looks so comfy. Happy weekend.

Forty Paws said...

That's a beeyoutiful sleeping bag Daisy!!! Did your mommy get it on Ebay like she gets your pretty outfits? We luf it! So soft and fluffy, and it really brings out your eyes!

Luf, Us

Patty said...

Your a cute one, This is my first visit but I will be back again

Tara said...

Hey Daisy, I tagged you for a meme. Check out my site. Tara

Skeezix the Cat said...

Just chekking bak in before I wint nitey nite... I wunted this to be the last thing I saw beefore I wint to sleep!

Anonymous said...

you are just too cute & adorable

Lux said...

That picture is just precious, Daisy! And your sleeping bag looks very cuddly ...

Anonymous said...

Cats are the softest thing in the world!

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