Sunday, June 3, 2007

More Strollering Adventures

I have not been out in my stroller in a little while, so I was very surprised when I saw these new mileage signs. There are markers at every 1/2 mile now, so you can see how far you have strolled. And they are just my height! I think they might have installed them for all cats in strollers. Can you see me in my sleeping bag? Next we went to see the lake. There has not been any progress in many weeks. Maybe because there is a very bad drought in south Florida. It looks like I busted through the barrier! Hahahahaha!
Finally, on the way back I saw this in the road! It is an armadillo. I wanted to try to help him, but I do not know any armadillo medicine. My Mommie said she was pretty sure he already went to the armadillo Rainbow Bridge, so even singing to him would not help. Sorry armadillo. You probably should not have been playing in the street.
See the No Vishus Deer button on my stroller? This keeps me safe! But I am still Not Allowed to go out into the road.

37 Notes for Daisy:

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Good night Daisy....we visited Dragonhearts bloggy at the exact same time:)))
Boy I had fun with him...he is such a gentlemancat.
I have so much to tell, but now off to bed.
PS: Poor armadillo:(( even a Pink Lady can't help out here:(

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisy - it totally looks like you knocked down that barrier!! Do you go out in your lean mean strolling machine and create havoc? Ha ha! Funny thought!

Great pictures. Sorry to the Armadillo but like you said, he shouldn't have been playing in the road!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I see you in your stroller Daisy, with your pink sleeping bag!

I like the mile markers along your strolling route. My mom says those would be very handy for running!

I've never heard of Armadillo before. What are they?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Good for you to going out.
But I afraid to going out.

You have very comfortable sleeping bag. So great~!

Anonymous said...

That is a great stroller! I would like to have one of them! I always wonder where my humans go when they left the house. With that thing they could take me with them!
Your humans must really love you!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, another great adventure! Did YOU knock the barrier down??? Just had to ask. See any BIG lizards? I agree with you, that armadillo should not have been playing in the street.

Parker said...

Mr. armadillo must have zigged when he should have zagged, poor guy! I'm glad that you got to take another stroller ride. It looks like a lot of fun and adventure!

The M's said...

We will try to send you some of our rain, everytime Mommie wants to mow the yard it rains the night before.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This was a great adventure in your stroller, Daisy!
My mommie loves the markers. Those are great to see how far you have gone!

Sorry about the x-armadillo.

We hope you have a happy day


Monty Q. Kat said...

Looks like you had a fun afternoon, except for the armadillo, that is.

Does Pixie ever go in the stroller?

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

i love storler sesion !!! It furry exicting guess what I took my storlet to feway park !! Yup i got asked to be the spottys good luck chairm

Lilly Lu

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hi daisy! what a gread venture you had. it looks furry fun! i biggified the photo and i could see you real good and you looked furry cute in there! now don't effer play in the street, right? cause you don't want to be an armadillo!

smiles, auntie bee

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Hi Daisy! My, it has been a while since we've seen you in your stroller! You look so cute! You know, in Louisiana, where Mommy grew up, they have a saying about Armadillos. "Armadillos are born dead." Cruel but true. So don't feel bad, he was doomed before you got there. PLUS, they're mean! Pets have to be kept inside at night because the Armadillos will attack them if they're small and left out or on a leash! Still, it's important to look out for our fellow animal brothers and sisters.

Kimo and Sabi said...

What a great stroll - we has never seen a squarshed armadillo before!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wut'z "squarshed"?
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Anonymous said...

How close were you to where the vishus alligator lives? My sister Lizzie is afraid that you might get et by one. (But she is always afraid of something.)

Tranquilita said...

We like your stroller, Daisy!!! We think we should need one for us to go walking :D

Los Gatos Malcriados

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wow, that's so cool, I wish I could stroll with you. I dunno what an armadillo is. And that your mommy is so strong as to break the barrier at the lake - amazing!!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That is a nice mile marker for Kitty-Cats in strollers!
We are so sorry about the armadillo. We have opossums that play in the road and sadly, this happens to them, too.
Hope you got some rain, we got about 100 drops, that's all.

Myst and Blackie said...

Nice looking stroll Daisy. Mom said that armadillos are opossums on the half shell and that both are caught in the road a lot by cars around here.

Lux said...

That's the first time I ever heard of an armadillo - you learn something every day. Daisy, can I go riding with you in your stroller (if Skeezix doesn't mind)? My only outdoor option seems to be that dratted harness!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Mom stopped the car the other day to help a turtle cross the road. You have to pick them up with their rear facing away from you because they shoot turtle pee at you in self defense and it really stinks!
You are so cute in your stroller. Do people ever look in there expecting to see a baby??

Zoey and the furballs said...

What fun! Daisy you are so adorable in your stroller.

Spoon of life said...

I see you you little cute thing you!!!


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Aww ... That poor armadillo. We didn't know that you had them in Florida ... We only heard about 'em bein' in Texas.

It's a good thing that you've got a "NVDeer" button on your stroller for protection ...


Skeezix the Cat said...

Daisy, I wint to Wikipedia to look up armadillo becuz I wunted to find owt if they were vishus or not. It sed: "Armadillos are small placental mammals, known for having a bony armor shell. The Dasypodidae are the only surviving family in the order Cingulata." I think this mite meen that eether yoo are reelaytid to armadillos or yoo were destind to servive win the armadillos got sqwarshed in the rode. Whut do yoo think?

Daisy said...

I think the armadillo might have just stolen my name. But he spelled it wrong. He probably got squashed in the road because he is not very smart. I do not think he is very vishus though. At least, not anymore.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Daisy, i just wanted to say that your songs to me are wonderful and make me feel better! Fank you! - Miles

Anonymous said...

"Wow" Daisy your stroller ride looks like alot of fun.Wish I had one yet we live in the city.Poor armadillo.

MaoMao said...

Aww, poor armadillo! But your stroller sure looks kool, whatta great way to go adventurin'!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

So sad about the armadillo. But you look lovely in your stroller, dear, and strollering looks like a delightful way to get out and see the world! And I also want to say that I've read your songs to Miles, and you are quite a talented lyricist!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat armadillo wuzn't furry smart to be playing in da road. Dis is why mom gets mad when beans dogs and kitties are in da street. We'z still working on dad to get us a stroller, or mom needs to get another job and buy us one herself. Yoor stroller advenchurs look so fun.

The Cat Realm said...

Oh Daisy, that is nice that your mom takes you out in a stroller! If you did not grow up outside in the real world it might be safer for you this way!
We are both pretty street smart - actually "desert smart" would be better - but we still spend nights inside! And sometimes, when we don't our human staff gets REALLY upset...
It is dangerous out there - as that poor armadillo unfortunately had to find out. So sorry!
You keep safe
Karl and Anastasia

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy you are such the adventurer. Running down barriers, stopping to see if you could help a fallen animal. You are the best. We really thank you for all the help you have given us being new bloggers. Mom still hasn't figured out the Photo shop program, but she's trying. Have a wonderful day.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Strollering looks like fun! Nick and Kate have a friend called Leigh who used to have a kitten called Morris who used to sit on Leigh's shoulders and go for adventures walking around Hobart. Morris is about my age, a bit younger, but he went on the lam in 2001, and hasn't been seen since. I'll post about him sometime. I've got photos.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Such a nice day out. The stroller looks like so much fun. I am trying to get the Spice Cats to enjoy an outdoor adventure too.

Karen Jo said...

I really like the signposts with the mileage on them. You had such a nice ride. Too bad about the armadillo.

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