I Done a Bad Bad Thing
Here I am sniffing a pretty gardenia that Mommie picked from the yard. It smells nice! This is before I done the bad thing.
See the pretty crystal vase? Mommie said it is was the perfect size for the little gardenia flower.
So, after the flower died, my Mommie washed the vase and it was sitting on the counter to dry. I was just going to pat-pat-pat the vase, to see what it felt like. Then I heard a loud CRASH! And somehow, the vase got on the ground, in a squillion pieces. And it scairt me a lot! And then Mommie yelled at me in a very loud voice: "Daisy! Watch out for the broken glass!!" And I got even more scairt. And I RAN upstairs! And I hid under the bed.

Update: Because of all of the nice comments I received, I feel much better about my little mistake. Thanks for your support! Oh, and my paws did not get cut from the glass.
64 Notes for Daisy:
Oh Daisy, you didn't do anything wrong. It was just an accident. Your mom shouted because she was scared that you could injure yourself on the broken glass. I'm very glad you weren't hurt.
Oh daisy you did not do any fing wrang you were just playing my game No Iris No it more than a than a game it a way of life I love then sound of chrash you should just blame tlup she bad
Oh Daisy, what a shame you got scared from the noise of the vase breaking. I am sure you didn't mean to break it you were probably just exploring to see where the flower had gone? I hope you didn't cut your pretty little feet? FAZ
We are very glad that you didn't hurt yourself! That is the important thing! It's ok, Daisy, don't be sad. We agree with your Mommie, it was just a 'thing'.
Don't feel bad it was only an accident. You weren't trying to break one of your Momma's things. She wasn't upset with you so you shouldn't be upset with yourself. She still has one other. It's good that you didn't get hurt. I am sure that is what she was the most concerned about.
Mistakes happen Daisy, it was such a pretty vase who can blame you for wanting to touch it.
Oh oh, yoo din't cuts yoor feet? Dats good, mom was just worried yoo wood gets an owie. If yoo were trying to brake it den she wood be mad. Mom's don't get mad bout broken stuff when it was an aksident. Heck, if moms gotted mad about us noking stuff down I'd be outa here by now.~Speedy
Accidents happen! Actually, they happen a lot (at our house). I am glad you didn't get cut, your Mommy was right to get you away from there right away!
I am so glad you are OK!
Oh Daisy, it was an accident. You just wanted to see how it felt, no one blames you. Your mom was very scared that you would get hurt, that is why she yelled. Are you alright? Did you get glass on your feet? We hope not. Things can be replaced. Come out from under the bed. We are very happy you weren't hurt.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom
Well, pretty vases are replaceable but if you got bloody paws, you would have had to go to the vet, yikes!
Daisy, you are a good kitty.
we love you loads
<3 *~Princess
oh poor daisy, it was just an accident, your mom loves you no matter what
Poor Daisy! You got all scared! But your mommy is pawesome to look out for you and not get hurt from broken glass.
oh you sweet little girl! that is okay. that vase just jumped off i bet and made you think you did it. you are so lucky to have a wonderful mom honey!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy don't be ashamed, these things happen to all of us. The important thing is that your Mommie was not mad. The Lap Lady wouldn't be mad either but the Tall Man would have freaked out.
Daisy, please don't feel so guilty... you have nothing to be ashamed of.
You were just curious about that little vase. Well, a cat is supposed to be curious! When I am curious, and I knock something over, my human calls me a Good Cat.
I am glad your mama was thinking quickly and warned you not to step on the glass. That can hurt like an alligator bite!
hi daisy...you came to visit! i'm already under the bed.
(who is trying to cheer you. shame and embarrassment are tough...i don't think your mommie wants you to feel bad)
We are just glad you didn't hurt your feets.
Oh, Daisy, I was on the edje of my seet wayting to see if yoo got hert, and I'm glad yoo didn't. And thare's no need to feel emberrust. That psyko stray cat Trip duz stuff like that all the time --- the Food Lady sez he's like a bull in a Chineeze shop, whutever that meens --- and no matter how much stuff he noks over, he never gits spankt. Or emberrust. And he's a vary bad cat.
Do yoo need sum cuddles?
Daisy my sweet friend please don't be sad it was an accident.I'm sending you this big (HUG)to help you feel better.
BabyBean pulled a big shelf thing onto herself once and broke a picture frame and the only reason MomBean yelled was 'cause she was afraid somebean was gonna get hurt. Glass can make big huge ouches in kitty and bean paws.
Don't feel bad.. it was an accident. That happens all the time at our house with Nubi.
cheer up
That sure does sound scary! Breaking things are very scary!!! You never know what could happen! I am very glad you did not get hurt. Don't feel bad liddle lady.
see, you pat pat pat and I whap whap whap -but it turns out it's the same fing.
you didn't get any glass in your pawsies did you?
Oops! Nefurr mind Daisy, it wuz just an axydent and those fings happen. Yer mum wuz just worried yoo hurt yerself.
Oh Daisy, Don't be upset!!! It was just a silly old vase and those can be replaced. Besides, your mommy has another one anyway. Accidents happen. We knock over lamps all the time here. That's why we have an endless supply of lightbulbs.
Luf, Us
I'm glad to hear that you were not injured in that accident. The human male knocked some stuff over last night and we had to tread carefully too.
Oh Daisy, it was an accident. We are glad that you did not get hurt.
My cat Kitiara knows too well how you feel. You can read about our vase disaster at our blog How to Hold a Cat Without Losing an Eye. See the post When Disaster Strikes Only the Strong Survive. I hope it perks you up!
Sweet Little Daisy,
We see your update and are glad you are feeling a little better. Those nice cut glass vases reflect the light in rainbows and any cat would be tempted to pat pat pat it.
We have all broken glasses and Mommie has done the same thing, just to keep us from getting into the broken pieces.
I think the most terrible thing happening was that loud noise of the smashed vase. We cats have so sensitive ears. Like for a human when a house explodes right beside him/her. They sometimes forget about that. It is always the best place to hide under the bed. Especially when it is kingsize one. No one can reach us there.
Don't be ashamed. I once jumped in a glass which was standing on a table while I was hunting a fly..
I'm glad that you didn't hurt yourself, Daisy.
Don't worry anymore, was only an accident.
Daisy, you did nothing wrong! Curiosity is just part of who we are and the important thing is your paws are OK.
I've broken many things in my first year and Mom still loves me. You can be sure your Mom loves you too!
Your friend
Yer a bad, bad gerl... a purrfikt trate for a spicy vixin! Wanna join the groop?
Daisy, I'm glad your paws didn't get hurt. No worries, things happen.
Daisy we are furry happy that you didn't get hurt. We've broken some of mom's stuff but she still luffs us and I'm sure yore mommy still luffs you. Once Trixie broke two vases and a figurine at one time trying to get into a window but mom still luffs her.
Don't worry Daisy, we have all done something like that. Being the Bad cat that I am, I don't care if I knock stuff off. It was in my way. Scrappy, on the other hand, is sensitive like you. She doesn't like making oopsies. I am sure you mama was very glad you didn't hurt yourself.
I'm glad you feel better Daisy. Your mommy was just taking good care of you and making sure you didn't get hurt. It is very nice of her to not get mad at you for exploring the vase. It was just an accident. I'm glad you didn't get hurt!
We were so sorry that you were scared but we're very happy that you didn't get hurt.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I'm so very happy that your paws were unhurt! I would have been so sad had you gotten hurt 'cause being hurt is not fun. Your Mommy loves you and knew that you were just curious and meant no harm.
Awwww, I'm sorry that happened, but I'm so glad you didn't get cut. And yeah, your momma just didn't want you to get hurt. She sounds like a furry wonderful momma and she loves her Daisy!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Phew, glad you didn't get hurt from the glass. Beans should know better than to leave interesting stuff out if they don't want us to be curious about it. I mean, we're cats and we're curious!
your bud Pepi
Oh, sweet Daisy, you aren't bad. You are lively and curious. And I'm sorry you were scared by the crash. Your mom loves you and was looking out for your safety. I'm glad you are feeling better now and that your paws didn't get cut.
And yes, what a pretty gardenia!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
It was just an accident, Daisy. That vase was very pretty and you were just curious. I am really glad that you didn't get cut on the glass.
WHEW! We're glad yer OK - yer mom is furry nice :)
aoooh Daisy!! Don't feel bad!!! You didnt; do anything wrong and your human knows that!! Look at you, all bashful and shy..aw...I wish I could come over and give you a big comforting snuggle!
We are glad you did not get glass on your paws. THAT HURTS! Kat 3 and I break stuff all the time. We are all lucky our investors love us.
Ooh, poor Daisy, it's OK. Momma was just afraid you would get hurt. she's right, it was just a thing. Don't you worry.
oh no! we're furry glad yur paws didn't get cut! we gots 2 solutions fur that breaky problem...fur stuff that's gotta be moved 'round lots, the werd is "plastic", and fur breaky stuff the Lady buys erfqwake putty at Home Depot. she kin pick the stuff up ta dust it, but Midnight can't nock it offur (an Midnight LOVES to nock stuff offur, but on purrpose).
we're glad yur okay!
We broke some stuff last week, too. Don't be embarrassed. We got the "stay away from the glass" yelling, too, but it's just because Momma was startled and didn't want us to get hurty paws. You have a very nice Mommie for not making you have a time out.
PS - You look very pretty in the first picture.
Awwww, Daisy...Yes, the important thing is that no little paws got hurt from the broken glass! And mommy has another matching one! It is a very beautiful vase, and purrfect for gardenias! I love the smell of them!
Dearest Daisy - you shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed, your Mommie is right: just a thing and you were lucky and didn't cut your paws, which really is the most important thing!
My goodness, there's nothing left for me to say - everyone's beat me to it! Well, there is this: the last glass broken around here was broken by a bean, not a cat!
I broked mum's Gallileo thermometer about a year ago. In the middle of the night. She too got up and yelled for me to stay out of the glass. Then she cleaned the mess up. I was forgiven about it.
Poor Daisy. Accidents happen and it's okay. You didn't mean it.
Perhaps you caught a case of "dropsy" from Lucky Charmz? He broke one of Mom's pitchers from the fireplace mantel ...
I'm glad that you didn't get your paws cut!
I am glad to hear that you are okay Daisy! I knock stuff over all the time (but they aren't usually glass things). Meowm says that I have a tail like a labrador. I don't know what she is talking about.....I am NOT a d-o-g!
these things happen daisy. no need to worry. i'm sure mom is not mad at u :)
Daisy, I get embarrassed when I do something like that too. I'm glad your mom wasn't mad at you.
Daisy honey, It's only an accident. Don't worry, let me give you a hug~!!!
*michico & Adan *
Daisy...stuff is not important...your mombean knows that. YOU R what matters most 2 her. All of us here in CB land love and look up 2 U 4 all the goodness in U. You come 2 c us efurrrry day no matter what....how you do it, we will never figure that out. So glad you ran fast under the bed to safety. Did you C Suzanne there? She is my beloved sister, but U no that:))
Poor little baby It's only an accident. Don't worry.
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A Gatorrismo!!! Muhahahahahaha!!
I fink lyk da ofur poodins - your Mommy just yelled cos she was scairt you wud hurt your pawsies, not cos she was mad. I once knocked Meowmie's favfurite glass casserole dish of da bench and she yelled too, but only cos I was trying to walk rite fru da glass shards and she wos wurried I wud get cut.
I do fink it funny, tho, at ofur two years later, Meowmie still sometimes finds bits of da brown glass . . . it went EFFURYWHERE and was furry hard to clean up. Meowmie dusent fink it so funny.
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