Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thursday Thirteen, Edition #24

Here are 13 things I did this week:

  1. I teased Pixie one time. OK, two times. But she didn't mind.
  2. I broke a beautiful crystal vase by mistake.
  3. I got to go strollering! I saw an armadillo in the road. He was dead.
  4. Went out on my harness and leash. I saw a bird and a fish. They were not dead. Unless fish can still swim when they are dead. Nah. That movie was called Dead Man Walking. Not swimming.
  5. I played with my toys. I did this many times.
  6. I practiced my circus tricks.
  7. I have been trying to learn how to write poetry. But I found out that poetry is hard to do.
  8. I have been practicing my singing. I need to practice some more, I think.
  9. Shopped for new clothes. I bought a very cute new denim romper! With buckles!
  10. Played in a box. (Not my litter box. I only do business there.)
  11. I ate some food. I did this every day.
  12. I looked out the window trying to find some lizards.
  13. Snuggled with my Mommie. I also did this many times.


55 Notes for Daisy:

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Hi Diasy!!!

Numbers 11 and 13 are very important! And Pixie is a very good sport! Have a super fantastic day!

Parker said...

#13 is the best, isn't it? I look forward to seeing your denim outfit!


Ooo Daisy

You had an interesting week!


Unknown said...

Nice list..Our new kitten Pixel, climbed on the recliner and fell asleep with Lucy the basset hound this week

Ali & Fiona said...

Hey Daisy, we did a lot of the same things this week too, here we thought we were the only cats.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

it looks like you are boxing with pixie in that foto

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sounds like a bizzy week. We spent a lot of time watching mom work and sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy,

What a fun week you had. I can see that you're the type of cat who appreciates life's small pleasures. Good for you.


P.S. Happy TT!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you did some great stuff this week Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we ate, snuggled, and did business, too! Played some, too...but not that much this week. Still trying to get over all of the changes...

Tara said...

You have had a great week Daisy!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what a furry busy week for my darling little friend!! you need a nap!

smiles, auntie bee

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a very good list. What an exciting week for you!

LZ said...

You had a great week! You must be really tired and ready for the weekend.


Christine and FAZ said...

Sounds like a very good week to me (and I can't wait to see your new outfit with buckles). FAZ

The Cat Realm said...

What a nice week you had! We wish you many more of those to come.

Forty Paws said...

We've noticed you have been singing on a lot of blogs. You've been a busy busy poodin.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Whew! You did a lotsa stuff dis week Daisy. You must be tired. You are a furry busy girl and the pikshure of you and yer sister is great.

the Book of Keira said...

Sounds like a very busy

The Furry Kids said...

You had a busy week. I can't wait to see your new outfit.


PS - We sort of dedicated our TT to you this week. :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You sure were busy this week, and it's not over yet!
Looking forward to seeing the new outfit :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Instead of poetry, tru Haiki. A couple years ago all the blogosphere cats were writing it, Of course it started with Max! The syllable pattern is 5-7-5:
Curly Cat Daisy
Splendid fashion girl
Tiny Devon Rex

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Re #8: definitly need more praktiss. But don't praktiss on me.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think Pixie has very good mood today.
Happy Thursday~!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
it haz been a busy week fer u.
i'm eggzawstid thinkin abowt it.
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Anonymous said...

Lots of fun things on this list! My kitty likes to cuddle with me and play in boxes (not litter boxes but cardboard boxes, especially the ones that my baby boy's toys and strollers and furniture came in!) Writing poetry is hard to do. I've never succeeded in writing anything that was even good enough for a greeting card!!

Anonymous said...

Great list Daisy don't feel to bad about the poetry it's hard. Mommy helps me with mine.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see your circus tricks! What do you do?

The M's said...

You were a very busy lady this week.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I like that yer a bad gerl sumtimes. It kinda givs me urjes. And if yoo wunt, I'd be happy to put on sum leotards and praktiss cirkus triks with yoo. As long as we don't see any klowns. I'm ascared of klowns.

Anonymous said...

My cat Rocky says hi to Daisy and wishes he could play with her too. His tricks are on hold right now while he recovers from a dental procedure. Ouch! When he is better, he will be back again to finding 'greenies' where mom has hidden them.

Daisy said...

Skeezy, let's put on pink sparkly leotards and practice walking on the tightrope together!

MaoMao said...

hehehe, you've had a really good week, soundz like! And I'll recommend you a great poetry teecher -- Jeter. He'z the best poetry coach evur!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

You've had quite an exciting week! And aren't Mom snuggles wonderful *smile* and *purrrrrrr*.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, Daisy, that sownds like FUN!!! Ixsept we have to wate till I git over my kold cuz I'm having ixplosions in my noze that mite make me fall off the titerope.

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow Daisy, you were a very busy kitty this week. Sounds like you had lots of great adventures. Can't wait to see the new outfit. We are late with our TT today, Mom was sick most of the day yesterday and she just finished it and posted it. She is better now, she thinks it was something she ate. Tigger and I sat
and purrrrrrrrrrred on her. We don't like it when she is sick Have a wonderful Thursday.
Samantha & Tigger

Karen Jo said...

You have had an exciting week so far, Daisy. I'm glad Pixie didn't mind your teasing. I can't wait to see your new outfit. Maybe Psychokitty Max could give you some singing lessons. He's really good at it.

The Furry Kids said...

Thank you for the tile repair tip. Momma's going to try that out.


Shilgiah the Cat said...

Wow! You did and saw lots of things. I thought all armadillos lived in Texas. They live in Florida too? Well, you saw a dead one so maybe they only die in Florida.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Wow, Daisy, u's saw a real live dead armadiller? we haf those here in Texcats, but i's never seed one.
Purrs, KC

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow, you're busy Daisy! I'm so glad Pixie let you tease her. It sounds like she might be getting pearkier having you around.
We can't wait to see you're new outfit!

JT said...

You've had a busy week! I can't believe you saw an armadillo on the road... even though you posted a picture. Are they common where you live? I've never seen a real one before. Only on television!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

You've been busy! Cooper would like me to get him flea and tick stuff so I can take him outside on his harness and leash again.

Chanterelle just wants to feel better; her IBD seems to be flaring up again.

Happy TT, Daisy!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Daisy it is so fun being goofy somedays:)
Did you C my sidebar? I have some addys in it thanks to you and your smart Mombean....and my lapdaddy too. He did all the blue streek in the air stuff for a while...whatefurrr that means.
Plese thank your mom so much for me:)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my I forgot my manners....PLEASE say meowz to Pixie for me and give her some soft head buttts>(^,^)<

Jake and Bathsheba said...

You do have a lot of fun. Just be sure to respect your elders and don't tease Pixie too much--unless she likes it. I can't wait to see you in a Fashion Friday modeling your new romper. I don't like to wear clothes myself, but I like to see other cats in them.


Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Wow, Daisy. You can sing? I am impressed.

Rascal said...

Sounds like it was a very productive week.

Zoey and the furballs said...

Daisy you have such an interesting life!

Anonymous said...

Wow, a stroller. I only get to go outside when I have to go see the v-e-t. I realllllllllly like reading your blog everyday. You can come and see mine if you like.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

You lead an exciting week!

caspersmom said...

I really like this picture of you and Pixie. I like the way you are sitting there reaching up to her. Say, keep practicing your singing with your circus tricks and maybe you can plan a recital and be a great entertainer. Although I bet you are a great entertainer now with all the great things you have done this past week.


snowforest said...

Great week Daisy! Perfect comination of play and comfy!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Daisy! The vase jumped! Remember that. Just like the champaign flute and candle holders at my house.

You have had a busy week! Didn't you ever sleep? I do that more than anything. Purrs!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You had a VERY eventful week! Gosh, I wish that my mom would let me do all of that stuff.

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