I have mentioned before that hats are very, very hard to wear. I am trying my best to model this summer-time straw hat, but it is a little bit too big for my little head. It has a very large brim to keep the sun off my face.

Here is my best pose!

Unlike my special friend
Skeezix, who is a fashion icon, I do not know how to wear sunglasses. So I decided I would try my hardest to wear them on my hat in a very fashionable style. This made my hat so heavy I could barely hold my head up! See, my tongue is sticking out because I am concentrating so hard.

Next I decided to try wearing just the sunglasses on top of my head. It did not feel enjoyable, so I am not smiling very good.

Here I am taking a break after the photo shoot. Even while I am relaxing, I am giving those bad sunglasses a very, very hard look.

My fashion advice is that it is easier to wear small hats with chin-straps. Big hats are No Good.

Fashion Friday: My Straw Hat
84 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy I think that maybe beach wear is not your thing.
Good work though, you looked like you tried real hard in this weeks modelling job.
Did your mommy come home yet? Did you give her lots of smooches? Or just the bitey for leaving you.
I will take your advice and never wear big hats. They are No Good!
Huffle Mawson
Daisy, we think the top two photos are adorable. You look great in the sun hat.
We think you should leave the sun glasses to Skeezix tho.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Haha Daisy, we can see from your look that you don't like those sunglasses. You look cute in your hat though.
Dearest Daisy,
It is very important that if you wear hats or sunglasses that it be very enjoyable. You made the right decision to take that ol' hat and them sunglasses off. You are a very wise girl.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
I think that is very neat of you wearing that glasses.
That is very very difficult,
I tried it before, and failer all the time!!!
You look great in that hat!
Daisy, I think your future is bright you have to wear shades!
The only trouble is that it would hide your pretty face!
Daisy, we know how difficult it is for your little head to wear those great big hats! That is why it is all the more adorable! That second photo is priceless and we think worth all the trouble of the beach photo shoot! Mom's saving that one!! =)
Daisy, you look as pretty as Scarlett O'Hara at the Barbeque at Twelve Oaks! I declare, Miss Daisy!
Your pal,
Petey Butler
Daisy, It looks like you are doing some Yoga, or maybe Pilates, in that last shot. Have you taken a new hobby? Will pilates help squishy tummy? cause I have it too!
Oh,I like your hat Daisy :) It's important to not get sunburned !
I think you need special sunglasses for your dainty face ;) heehee
Maybe now you can whap the glasses off the table :)
Purrs Mickey
Big hats be BANNED!
purrs Goldie
Thank you Daisy for that important fashion advice . I like the hat and glasses though
Your expressions are too much !!! hahahaha
I understand this thing about big hats and promise to get Mummy to pose the photo of me trying really hard to wear one of D'boy's hats once! ;) Oh and I'm in a wonderful mood 'cause D'boy is home!!!!! :)
Hey daisy.. from whom you take advice when you go to shop a new hat for you?
You look so adorable wearing the hat Daisy, i wish i could wear a hat too ^_^
I LOVE the straw hat!
big hats, no strap, no good. got it.
sunglasses are overrated. I prefer squinting.
Daisy, we think you look beautiful in anything or nothing at all.
We missed you!!!!!
Come and visit!
Daisy, you do look good in a hat, but I agree, that one's too big. I like the pretty ribbon on the hat. You do such a nice job with the modeling.
I'm mad at my sunglasses too -- they keep slipping down my nose. Ornery things. Love the second photo!
Ugg I don't like big hat ether! Momma always trys to put her giant hats on me! I did like your best picture though!!
Daisy, we will take your advice and only wear small hats with chin straps! We loved your photo shoot! You are such a great model!
Your (will we ever see sun again) FL furiends,
very good advice daisy! thank you for helping all of us with our fashion sense!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy...maybe you need a bigger head???
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You look very elegant wearing your pretty straw hat Daisy :)
You looked lovely in the hat.
The sunglasses looked very uncomfortable, maybe you should give them the bitey.
~S, S & C
Ha ha ha! Oh Daisy, you look great whatever you wear, but I think heavy glasses are not good :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
Daisy, your Mom needs to cut holes in the hat for your ears to poke through. I bet it would be easier to wear then. You look cute anyway!
Daisy, I don't think you give yourself enough credit for your natural modeling talent -- you looked adorable even if those items were hard to wear.
The humans have read a lot about the recent rains in Florida and we're worried about you. Are you and your mommy and Pixie and Snail ok? We hope so.
That looks like really hard work modelling Daisy! But you did a very good job! And you were so cute! Jelly Bean doesn't like to model hats either...
Daisy, you are a natural born model! You look adorable in your hat and shades!
I've never been much for hats, unless they're big enough to sit in, and then I may sit in one for a little while. I've never tried sunglasses, tho'. My mom's got several pair..I'll go check and see if they fit...
Those sunglasses look like trouble. Maybe some aviators? Or Ray Bans or something? Oh, and definitely lose the hat - your ears should be free!
Your pal,
There's really no reason to wear fashions that are not comfortable! Perhaps you can have your mommie buy a large hat instead and then you can put a soft blanket in it and use it as a bed! That should be the best possible use of a hat anyway..
You always dress in the latest fashions. We admire your style.
Lucinda - Chicats
Our blurpy sisser does not like sunglasses either, but she looks good in hats - you look furry fashionable in that hat!
As always, Daisy, you look great! Taylor Catsssss said, "you look good in everything or nothing at all." Daisy, please don't go that route. The kittys that pose for PlayCat or CatHouse magazines always end up in flea bag hotels with nip addiction. We love you Daisy, don't do it!!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Oh, Daisy, that second picture is just the cutest!!! :)
But you still looked very cute in it, Daisy.
Maybe you could design your own line of cat hats.
You did a great modeling job as always Daisy....can you hear our paws clapping? Toy, " I like your last pose, I sit like that all the time...it always puts a big smile on mommies face."=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
LOL! I loved your modeling pictures today! One was just funnier than the next! That hat does look very big for you, but very fasionable! You are a very good model, Daisy, to put up with that!
Oh, boy! That looked like a difficult photo shoot right there, Daisy! I've never seen you having to take a break before!
Being a model just isn't easy on some days, is it? Everyone thinks it's just glamour, glamour, glamour 24-7!
They have no idea of how hard you really have to work! ;)
You pulled it off, though. Fabu as usual!
You look so gorgeous and adorable in that hat and those specs! Like a real movie starlet! I'm star struck!
Milo xx
But you are super cute in that hat!
Oh but Daisy, that straw hat was super cute! You made Mommy SQUEEEEE!
You look pretty cute in that hat, Daisy. We like it without the sunglasses.
Our foster Tuxie is at the hospital. He is diabetic. We will have more information after we pick him up.
~ The Bunch
"Oh" Daisy you were very good.
I don't like hats yet you look so sweet...Hugs Ariel
Even though I agwee smallew hats awe bettew, that pictoowe of youw best pose is pwetty wondewful..I don't think you should weaw glasses..they don't look comfowtable at all..btw..that is a pawsome ballet stwetch you awe doing while welaxing
smoochie kisses
maybe head accessories are just not for beautiful kitty models?
Daisy, You're so petite. No wonder it's hard to wear a heavy hat or sunglasses.
We've updated our post. Four Paws's offer has been rejected - for good reason!
That is excellent advice, Daisy. I think the best picture is the last one, where you're resting after the photoshoot. You worked very hard modeling that too big hat! And glasses.
Daisy I really like those sunglasses.
Are you staying safe and dry from the Storm named Fay?
Daisy, you were very brave to try to wear such a large hat on your tiny little head.
We have been wondering how the storm named Fay treated your area?
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
That last shot looks like you are doing some yoga! (also the second one!)
Nice photos, as always! :)
Hi Daisy,
You looked so purrrrty in that hat.
Oh Daisy, I love reading about you! And I just noticed I am signed in to moms account, but this is Gizmo btw.
Daisy my dear girl,
Did your Mommie bring you the hat from Key West? You look so fashionable. So glad the storm is away from you. Brevard County really got the brunt of the storm. Nice weekend.
I love Fridays,
Bobby & Theresa111
Daisy- That hat is not neerlie as kul as yer tiney hats that fit nicelie on yer head.
Oh, and we wure so eggsited that owr lady is following yoo on twitter. now we ask hur what yoo are doing ALL THE TIME!!!
ooooo...you do sit up crunches just like me! (Sadie says to tell you that yours seem to be working. I say to Sadie: Ppffftt!)
I think you look like Daisy Bad As* in those sunglasses. I think the look totally works for you.
As Tim Gunn would say: Make it Work!
Big hats are only good for hiding under. Hope yoo stayed dry from the hurrykane. We had lotsa rain heer but it wuzzint a hurrykane. Mommy sez thanks for stopping by to check on her. The kitty blogs are helping her pass the time fast. She mite be home tomorrow!
"en el mar, la vida es más sabrosa, en el mar, todo es felicidad..."
That is a song: in the sea, life is so delicious, in the sea, everything is happyness...
hehe Daisy it looks like you are going to turn on your lazer eyes to pew pew the sunglasses into oblivion.
You are very professional though, you tried :)
The second picture is a true model's pose. Tell mom to forget about the glasses.
LOL Daisy your last pose is so funny! You looked like you were doing Yoga stretches. My old dog Fel used to sit like that too.
Daisy, our Momma is smiling so big at that last picture of you ... that is so cute how you are sitting there staring at the sunglasses!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Hi, Daisy!
You look adorable with your hat and sunglasses!
I like my dresses but I can't stand to have something on my head!
Kisses and hugs
you look smashing in that hat!
We agree. Big hats no good.
Luf, Us
You just have to find the right designer; big hats were pretty good to Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman".
I like the Jedi attempt to manipulate the sunglasses with your mind ...
Heh..looks like you want to treat the sunglasses to a toothy death!
You look so good even when you hate hats like that. I am not personally a fan myself!
love the 2nd pic--and the yoga-esque stretch for the glasses in the last pic :)
Wow...that last photo shows how flexible you are.
Now, you're not going to believe this, but that first photo ... you look just like a lady I work with, LOL. True! She's not as furry tho. And doesn't have whiskers.
I think you look great! You look like you are ready for the beach....uh, ok, minus the water.
me like the last poicc of you stretching!! you is like olimpic gymnistz!!
We think you are still a very good model. Most models wouldn't put up with those bad sunglasses and hat for as long as you did!
Daisy , you look stunning!
Be sure n give you Mawmee sum huggies...
Daisy, dat hat looked purrtee good on you evn ifns it was too big.
doze glasses haf to go fur sure!!
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