Photo Hunters: Wrinkled
The Photo Hunters theme this week is wrinkled. At first, I thought of showing a picture of the wrinkles on my Mommie's face, but she did not smile big when I suggested that. So here are some other things: I like to play with tissue paper until it is a wrinkled mess!

85 Notes for Daisy:
Hi, Daisy and Pixie! Please don't fight over the good shirts.
Miss D, that was a good post about wrinkles. Nice to see some lovely pictures of Miss Pixie Banana herself.
Have a good weekend ladies.
Oh dear Pixie you do need to hold them up a bit!!
AHhh! Get that cat a bra! Haha.
Feel free to hop over, check out my PhotoHunt and drop your link.
Dear Daisy,
Uh, you might want to be careful...between tellin' your mommy she has wrinkles on her face and Miss Pixie that she has a wrinkly undercarriage and needs a might be in a litte trouble...Run quickly and give everybody headbutts.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Miss D, you have a great sense of humour! Very entertaining! And Pixie is certainly quite a unique friend to have!
Miss Pixie's wrinkles are "character folds"
If I were you I'd stick with the wrinkled paper...
It's so good to see sister Pixie...
Mom says wrinkles add character. Daisy, we think maybe our Mom has too many characters.
Hi, sweet Pixie!
"I am sorry to tell you this, but you might need to wear a bra" hahahaha are really funny Daisy..hahahaha
Greetz you think maybe it's not very nice to point out Pixie's slightly wrinkled and 'unsupported departments' in public?!!
Lol...tooo funny :o))
My Mommy says that wrinkles are lovely.
I think my Mommy is very lovely!
Good on you Pixie. Wear your wrinkles with pride!
Daisy, you are probably safer sticking with the wrinkled paper.
Hahahahaha!! I got the same response when I wanted to show Mom!!! I had to sneak in a part of her hand and keep my mouth shut!!!!!!
I liked your WRINKLED pictures. Pixie has cute WRINKLES :)
Purrs Mickey
We think Pixie is right to be proud of her wrinkles.
We enjoyed getting a chance to see her, she is a lovely grand dame of cathood.
purrs and hugs, ~S, S & C
I think Pixie's wrinkles look quite good. She should be proud of them.
Sometimes wrinkles can be cute! And Pixie's wrinkles are!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Daisy, Mommy says that wrinkles are a sign of a life well-lived! And then she goes and slathers on $100's of dollars of face cream!
Your pal,
Pixie's a cutie, wrinkles and all! I'm glad she's decided to be proud of her natural beauty.
Tissue?? Where? We are the experts in making them more wrinkled!! Hehe... :P
Pixie has distinguishing wrinkles and wears them well.You Daisy are having as much fun as Bitty Bopper playing with my big wrinkled
Pixie is a sweetie. You are a very good sister to her Daisy!
Pixie's wrinkles show character! I think you should be careful about your mum's wrinkles because she is the one who can open the cupboard where the treats are!
Huffle Mawson
Ha ha ha! Oh Daisy, you always make me laugh out loud! 'Mummy did not smile big' ha ha!
Pixie's undercarriage is a little wrinkled but still very lovely :O)
LOL about Mommie's wrinkles. Yes, she has my sympathies. I did a cat for wrinkles today, too... but it's an unusual cat. I hope you get a chance to see. I thought of you when we took the photo, and how much you would find it interesting!
Happy Photo Hunt Day!
Daisy, dat's a grate wrinkles post! I luvs to play wiff tissue paper until it's all wrinkly and shredded too. And Pixie is purrty efun if her tummy is wrinkly. I bets lotsa us are wrinkly under our furs. 'Cept me a'course. hehehe
Oh Daisy, you are too funny! We are giggling at the thought of Pixie in a bra.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
daisy it was fun getting to see your sister pixie today!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Wow.. I have been looking for this info for a while. This is very informative and detailed. You must be putting so much time into your blog :) Thanks for the post! iLL have you bookmarked.
Pixie! We love when you make a special guest appearance! Daisy, you look so cute with all your tissue paper!
Laila and Minchie
Wrinkles are lines in a story of one's life.....Toy, the Karate Cat ;)
That tissue paper looks like fun, we love playin' in it at Christmas time, one of our favorite toys aside from all the empty boxes!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
You are having fun with that tissue and yep, pixie, you need a bra
That was a great WRINKLED Photo Hunt Daisy! We couldn't think of a thing for today. Pixie looks cute with her wrinkles. It was so nice to see her today! We put our first video up today. It's really raw, but fun.
Your (we can see some sun today) FL furiends,
Oh poor Miss Pixie...Daisy, when ladies get to a certain age they are allowed to do as they please.
Pixie - We love your wrinkles!!
Daisy - We won't even think about discussing Crazy Lady's wrinkles. . .instead we might get a picture showing the clothes around here. Ever heard of an iron, people???
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
My bum's "wrinkled" (if you know what I mean!)
Love Milo xx
Maybe Pixie can git some PhotoShop fer her wrinkles like our momma did. It's a little expensive, but you only have to pay fer it once. You do have to use it regularly or it won't werk.
Good job Daisy and I think Pixie is beautiful...Hugs Ariel
Yes Pixie be proud of your wrinkles! Nice pictures Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi, Daisy!
Your post made my day!
I love your sense of humor!
Pixie and all her wrinkles is adorable!
Kisses and hugs
That's a great Craisy-Daisy face you have when making tissue-paper wrinkles, Daisy! I think it's great that Pixie is proud of her wrinkles. Momma says wrinkles are something you have to earn.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Miss Pixie! How exciting to see her! I am a gentleman cat and do not comment upon a lady's structural support or lack thereof..but it sure is good to see Miss Pixie!
Very funny!!!
Hi Daisy! I think you and Pixie are just beautiful! I have seen some pics of Mommie and she is lovely! I so enjoyed seeing Pixie today. :)
How are you all? Is it quite soggy where you are? I hope your pretty yard isn't flooded. George the lizard will have to build a raft! ;)
Take Care Sweeties!
Pixie is looking a little disgruntled ... but then, who wouldn't? ;-)
Those were very nice wrinkled photos. Miss Pixie, you are obviously still a lovely cat!
Pixie, I think you are very beautiful with your wrinkles.
~ Shadow ~
hehehe We used to tear the human litter box paper off the wall and wrinkle it up like that.
~ Molly ~
Pixie should be proud of her wrinkles they are lovely wrinkles. FAZ
I think Miss Pixie's winkles awe bootiful, and she should be pwoud..Mommi says bwas awe vewy uncomfowtable and Pixie doesn't need one
smoochie kisses
Daisy! U telled u hoomin mommie u gonna showz pickture of her wrinklez? Eben ME, who libz wiff a boy hooman bean knowzez dat aint safe!!!!!!!!!!!! OK?
Poor Pixie! I feelz sorryz fir her. OK? She hab a berry purddy face. U tellz her dat fir me! OK?
Pixie you're beautiful
That's nice Pixie didn't get mad at you for showing the world her wrinkles.
Herbie has actually always had a poopin in the house problem. When he stayed with my sister-in-law who has a very large yard fenced in in the back, he had 0 accidents. She'd let him outside maybe 10-15 mins. a day to play and do his business.
No, I'd really like to bet Mommy didn't smile big. I didn't either when I saw the theme this week. :) Pixie is right to be proud of her wrinkles, and perhaps we should all learn a lesson from her :)
I like to play with tissue paper too!~~Junior
Pixie is right in being proud of her wrinkles. She earned every one of them!~~Orion and Junior
Well Pixie is cute too, even if she's a bit wrinkly. My face is wrinkly all the time!
Hi Pixie, it is great to see you again. We like your wrinkles.
Daisy, it sure looks like you are having a lot of fun playing in that paper.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Quite right Pixie, you be pwoud of your wrinkles. I bet your mommy smooches your wrinkly tummy !
you are so funny Daisy! you even make wrinkles cute!
Daisy! Did Pixie lick off all of her tummy furs?
My Mom says the Pixie is so cute and that she would rub all over her wrinkled little tummy.
Hi Daisy! Good wrinkled pictures! Pixie is pretty cute.
Love Clover xo
oooh wez hasn't seen your sister much, she is very beautiful even with all her wrinkles, just makes her look wiser and softer, good for kissin'. She has a big long sick too momma is gonna look up later, we hopez you look after her, and not pounce and scarez her too much!!!
and an extra!
I doez have to agree though, dear Miss pixie, your boobies look like the old lady in "There's Something about Mary", but you iz so very snuggable!! :)))
I think Pixie's wrinkles are nice. She almost looks like a very soft baby elephant. This is meant to be a compliment, as baby elephants are VERY adorable!
Pee Ess: I like to SHRED tissue paper! :)
Oh Pixie, I think you are truly beautiful - just forget about those stupid old wrinkles! :)
Embrace the wrinkles!
Putting bassets to shame!
Oh dats goods about wrinkles!
Tishue shue papurr is evens more fun din playin wif shoe shoe string!
And Pixie you is furry cute, even ifns you needs a bra!! We purrs fur you cause you gots cardiomyopathy.
n Tanks fur purring fur usns bout our Daddee and Mawmee!
Daisy, you iz da sweetest!
Daisy May
and da Katz Gang
Pixie should be proud of her wrinkles, they're part of her!
Daisy, you have no fear...always telling it like it
At least wrinkles don't hurt, so they say...
Maybe Pixie needs to put a lot of white kreem on her rinkles. That's whut the Food Lady duz for rinkles. I can say that it seems to help much tho.
Pixie is in great shape,although she has a lot of wrinkles ;)
Your mommy takes good care of you both girls! Your mom's wrinkles... you make me laugh Daisy hahahaha.
This is a great post for the wrinkle theme and it's nice to see Pixie, who looks adorable with her wrinkles!
haha... I'm trying to imagine Pixie with a bra. :)
It's good that Pixie is proud of her wrinkles. Some day you may be wrinkly, too, Daisy. So be kind to your wrinkly loved ones ;-)
it's so nice when you share blog space with Pixie...she is beautiful with her wrinkles. I especially love her expressive eyes that "I'm one tough cat who eat bananners!"
I refused to do a picture of my wrinkles, too, Daisy's mom!
Pixie - YOUR wrinkles are loverly!
Daisy, Chloe likes to wrinkle up tissue paper, too!
Not The Mama
OH oh! I think this post might be rated R!
Tissue paper is the best thing to play with. I love to squash it all up and make it very wrinkly, too.
And you're right, Pixi needs a couple of bras.
She is definitely wearing her wrinkles well !!! Very cute and adorable!
Miss D. I love all your posts, very funny and humorous =) I love your blog and can't help visiting it daily. Keep up the good work.
HAHAHAHA! A Bra! Daisy you are too funny!
I just want to say that it is very nice post. keep it up
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