Here is a warning: be very, very careful around tape. Do you know why? Because you can get TAPEWERMS!

I am very worried about these tapewerms. There is a whole
roll of them!

They are heading straight into my tummy! Aaaaahhhhhh!

If you are squeamish, do not look at the next photo. Here is a REAL tapeworm! Yuck!

94 Notes for Daisy:
Get away, get away!!!!!!!
I am glad you are only play with tape, not that tapewerms are playing you!
Yuck indeed! We much prefer the long blue ones you can play with!
Sen-Chan and Tom
Thanks for reminding my mum that it is worming time!! I would be very upset to get them big blue ones in my tummy.
Great post Miss D - you rock!
Ewwww...Miss Daisy...gross!!! Run for your life! Them sure is some nasty lookin' werms!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
You are very silly Daisy. We like the blue tape worms much better then the real thing. ~S, S & C
Mommy says there is nothing worse that cleaning a litterbox at the shelter and seeing one of those awful things!
Poor kitties that have them...
Hahaha! Daisy, you crack us up! Grayson got into quite a lot of that painter's tape while Mom was painting. He like to whap it all over the tile!
Yuk we don't like tapewerms. Watch out that the blue ones don't get you. I (Eric) had a big one when I was a baby kitty and it made me cry and hiss when I had to get it out. Mum thinks it must have been passed on to me by my mumcat but Flynn was lucky and didn't get any.
Daisy honey, we gotta get you some new pets...and quickly!
Your pal,
Oh Daisy, werms, yuk!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeew I wish I didn't look now!
Huffle Mawson
a grate publik survise annowncement. Thank yoo daisy.
Make sure yoo get medisine fur yer werms immediyatlie!!!
We think the best medicine for those big blue werms you have is a big dose of Temptations. Tell your Mom to give them to you right away!!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. the bloo ones look dangerous too - plus your tongue gets all sticky.
Daisy and daisy's fambly - we hopes that Fay Stay's Away from you!!!!! Be safe!
Daisy: I think your pun is very bad, but Hannah Fanna thinks it's cute. In any case, stay away from the real tapeworms because they certainly look yukky, although the blue ones with the happy faces are kind of cute.
YUCKO! But your blue werms are furry cute, Daisy.
Laila and Minchie
We think the blue werms are purrty but the other ones.......:faints:
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think your blue werms are sorta cute. The real one looks bigger than you!! And Scary!!
~ Bandit and KittyBoy
that's funny. I'm having my basement painted and the guy doing it primed the walls and left the tape up. I've been finding little bitty pieces of blue tape all over the place likely the work of Theo and Diego-san...
be caweful!!!!
Those tapey wowms awe vewy yucky and can make you vewy vewy sick too..(I think the blue ones awe not so bad, but I'd be caweful just to be on the safe side)
smoochie kisses
Oh, grossing me out to the max, man! Worms are sooooo yucky, and you gotta take those ginormous pills that surely were meant for Snap the Horse..bleh!
Soooo, are you wet? or dry? windblown? I hope you and Miss Pixie and your mommie are safe and dry!
arrrgggg!!! run daisy run!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Oh ICK! Be careful with those werms! Pixie should too!
They iz not nice werms Daisy!You be careful!
Yes, I would stay away from those worms if I were you. Yuck!
Hope you are OK with Fay visiting.
That's a awfully dangerous public service announcement Daisy! It's a good thing that you're a trained professional. You handled those tapewerms wonderfully!
Daisy, we've never seen blue werms before. But then again, we've never seen any werms before...
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. Daisy, you make mom laugh.
Oh no!!! The worms! The worms! And blue ones to boot! We hope you made it through the TS Fay okay! It's headed our way now!
Your FL furiends,
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav seen a rol of that bloo tayp in the garadj but now that i no how danjerus it is i will be shoor to destroy it as soon as possibul thanks for the public servis annownsment ok bye
This is a very good PSA Miss Daisy. You are helping to keep your friends healthy
Yikes, Daisy! Be very careful!
Yuckity, Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!!
At least mom & Scooby don't have those in their tummies!!!!
We hear those things can get really long too!
Eww, tapewerms very scary AND UGLY too! Boo on the tapewerms.
Daisy! That is a scary shot of tapeworms. I hope you were able to get rid of them.
Daisy, that is like WAY TOO GROSS. Maw has only seen the sections coming out from you know where.
Luf, Us
Did you know if you've ever had fleas, you might have tapeworms?
Little Isis keeps having bouts of the real tapeworms, but now she just had super duper tapeworm killer pills (of course, that meant everyone else had to have them, too!) because the regular stuff just wasn't doing the trick.
Hope your blue tape werms are gonna go away quick, without nasty pills!
Not The Mama
oh my i did not know this, good thing i did not play with the tape dispenser yesterday. and i was thinking about it too... thank you so much for the warning.
What are your humans painting??? We always get locked out of wet paint rooms which sucks.
Worms? Eeeek! But mom got me wormed at the vets, along with jections for protection and de-flea treatmant (just in case!) (And NO I didn't have fleas or worms, thank you - it was just in case!!!! it was protection!!!)
Love Milo xxx
ughhhhh....that was orrible. I hate having my wormie pill put down my twoat but I don't want one of those nasty worms specially a bloo one.
Help Daisy that's awful - glad you discovered their secret - blue tape ahahahah
yah! blue tapeworms! :D
Ewwwwwww that last worm was gross. Did the blue ones at least play with you?
~ Molly ~
Those blue ones were ok, but the real ones were real yucky!
We like the first tapeworms better!!! Meowm laughed at them...and she needs plenty of that right now.
doesn't Skeezix have a tape-licking fetish? you'd better warn him about this!
Oh my goodness!!! That real one is so icky!!!
Ooooh I like the worms in the first photos, but didn't bigify the last one euuuckkkk!
"Oh No" Help those nasty worms are gonna get daisy....Hugs Ariel
We hope the storm is missing you.
Those blue worms are pretty. But the big one is yucky!
Aiks.. I don't mind the blue tapeworms but not the white ones. I had lots of problems with them before. Hmmm.. I better check my calendar if it's time for me to give my babies the pills.
P/s: I hope Fay won't hurt anyone over there. I heard she's going over there soon. Be safe and stay indoor, ok? :)
I did not know tape was bad. Cuz I have a tape fetish and I like to lik it and sniff it. I didn't know abowt gitting tapewerms frum it. Maybey that's why I'm so skinny.
I biggified the real one... I wish I hadn't. Ollie had them when we first adopted him. I didn't know what the grains of rice were that were coming out of his spot #13. The v-e-t told us. Ewwwwwww! The poor little guy had to take the ginormous pills (Ollie, not the v-e-t). It's a wonder he still loved us but he did. Perhaps it was because he felt better and knew it was because of the huge pills:) xxx
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo we don't want any worms...
I think I would throw that roll of tapewerms out!!
Hahaha Daisy :) Funny photos.
The last one is scary, thanks for the reminder that we need to visit the vet soon :)
The real tapeworm made Mama gag a little. hee hee
I think the blue ones look a lot friendlier.
Daisy you give good advice - stay away from worms. Any kind of worm is just plain gross!
Those blue ones almost look cute...that real one is very yukky and scary!!!
You really know how to play with your cat. Lovely photo.
OMD! I do not want a tape worm! You gotta tell your pawrents to get those tapeworms out of your house!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
That is one part of Zippy's gotcha story mom won't tell...except to frends she knows will be grossed out by it. Hahahahahaha
ohmaigosh!! mai mom screamed and me got scares!! DAISY WHAT IS YOU DOING WITH THAT TAPE WORMZ?? it lookz fun me want one me want one!!!!
Ugh, those werms!!!
i had tapeworms when i was rescued. they were gross gross gross.
That is gross!!
Stay away from me taperwerms U_U
Don't worry, Daisy. A roll of tape isn't going to hurt you.
Sticky tapeworms, too. I'll be sure to hide that stuff so my three kitties don't suffer the same fate.
We wish all tape worms where like your long blue ones!
Icky! You are a brave kitty Daisy to just lay there with those tapewerms crawling on your tummy!
You could scare away the tapewerms with your mean face.
Oh my! This is terrible. I do not want a tapeworm at all! I hope you are not trying to get one for a pet?
haha your are so pretty Daisy that even your worms are pretty colors! Lucky they is make believe.
hehe You maded me giggle, your second pikture you look sos angry ;)
Ewwwwwwwwww! Daisy, that thing is gross looking! We like your blue werms better!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Daisy, you are great for doing PSA's!!!! Those bloo tapewerms are cool ;) The real one is icky!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Stay safe from the storm.
Thank you for the warning, mom did not look.
um. Ewwww.
Daisy--I thought that your blue-tape worms were funny, but Momma says she's had to deal with kitties with real tapeworms and that they are not cute, they are gross.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
P.S. I hope the hurricane is not coming close to you!
Yep, that looks like something to be afraid of.
Yucky! Stay away from undercooked salmon.
Those real tapeworms look very scary! But I think that the blue tape looks like fun - I love tape!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
ahhhhhh tapeworms are scary..
~ Girl girl
We have queasy tummies when it comes to worms...the room is starting to spin.....CLUNK, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, CLUNK! (typist) the Boyz will be back as soon as they recover from tapeworm trama!=^Y^=
Dennis is worried about you, Daisy.
Tapewerms...ha ha....
I have something for you at the castle...E Is For Excellent ~My Report Card Runneth Over
Daisy, we don't think you have anything to worry about. Your mom makes sure that you will not get any worms made out of tape.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Ooh, yuk! Be careful playing with those worms!
EEEEK! I likes to eat that tape all da time - will I gits them blue werms? I am one of da group leaders of Plastic Lickers Anonymous on Catster . . . I will have to alert da members!
Hey, my mom has tape like that and it's never turned into a worm. Those are pretty cute ones...the others are
You are doing a lot of experiment with the little Daisy.It is too much funny.
* flees *
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