Whiskery Wednesday
I have something to show you that I am a little bit embarrassed about. I am trying to hide my whiskers so you will not notice...

ps: My Mommie left me to go to Key West! Since I am Not Allowed to turn on the computer by myself, I will not be able to visit anybuddy until she gets back.
92 Notes for Daisy:
Your whiskers are beautiful Miss D, evens if thems is broke.
Hope your mommy has a good visit, who takes care of you while mom is away? Or are you and Pixie in charge
I like your whiskers whether they are long or short. You are just setting a new trend in whisker wear, I think.
How could your mum leave you like that? That's so unfair. I hope she comes back soon!
Huffle Mawson
I think your right whiskers are always be the mystery, but it's fine to me~!! Hahaha~~~
I hope your mom have a great time~!!!!! It always have good fun while have some travel~
you whiskers are beautiful!!!
we hopes your mommy stays safe on her trip. and we are purring that you are safe from that bad FAY.
Don't worry, those whiskers give your face a unice touch of beauty! You are a very pretty cat and one hot momma!
Luv Julia
I have whiskers, too... err...
Do not worry Daisy! You are always lovely and quite beautiful. Just tell peoples they're extra curly on one side!
Your Mommy picked a nasty time to go to Key West!
I like your whiskers just the way they are!
We think your whiskers make you unique....anycat can grow whiskers that are even, you've styled yours!!
Our Mom is going to Sanibel starting tomorrow - House Trashing Party at our house this weekend!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Dear Daisy,
We love your whiskers just the way they is. Do not be embarrassed. They give you class and sopisstication.
We hope your mommy is safe on her trip. We will say a prayer for her travels.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
it's our imperfections that make us who we are...
i can't believe your mommy left you. i wouldn't think of doing that to my boyz....
Maybe you need to stop making sharp turns, Daisy! Have fun in Key West, the sunshine will help your whiskers grow!
Your pal,
Your whiskers are beautiful. One time my whiskers got singed. Please don't ask.
We hope you and Pixie are safe from Fay. I hope your Mommie has a safe trip.
It's the beauty that's beneath the fur that really counts, Daisy, and you are one beautiful Cat.
Don't worry about your whisker problem, Daisy. That just adds to make you who you are--a very unique cat! I never even noticed it before now.
Hope your mom has a good trip but I will miss your daily post.
I hate to say this, Daisy, but maybe the tapewerms ate your whiskers.
i think you look adorable honey pie! sorry your mommie is gone today... hope she hurries back cause i know you like to visit your friends.
smiles, auntie bee
Your Mom is going to Key West? Isn't that where the big storm was? :o
Your short whiskers give you a unique look ;) You are so pretty ,cats will not even notice if you do not tell them :)
Purrs Mickey
Aww sweetie.. it's ok.. you still look beautiful.. let me tell you a secret..Smokey broke off his fang (is that what you call it?).. a long time ago and now he only has one left and he's still gorgeous!!!
So don't worry bout your whiskers ok.. it gives you character.. lolzz!!
You are always beautiful, Daisy!
I have a curly (!) whisker above one of my eyes from when I got too close to the halogen lamp. A friend of #1's said she should have called me "Icarus"!
Your Pal,
Oh Daisy, don't be embarrassed. Your whiskers are lovely. None of my three devons have any whiskers at all! They are all broken off!
You know Daisy, I knew your whiskers were short on one side, and guess what? It doesn't matter a bit! It just makes you all the more unique ;O)
Purrs, Sukie x
whiskey problem that would be trouble - whiskers no - hope Mommy has a ball. You know she will be happy to see you when she gets back and will bring you bushels of treats. Who is staying with you ??
There's nothing wrong with unbalanced whiskers. Just hope this doesn't make you walk in circles.
Hi there! You've been tagged. You can read more here, http://onthebricks.blogspot.com/2008/08/my-6-unspectacular-quirks.html
Your whiskers look great! Kon is always losing his whiskers and his tooth. But he still looks good. It is fashionable to be a little asymmetrical. Have fun while your mom is gone.
I hope Mommie was not in Key West for the Storm, I think you are very cute even though you have a whisker problem. Speak to Mr Whiskers, may you can get some doodle whiskers.
I like your whiskers and you just the way you are...Adorable :)
Awww... I wouldn't worry about it so much, Daisy! You're still just as pretty as you want to be!
She left you!!?? She didn't take you with her??!! How dare her!!
We think your whiskers are very cute!!!
Junior and Orion
With whiskers or without whiskers you are still beautiful ^-^ btw I go to check my whiskers in the mirror :-P
Key West? Why go there after a hurricane???
I think your whiskers are lovely, Miss Daisy!
Not The Mama
Daisy we think your whiskers are perfect just the way they are!
You look very pretty even if your whiskers are not all alike! Your furs colour isn't made all the same all over either, but that's no problem is it? It's the same with whiskers!
I did some testing of the kitty stuff today.. I must admit I do feel a bit sorry for the little guy. I'm not too sure mom is good at shopping.
And why would your Momma do that Daisy?! It's not right!
I think your whiskers are lovely!
Oh Daisy, yoo are beyootiful with or without dem whiskers...hope dat stoopid Fay isn't storming on yoo! Did yoor mom leave yoo wif yoor daddy? Dad's just aren't as good as mom's at taking care of us. Oh, dey put out food and occasionally pet us but it's just not the same.
Key West???!! LUCKY!!!! The whiskers on my one side are more broken too because I like to sleep on that side of my head more.
All the fashionable beings are wearing asymmetrical hairdos, so why not asymmetrical whiskers? You're always on the cutting edge of fashion!
HOW LONG IS YER MOMMY GOING TO BE GONE??? Cuz I don't think I can last more than a day withowt yoo!
BTW, hoo notises wiskers, anyway? I'm too bizzy staring at yer tummy!
Isn't there a hurricane in Key West? Please tell your mommy to be very careful!
And don't worry about the broken whiskers. I've had them myself. The evil vet calls them "spare parts."
Daisy, I hope all of you are safe. I hope your mom has a easy trip too.
You whiskers are very sweet. I have practically NONE... like just a few pricks for whiskers..oh well.
I hope you have a smoooth day/
love and purrs
We still love you. What happened to your whiskers that they broke off?
Hope you stay safe and weather the storm, and that you're mom enjoys her trip.
Your whiskers are just fine as they are Daisy dear, don't be embarrassed sweetie! Is your Daddee taking good care of you and Pixiebananakins? I hope your Mommee has a nice time in Key West and doesn't meet a hurricane. xxx
those tape werms were really scary!
An, i like yoor curly whiskers, an i dun care if dem long or shorts!
Oh I have whisker problems too - one mine curls the wrong way, so don't be embarrassed!
Hope that you have an ok time with your Daddy while your Mommie is away (and that she is safe from the storms)!
Daisy, your whiskers are purrfect!
Aww.. so sweet your whiskers are. :) I hope your Mommy is back soon.. when she is tell her to pop by my blog. :) Peace!
Key West! Why did she leave you and Pixie with Hurricane Fay outside? The weather stations say it is right over Florida. Are you Okay?
Aunt Melody was in Key West for a week, and returned to Maryland Sunday. Then they evacuated that town. I hope all is well and you are all in our prayers!
Bobby & Theresa111
Perhaps your right sided whiskers are shorter because you rub your right side more than your left. No matter you are perfect the way you are. :D
P.S. Tell Skeezy not to be looking at your cute stomach!
Oh, and those worms made my Mommy's tummy turn. She looked a little bit wobbly afterwards.
We love you.
Awwww....Daisy we love your whiskers! It makes you very unique! Have a wonderful time while Mom is gone! Just think of all the cool stuff you and Trixie can do while she is gone! (hehehehehehe)
Your (still wet) Fl furiends,
You gots beeyooteeful whiskers!
We hopes yer momma brings you a giftie!
Your mom left you? Your whiskers are broken and she left you alone? Oh, that's cold!
But, Daisy, you are cute with or without your whiskers. We've seen some mama cats chew off her kittens' whiskers and they do grow back eventually. Uh, at least we think they do.
Daisy, we still luf you with or without whiskers. How come your Mommie went to Key West? She needs to be with you!
Luf, Us
You have very nice whiskies, Daisy. I like how they're all curly. Ours are only straight and boring. We hope your mom has fun in Key West. Is she going to have Key Lime Pie? I put my foot in a piece of that once and it was delicious!
Daisy - You're one beautiful kitty and whiskers don't matter. Trixie frizzled her whiskers by sticking her nose in a candle once and she was still pretty - crazy, but pretty!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
I think your whiskers are beautiful, Daisy, even if one side is shorter than the other :-)
Aw, Daisy, we still love you no matter how your whiskers look! Maybe your mommy will get you some presents in Key West. =)
We are all evenly balanced whiskerwise. But The Big Thing started collectin our fallen-off ones inna cute little jar. Do ya want us to send ya some?
Beautiful, curly, elegant whiskers ;o)
Don't worry, Daisy, I think you look dashing and unique.
Oh you're still beautiful Daisy, no matter whether your whiskers are long or short. Of course we don't think poorly of you because of your whiskers.
Alla Us
Pee Ess. Why's your Mom gone to Key West. Is she helping after TS Fay?
Daisy, you would be beautiful even if you had no whiskers at all! And that last pic of you is classic!!!
Daisy, you could be whiskerless or half whiskered, or long, short or curly and we'd still love you very much!
Hope your Mommie is careful. We saw the radar and it looks very wet!
~ The Bunch
I think your whiskers may you very unique!
Oh Nos Daisy! (he he! I learned 'oh nos' from you!!!)
I love your wild whiskers...sometimes you just gotta love what you got & not ponder what you would wish to have...
Oh come your Mommi can't bring you to Key West?
Or do they only allow cats in Key East?
Love & Licks,
Hi, Daisy!
You know you are beautiful.... whiskers or not!
I have the same problem.
Kisses and hugs
Same thing happened to my scalp ... half the hairs fell out.
I think it is a sign of "Kitty Genius"
Do not potty on the funiture while mum is away :-)
Speedy Cat
I added a Daisy Cat Box @ Hollydale Cat 2
Awwww, what cute whiskers! Hopefully the other side will grow back soon. Cute.
Awww...you are so darn cute ... even if you were whiskerless.
At first I thought this said Whiskey Wednesday ... I thought, wow...didn't know cats drank! But you do have to live with humans, so that makes sense.
Hope your mommy has great trip!
Daisy, your different whiskers are part of your unique beauty. And Momma says to tell you that as a fashion-forward kitty, you should be proud to be "a-symmetrical." I hope you and your momma are not running into Fay the Storm at all.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
have fun in key west---
I think your whiskers are very cute, Miss Daisy, and I never notice whether any are broken or not. It would be ungentlemanly of me to point it out.
Dear Daisy, symmetry is over-rated. We like you just the way you are.
Roxy & Lucky
Who would EVER notice funky whiskers on such a pretty girl........wink wink=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oh, we love you whether you have any whiskers or not - you are always beautiful!
You are a very beautiful Cat...I like curls, my hair stands straight up!
I wonder why your right whiskers will break off.. But you still look very cute to me
~ Girl girl
Daisy, it is okay that your whiskers are broken on one side. It just makes you that much more special. We are sorry your mommy had to go away. Why would she go to the keys right after a tropical storm???
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I think the whiskers make you unique! You are just setting a new trend for all of the kitties to follow.
Hope your mom gets back soon.
ask your sister about your missing whiskers.
We used to have 2 kitty friends that let us share their house.
The young frisky one would "Play" with the older one. The we noticed the younger guy's whiskers were missing. they would grow back then POOF be gone.
Later we caught the older kitty gnawing off the little guy's whiskers. He did it to tell him he played too rough. The lil guy did not get the message for years so for a while he was whiskerless.
So I would ask Pixie. Maybe your whiskers taste like bananas.
We like your whiskers Daisy, we think they make you look even cuter. We hope your mum has a safe trip.
Is she drunk?O my God.This is unbelievable.What you have done.
I think you have nice whiskers Daisy! Maybe they're shedding just like our fur do sometimes??? Just hope new ones will grow back.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh.. I think Jeremy has this problem too. Hmm.. won't it cause you to be a bit off balance without them? :P
When the boy beans were little they cut Whiskers, Whiskers off he was very embarrassed but they grew back. ~Socks
You look great, asymmetrical hairstyles were in style once (Mommy had one) so you are just starting a new fashion trend. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Only a shallow thing would think less of you simply because your facial hairs are different. They should be paying attention to your soft, curly coat and the smart clothes you wear. And they should *really* pay attention in case you put the bitey on them.
It’s character! No need to feel bad! By the way you do a great job on your site! love it!
lol...nice post...i enjoyed it..keep posting.
Ya me too I never even noticed it before now.
Cute images. Did she create problems when you were taking those images..?
Let us go check our whiskers now!
But still you're the Daisy (inside) we love, (outside) doesnt affect us much for the friendship we have!
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