HI EVERYONE! I am very EXCITED today, because it is my BIRTHDAY! And I turned ONE! This means I am not a KITTEN anymore, and I have become a MANCAT! And DAISY gave me this COOL shirt. It says my NAME on it. I do not know WHY it says "Davidson" on it, because that part is NOT my name. My middle name is Quinn. I am HARLEY QUINN!

Now that I am ALL GROWNED UP, I have learned that not ALL cats have plenty of toys and treats and beds like I have. This means I am very LUCKY. So, just like DAISY, I have decided I do not NEED any Birthday PRESENTS.

OH MY GOODNESS! I see something else!

Even though I thought I was NOT going to get any presents, my Mommie STILL got me this TOY! It is a Play 'n Squeak MOUSIE! And every time I TAP the mousie, it makes a realistic SQUEAKING noise!

AND I also got this very MANLY bow tie collar from my Aunt Lauren. She helped take care of me when I lived in the SHELTER! Thanks, Aunt Lauren!

I think this is my very BEST birthday! Even though it is my ONLY birthday, so far. Except for the day I was BORNED.

I am a Mancat today!
157 Notes for Daisy:
Happy birthday, Harley! I think us other mancats are gonna have a bit more competition with the ladies know that you're officially all grown up!
Harley, we hope you have a great one. Happy Birthday!!
Happy, happy birthday to you, Harley! We have one of those meeces; they're lots of fun! Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Harley! Love your new shirt and collar! See, you still get a toy even if you aren't a kitten anymore. That Animal Rescue Site is awesome! I visit it every day.
Happy Celebration of Life Harley. you look oh so manly in the Harley shirt and Tie. You are quite lucky and guess what Harley I found a home for my last 3 kittens which I spayed and neutered for their families. They are lucky too. Freckles, Fuzzle and Blondie) Have a blessed day Harley and a special special life!!
Those meeces never lose their sound. Darlin said he will play with his today in honor of your Mancat Day. He is a mnacat times 3 ..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harley!! :o) You have growed into a very handsome man-cat and you have also learned to be very generous. I love your 'Harley' t-shirt, I think the Davidson bit is just a mistake! ;o)
harley have a wonderful birthday honey. i love your shirt and toy and bowtie! you are never too old to play, remember that!
smiles, auntie bee
Happy Birthday, Harley!
The vaccinations are such a great idea for a present. We bet you will have lots of fun with your mousie, too.
Harley Davidson probably saw your name, and thought it was cool. Maybe that's why your shirt has Davidson on it?
Happy Birthday, handsome Harley! You look fabulous in your new shirt and very dapper in your bowtie. What a wonderful life you lead with Daisy and your family.
Happy Birthday, Harley! You are a beautiful and generous ManCat!
I also found out that if you own an iPhone, you can download a very fun game called "Shivering Kittens". It costs $2.95 and they donate a whole dollar from that to the ASPCA!
Have a wonderful day, Harley! (And that shirt looks super-duper on you!)
Hi Harley! Happy birthday to you! How nice of you to help kitties less fortunate. What a wonderful idea. We love your new biker shirt!! Have a great day!! Enjoy your mousie, it looks like a lot of fun.
Dear Harley,
Happy birthday! We here at T'Abby Normal love your wide eyes, and we also think you are a supermodel cause you look good in whatever you wear (...or even when you wear nothing at all..!).
Abby & Stygia
Too bad he's a man-cat. I have a Harley purse that would kill with that outfit.
Happpy Bithday
Pixel and Samba
Happy Birthday to you!
And many more!!!
Happy bday to you,
Happy bday to you,
Happy bday sweet Harley,
Happy big one bday to you!!
It was very sweet of you and your sister to help other kitties out, instead of getting lots of presents.
I hope you had a special day.
Hi Harley... here's a great big birthday hug and nose tap from both of us... you are one handsome man-cat.
Oh, Harley! That bow tie is SO you!
Happy 1st Birthday!
CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a Mancat, Harley! You are so handsome and so kind to others! We love your T-shirt and your bow tie, and we can quite understand why your Mom wanted you to have a little present after all!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Happy mancat purrfday Harley. You look very smart in your bow tie.
Have a HAPPY and mancatly birthday!
Happy birthday, Harley! Now that you're all grown up, are you going to get a motorcycle to go with your t-shirt? Your mousie makes the younger kitties here want one!
Happy Birthday Harley! I'm 16 months old... I was born at the Charlotte County Shelter in Nov 2007 I had 7 brothers and sisters... My name is Zoom Zoom ... my mommy really wanted a Mazda Miata but she got me!
Love Zoomies
PS I wish I had a neat Bow Tie like you do... my mommy hid my play and squeak mouse because I played with it under the bed at night!
Happy Birthday Harley! Welcome to the world of Mancats! Don't forget to stop by the M-cats club!
You're a very thoughtful Mancat to donate to the Rescue site. We think you look great in your bow tie and we know you'll love your new mousie!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Birthday Harley - for such a young mancat, you are a very wise and kind mancat!
Smoochies to you!
Harley, look at your t-shirt again. MOTORCYCLES? Harley Davidson MOTORCYCLES?
Happy birthday!
Happiest Birthday, lovely Harley!
You look stunning today. I loved the bow tie!!! Maybe one day we can go to a grown-up dinner (my first birthday is in April) and you can wear it. That certificate is very fancy and a good reminder of how generous you are! Have a lovely day! Purrs and smoochies, Siena
Happy Birthday, Harley! We love your shirt and your bow tie! We hope you have a wonderful day and it sure looks like you are!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy Birthday Harley. We likes your middle name. Harley Quinn sounds very sophisticated like Bond, James Bond. We thinks one day everyone will know who Harley Quinn, The Great Detective is.
PS: Harley Davidson is a girl character on the Guiding Light, she was named after a motorcycle. We thinks your shirt is referring to the motorcycle she was named after.
Silly us we forgots to sign our post. Happy Happy Birthday Harley. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Happy birthday, Harley! You've turned into a very handsome Mancat! I hope you have a lot of fun and treats today!
Oh Happy Day!!
We wish you a wonderful day, Harley!!!
You have grown into such a gorgeous Mancat!
Your choice of the Gift of Giving was very noble. Glad to see you also got a wonderful mousie! If it was Spring here I would send you a real one.
Hugs and nose kisses,
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Happy birthday, Harley! And congrats on becoming a mancat. :) We all wish you a wonderful day!
Happy purrthday Harley! Hope you enjoy the the day with your family and have lots of fun! That was very generous of you to help some shelter cats get vaccinations, instead of getting lots of new toys. You're setting a fine example for all of us kitties,
Gypsy & Tasha
Harley we are so proud of you to go wivout a present to help other cats. You deserve the best birthday in the World. Happy Birthday Big Guy!
We've never had a birthday yet - we can't wait. I'm not one 'til April - Milo xx
I'm not one 'til September. Alfie xx
Happy Birthday Harley! It must be great to be a real mancat! It was very nice of you to decide to help other kitties instead of getting presents for yourself!
HARLEY QUINN - Not Davidson, you are a very generous birthday boy and I am going to tell my Mommy about the gift giving part!
That mouse is KEWL!!! Please ask your Mommy where to get one for me and my sisters and brothers.... please, please, please...
HAPPY 2nd 1st BIRTHDAY Harley...
HAPPY MANCAT DAY Harley!!!! You are a wonderfully generous kitty!!!
we has one of those mices - it freaks mommy out when she hears it.
we love your bow tie!!!
Happy Birthday dear Harley! Wow - what a year you've had, too! From shelter cat to fashion model, international spy and co-host of Daisy's blog.
That squeaky mouse is the BEST! I have one that's on a string and even though I've had 17 more birthdays than you, I can still attack it like in my kitten days.
And we love the idea of giving shelter cats vaccinations. That's wonderful!
Happy Harley Day!
Your pals,
Mica and Petey
We're so glad you have a great home to grow up in!
It's great being a mancat!
Conner Cloud
Happy Birthday Harley! I am loving the bow tie on you! Makes you look, ahem, very grown up and manly!
I like the Harley shirt as well, shows your sporty side. Looks like you are a man for all seasons.
All the best.
Dream Mom, Dear Son and Wiggles the Cat
Happy Birthday Harley.
-Patches and Nemo
Hello Harley, happy happy birthday, there's someone who is turning 5 in my house, the same day as you!
Have a great day
Happy Mancat Birthday, Harley!!! You look very mancatly in that cool t-shirt you have on! Angel here who has the Harley Davidson collar and tag is very jealous.
Enjoy your day!!!
Very happy birthday Harley hun, I wish you had lots of these special day for a long time!
Purrs :)
Happy Birthday Harley!!! You are a beautiful mancat and look so handsome in your new tie.
We hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Happy birthday Harley. You are one gorgeous mancat!
Happy Purrthday Harley!! Those are some great gifts, both the ones you received and the one you gave!!!!
Happy Purrday Harley,
Wow . . . you look pawesome in that Harley shirt and the bowtie is purrty cool too. You are becoming quite the fashion model. Thank you for helping less fortunate kitties you and Daisy are so sweet to think of others.
I hopes you has a wonderful 1st purrday my man!
Have a wonderful day, Harley! :-)
Harley, you are still very young, but you are already a wise mancat for helping other kitties. Happy 1st birthday, and many more from all of us Good Cats!
Happy birthday.
harry ibrthday harley. yoo luk furry mancatly in yor harley shurt
Happy Mancat Birthday, Harley!!
You are one lucky boy to have Daisy for a sister. She is such a good teacher.
~ Napoleon and KittyBoy
Happy Birthday Harley! You look amazingly handsome in the bow tie! ::swoon::
You are a very generous mancat to be thinknig of other kitties on your big day!
Happy Birthday Harley! Looks like you are having a great day.
Happy Happy Birthday Harley!!!
You look spiffy in both your outfits!
Happy Birthday Harley! You look very manly in your bow-tie and your shirt is terrific too. Good on your Mom for helping those other kitties - oh wow just so many great things happening on your birthday!
Happy Birthday, Harley!
That is a super duper great thing that you and your mommie did - helping shelter cats! Your family always does the nicest things!!!!
LOVE you!
Daphne & Chloe
and Uncle Mo
WOWY - that is way cool that someone named a motorcycle after you!
Harley you are a very generous mancat! Happy birthday to you. I think the cats here would like your mousie although the publicist told me that yesterday they caught a real mousie in the trailer...she can't wait 'til they get in their house. She is sorry for the mousie.
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 1st Birthday Harley Quinn and many, many, many mooooooooooore!!!! You got some great toys and that is cool you helped the shelter cats, too!! You are going to be a GREAT Mancat!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
Happy Purrthday Harley! Those were most excellent gifts, buddy. You're definitely a great mancat now.
So dude, now that you're a mancat, want to go over to the M-Cats Club and have a nip beer this evening?
your bud Pepi and his crazy sisfurs
Happy birthday Mr Mancat Harley Quinn, I think it is nice that you offer to give up your gifts and send them to needy kitties.
happy mancat day. and that was a very nice birthday gesture in forgoing toys to help others.
I'm so glad you got a nice toy in addition to helping vaccinate shelter cats. Everyone deserves a toy on their birthday.
You look very handsome in your new shirt and bow tie.
MANY, MANY more birthdays to come, Mancat Harley!
What a bizzy week yoo haff had. Spyin, modellin and now yur first birthday! Good thing yoo are jes a yung mancat. And whut a good lookin mancat! Mee-yow. And genneruss too. Me and Echo hope yoo haff a grate day.
We have really enjoyed watching you grow up, Harley! From cute and silly, well...to cute and silly!
Love the shirt! and we have squeaky mousies too...just can't find 'em at the moment.
Have a day filled with lots to purr about!
ohhhh Happy birth day Harley! you is surely beautiful manly cat who is so handsome!!!!
Congratulations on now being a ManCat, Harley! I bet Daisy is happy because the next time she is entered in a blog contest, you are old enough to vote for her :)
Mom realizes now she passes the place woo were made evfurry morning when she goes to work!
Happy Birfday Mankhat Harley!
Start rev'ing your engine!
Happy purrthday handsome Harley! We can hardly beleeve yoo is a mancat alreddy!
Happy Birthday, Harley!! I am so glad that your mommy gave vaccinations to 10 cats at the shelter. That is a very nice birthday present.
You look very dapper in your bow tie!!!
Happy, happy Birthday, Harley!I think your idea to help the shelter cats get their vac's is a wonderful thing, and I also think you look great in that t-shirt, too. I remember when you first came home to Miss Daisy's house-You've GROWN! I hope you have a great day, buddy!
I missed you!
You're a ManCat now! Happy Birthday Harley! We love you!
Happy birthday, big guy!
Happy Birthday, Harley!
Harley, that is so sweet of you to also give up presents for other kitties. We're glad your mom got you some too, though.
Happy birthday to you-ooooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooooo.
Happy birthday, dear Harley-ooooo.
Happy birthday, to you-oooo.
Sorry. Buddy's a hound. He can't sing unless he howls too.
Happy Mancat Birfday Harley!
Lola & AppleJack
Happy Birthday Harley Quinn...I get it...Harlequin.... what a great name. Perfect for your wonderful furs.....
My motorcycle (and my shirt) of choice is a Kawasaki.... but Davidsons are pretty nice too.....
Happy Birthday Harley.
Your Harley shirt is very becoming.
Enjoy your day!
Happy Purrthday Harley. Welcome to being a mancat and I hopes you have many more purrthdays to come.
I keeps missing kittehs birfdayz!
I sends you mai all-purpose Birfday Video. I singz in it. (Badly.)
Barnyard Birthday Song
<3 Loki
Happy Birthday Harley! I have come bearing ham--even though you didn't ask for gifts, sometimes a little ham with friends is a good thing!
Happy Birthday. Such a cute boy -- I mean - man.
Happy Purrthday!
That was a cool idea about donating on your purrthday!
Happy Birthday, Harley. What a fine mancat you have turned into! You look quite handsome in your bowtie!
Happy Birthday Harley!
I am sure you are going to have a pawesome day celebrating that your are now a Mancat!
Kisses and hugs
Happy birthday! Isn't finally being a mancat just the greatest!
Happy Birthday Harley! You are so grown up now and generous too. Have a great day!
Zoe, Indy & Georgia
Happy Puwwfday Hawley!!!
You awe aweady such a gwonup, knowing all about all those othew catses who don't have such wondewful homes like you and Daisy, and genewously wanting to help them . That is a vewy mancat thing to do!
You look wondewful in ouw Hawley shiwt, and also the bow tie(it will come in handy when you take a pwetty giwlcat out)
I'm glad you got a mousie you'we nevew too gwownup to play
smoochie kisses and best wishes
Happy Happy Birthday Harley! You look so grown up in your new shirt and tie! What a handsome Mancat you are!!!
And Happy Birthday from us too. We were so interested in reading all about your birthday that we almost forgot to drop our card! Have a great day, little ManCat.
Happy Birthday Harley! You got some very nice things and you did a very nice thing by helping out other shelter kitties with some of your birthday moneys!
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Harley
Happy Birthday To You!
You look dashing young mancat.
Uncle Bobby
High Five Meow Paws
We want to wish you a very very Happy first Birthday. Well come to the mancat club.
Happy Birthday brother cat.
It was nice of you to help out some cats that are not as lucky as you!
Now that you are a man cat, perhaps a Harley Quinn romance is in the near future? Heh, heh.
Wow what a great birthday!
Happy birthday Harley! You look very handsome in your birthday outfits, and you're very generous to ask your mommy to help other cats instead of getting you lots of presents.
Happy, happy, happy First Purrthday Harley!!!!!!! We think love is the best present you can get - and you got lots and lots of that!!!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Happy Birthday To You , Happy Birthday To you!!!!!!
Yay! happy Mancat Day .
Harley!!!!!? happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy birthday to you! excuse to have stayed so much to come, but the "aunt Luzinha is with an awful pain in one arm and is very difficult to key. but, even so, I come here to wish all the best for you in this so special day!
very much kisses for you, and for Daisy and your mommie too!
Happy Happy Mancat Birthday Harley! How unselfish of you to do that for the shelter cats. You are so sweet!
Harley, Jillian and Chloe asked me to tell you Happy Birthday! They think you are very handsome, but too young for them. Your new shirt and mousie are very nice. Chloe wants to play with your mousie 'cause hers doesn't make any noise.
Happy PURRTHDAY Harley! What a great mancat yoo has grown to be. =)
I is Jake!
Mommy Bean Laure
deer harley,
happee birfday to u! an ... in honor uv yer birfday ... i came home to pick up a fyoo prezintz uv mi own.
i like yer mowsie ... but i like da idear uv givin $$$ to catz hoo need it even better!
life iz grate.
Happy 1st Birthday Harley!!!
Your mommy must be so proud :)
You look gorgeous in that shirt...xoxoxo
Harley!! What a grownup mancat you are to think of other kitts less fortunate than yourself! And your mom was so nice to give you such a nice home with a cool sis like Daisy to teach you all the important stuffs. I hope you have a happy birthday and enjoy that mousie!
Happy Birthday Harley! You make a very handsome MANcat!
Meow, Meow Birthday to you,
Meow, Meow Birthday to you,
Meow, Meow Birthday Dear MANCAT Harley
Meow, Meow Birthday to you!!
Hope it is the first of many happy ones for you and your mommy and Daisy!
Happy Birthday Harley. Congratulations on becoming a Mancat. That was very manly of you to help others! I like the shitr, even it is does not say Harley Quinn on it!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Harley!!!!!!
We know you are going to have a ball,especially now that you have a nice mouse!!!
WE think you are a fine Mancat too!!!!!!! Harley Quinn ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy Birthday Harley. You are a very special mancat, just like your sister is very special. We think it is great that you decided to help other cats that were like you. Your mouse sounds like lots of fun.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Happy Birthday, Harley aka Man-Cat! Awesome T-Shirt from Daisy ~ very manly indeed. Glad you're having a fun day today :)
Happy 1st Birthday, Harley and welcome to being a mancat :-D
That was very nice of your Mommy to donate vaccinations to other kitties in honor of your birthday!
Happy Birthday, Harley Quinn!
Happy 1st Birthday to you, Harley.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harley doood!
I think the "Davidson" is motorcycle-speak for "tough guy." So it's cool!
I hope your day was awesome!
Happy happy purrthday Harley, and many more! You are such a lucky boy to live in such a great furrever home!
Awww, Happy Happy Birthday, Harley!
You sure are looking sharp and manley in your Harley shirt! I also love the bowtie that your Aunt Lauren gave you. You look smashing and very handsome in it!
Now, on to more a mancatly life! I hope you have big fun today! :D
Happy Birthday Harley! This is a special day, and my, oh me, are you the most handsome Mancat ever!
And such a wonderful idea to not be greedy on your birthday but help others, you are the best!!!!
Have a most wonderful day!
Mrs. OZ and The Cat Realm
Happy Birthday Harley! :)
Happy Birthday Harley -- love your HD shirt, way cool!
Happy Happy Happy Harley Birthday!!!
Yeah, Harley! Meet me at the M-Cat Club later an I'll buy you a Bloo Tuna Gizzy! Fur now, yur song:
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Harley,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... an many mooooooore!
PS Mom once herd a dad callin hims twin boys: Harley an Davidson. No kiddin!
Whooo weee! What a great mancat yoo haf turned owt to be. Dat's da most manliest Harley owtfit yoo could haf worn for yur birfday! What a mancat yoo are. Giving and fankful too. Yoo deserve a biiiiigggggg Happy Birfday!
Happy Birthday Harley!
Hippy, Hoppy, Happy 1st Purrfday dearest Harley! It was so good of you to give up presents so that less fortunate kitties can be vaccinated, but I bet that squeaky mousie will keep you amused! I love your shirt and bow tie, you look so handsome in them :) xxx
Harley, many happy returns! I can't believe you're a year old already! Can you teleport some cake over here?
Happy Birthday Harley! That's so cool that you want to help others instead of getting prezzies. And that picture of you in the bow tie...mmmrrrrrooowwww!! *wink*
Dearest Harley,
Happy Birthday! I am glad it was your best one yet even if it was just your first one. I think you can still play with toys even though you are a mancat. I still play with them!
Lol, Happy Birthday Harley!!!, you have the mostest beautiful eyes and are very mature for your age suggesting you don't need presents and that your mommie should spend your birthday money on vaccinating 10 sheltered cats, I should maybe take a look at that site too, for my cat's birthday, plus of course a squeaky mouse.
Happiest First Purrfday Harley! We are sending you tons of hugs and purrs!
Luf, Us
Happy 1st Birthday, Harley! So handsome :)
HAPPY MANCAT DAY!!!!!! Oh Harley you are such a cutie pie - I mean a handsome mancat.
Happy Birthday, Harley! We just love your birthday bow-tie. :)
Happy Birthday Harley!! Hope you had the bestest birthday ever!!
Happy Birthday, Harley. I love your middle name. You look very grown up in your bow tie. Have lots of fun with your squeaky mouse. It was grand of you to protect 10 shelter cats with vaccinations.
Happy Happy Birthday Harley!!! :D
Oah Dear Dear Harley~!
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Now you are a very great mancat now~!
I am so so happy for you~!
I wish you always happy and healthy~! And making more funny adventure and spy life~!
happy birthday, harley! it's fun being a mancat! (and you can still have fun with toys, promise!)
xo-Pippin & Turtle
Mazel tov, Harley! Are you gonna grow a mustache?
I am very proud of u.
Happy Birthday Harley!!! Congrats on becoming a ManCat! We think you look very cool in your Harley shirt!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY...HARLEY! We are sorry that we could not blog yesterday!!!
We hope that you had a wonderful day. Mommy LOVES your Harley shirt!
Hey Harley happy birthday! It wuz reel nice of yer Mummy to get you presents AND also to help sum other kittys!
That collar is swanky I shore wish it camed in a bigger size.
Yer pal Dozer
Happy birthday, Harley Quinn Davidson!
Happy Birthday to the 2nd most favorite mancat I know in da wolrd Harley!!
Puma is my very favorite mancat and he is almost 9 years old now.
I am so sorry I missed your birthday yesterday but I had didn't feel very well.
I am so glad that you had da' best birthday ever!!
Puma says he wishes he could have play mousies too...but mollipop chews all of his things up and dat makes him vewy angwy!!:-)))
Harley! Concatulations on becomin' a full-fledged ManCat! Whoot!
WOOOOHOOOOO HARLEY!!! Today is the start of the rest of your man cat life...
Black and orange work for you buddie!!
I am so sorry I is late I hope you had the bestest day!
Happy B-Day Harley!
Happy Birthday, Harley!!!
May you live long and prosper - Happy Mancat Birthday!
Oh Harley, I hope you had the wonderfullest birthday!!!
Oh my catness!
Happy, happy Birthday Harley!
Hope you were spoiled with lots of love & hugs!
purrs Luke & furmily
ps sorry we are late
Happy purrthday Harley! I loves your shirt even though they spelt your name a bit wrong. Now you is a mancat like me!
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