Psst! It is NOT an ELEPHANT you are seeing! It is ME, HARLEY! Since TOMORROW is my BIRTHDAY, Daisy said I could model today. And I picked this ELEPHANT disguise! It is very REALISTIC.

My elephant disguise has a LONG trunk. But there are no TUSKS. I am not sure how I will FORAGE without TUSKS. Elephants have good MEMORIES, so maybe I can figure it out.

I think when I put my head DOWN, you cannot even tell that I am NOT a real ELEPHANT!

Here is my best pose, on my very LAST day as a KITTEN. Tomorrow, I become a MANCAT! And I must put AWAY kittenish things. Um, do you think I can still play with my TOYS?

Elephant Mancat!
106 Notes for Daisy:
Oh Harley,you've made my and Maya's Friday that much better.You look adorable with your costume on!
And about the toys,of course you can still play with them.Boys will always have their toys!Happy Birthday for tomorrow!
That elephant costume looks bit silly, perhaps because it is a blue elephant. Anyhow, sad it being your last day as a kitten but you will be a fine Mancat, I'm sure. Of course, you can still play, play and play as long as you can!
No matter your age, there'll always be a bit of kitten in you!
Ohhhh...I really can't tell you are not a real elephant Harley! Thats a very clever disguise! As for your toys, man-humans have lots of toys so I am sure man-cats can too! :o)
Look at you, you big blue elephante!! Your costume is too cute Mr Mancat Harley.
Have a great bday. I hope you gets lots of treats and snuggles with your mom.
We think that toys are allowed FOREVER!!!
You make an excellent elephant. We especially like the last photo. Smooch, smooch, SMOOCH, Harley!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Harley, I almost fainted because of your cuteness! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! I could steal all those pictures and decorate our appartements with them!
Purrs, Siena
P.S: I will be a Ladycat in April.
Hapy mancat Day Harley. you look the part!!Sandy Evie, Darlin, Princeman, Sweetheart and Pinky oh and Bitty Bopper
O, Harley! I knoweded dat aint no elefant! I seeded dat it iz u! OK? I sayz happy burfday to u case I furgetz tomorrowz. OK?
....don't ever put away 'kittenish things'......
Oh, Harley! We almost did not recognise you in your big blue elephant disguise!
So tomorrow you will be a Mancat! Wowie! That is very exciting, isn't it?
No matter how old you get, we hope you never lose your inner kitten and love for playing with toys!
That's the cutest elephant I've ever seen! And of course you can play with your toys after tomorrow. Mancats play with toys all the time.
Happy last day as a kitten!
It's a good thing you told us that was you - we thought it was a real elephant!
Even though you are going to be a ManCat, you still will always have a little kitten in you - we all do!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That is a very good disguise Harley. It will be good for your spying.
Don't worry, you can still play with your toys when you are a mancat. Manbeans never stop playing with their toys.
OH MY really fooled Mommy. She thought that an elephant had eaten Harley!!!
Big Boys/Mancats play with toys....NO PROBLEM!!!
HARLEY!!! YAY you will be a mancat tomorrow!! ME is mancat too!! BUT ME loves to PLAYPLAYPLAY wif my toys and furriends and DANCEDANCEDANCE and be HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY all the time and mommy says that mancats can still do kitten things, so I choose to still do kitten things!!! YAY!! - Billy SweetFeets
Harley, you will always be a kitten to us! Toys forever! Including elephant costumes (which is very realistic, I might add...)!
Have a wonderful day - I'll bet tomorrow will be even better!
Harley, I think it's ok to still be kittenish even when you are a mancat. It keeps you feeling young and healthy:)
That elephant disguise would be a great addition to your spy gear.
Harley, we wanted to go ahead and tell you Happy Purrthday today, in case we weren't able to to stop by tomorrow.
We hope you have the bestest day ever!!!
Harley, you look great in your elephant hat! And even though you'll be a mancat tomorrow, you can play all you want! Playing is a cat thing!!!!
HI! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My mom donated $10 to my fundraiser for Heifer International. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Oh my, you look so cute! We have the same disguise, although when we wear it, we run around the house like crazed lunatics until someone takes it off of us.
Happy Birthday look adorable in your blue elephant costume, almost did not recognize you!
Well Harley, please tell everyone how much I enjoy visiting you blog everyday. It makes me smile good...
aww... Harley you're adorable.!
and such a good model too!
I assure you Harley us mancats still play with toys. ~Socks
You are a very cute elephant Harley and you look so handsome in blue. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Harley, do you want to play with me. I love to play. ~Fenris
Wow, Harley. I thought you really were an ephelant at first. It is a realistic disguise. Maybe you can use it in your spy work.
Since I won't be online tomorrow, I'll wish you a happy early birthday today! I think you can still play with your toys. I'm a grown-up and I played in the park yesterday.
What a cute little elephant you are Harley! Did you have peanuts in your food dish this morning? I'll let you in on a all know me as Cory Cat, but my mom never calls me that. She calls me Corykitten because I'll always be her little kitten. You never lose your inner kitten!
Harley that is so funny!
Of course you can still have your toys. Us humans never grow up, you ask your mummy ;O)
Purrs, Sukie x
Great disguise. Looks like the perfect birthday party hat. Be sure to take pictures of the party.
Oh, Harley, you are so cute in everything you put on! And the big day is tomorrow. You will no longer be a Mancat-in-training! Daisy has taught you well.
Harley, you are becoming an excellent model. Just because you turn into a mancat tomorrow doesn't mean that you can't act like a kitten. Have fun!
SO CUTE, Harley! You really had me thinking you had a guest elephant filling in for you today. I thought maybe you'd gone away on some secret vacation, leaving an elephant home to take care od things.
of course you can,dear! you're amazin in blue! so, so, so cute! I love that!
kisses for you, Daisy and mommie!
OMG, that is just the cutest picture of Harley ever!
Harley, just one year old and such a great model, your big sister is very nice to you on your birthday.
Harley, that is the funniest thing I've seen for a LONG time!!!
thanks! :-)
One more day as a kitten. Gee Harley, you are growing very fast!
Mom loves Elephants, after kitties, that is. That disquise is great. We did not know it was you till you looked up. I think a lot of mancats play with toys and model, too!
Happy Birthday To Harley.
You will be a most manly Mancat.
Harley, it will always be okay to play with your toys!!!!!!
Meow thinks you look cute in your elephant costume!
Dear Harley, first of all many happy birthdayz to youz! And sure, playing with toyz are not just for kidz, I like them too and I am almost 8 years oldz ;) (In the name of Dumpling the ladykitty)
Harley you're the cutest bloo elephant I've ever seen! Congratulations on becoming a Mancat tomorrow. I think it would be very Mancatly to continue playing with your toys!
happy birthday harley. are you sure you aren't a real elephant? you sure had me fooled.
wow harley, i really thought that was a real elephant! you fooled me!!! happy birthday honey.
smiles, auntie bee
I'm glad you told us, or I would just never have realized Harvey was not an elephant. I would have wondered how it was you were able to get him in the house. :)
Whoa Harley, for a minute there I thought you and Daisy had a new housemate. Glad it was just you under those big ears.
Congrats on your Birthday tomorrow. I don't think you have to give up the toys, I'm 17 and still play with mine.
Nosetaps to you and Daisy!
Harley, you had me fooled! I thought you were a real elephant! Hope you're excited for your birthday!
oh!! i love your elephant hat!! i would love one too! i love elephants. i always wanted one when i was a child...i got mad at my dad because he said i couldn't have one.
harley, you will always be a wonderful kitten / mancat. i am sending you some ear rubs!
Happy Birthday Harley! A day early...I think birthdays should last for more than one day!
I think you make a great elephant!
And judging from the cats around the farm here who are quite old by the way, you can still act like a kitten all you want! always have the best costumes. You are very entertaining.
We love the elephant.
OF COURSE you can still play with your toys, Harley!
Enjoy your last day of kittenhood!
And stop by our place tomorrow for some Purrthday Parteeee goodness!
Daphne & Chloe
(fellow March 7th purrthdayers!)
Harley: Of course you can play. Tiger Woods plays, doesn't he? Roger Federer plays, doesn't he? Yo-Yo Ma plays, right? And they're all grown up mencats. Therefore, you can, and should play too.
Happy birthday to you, and many more.
You could have fooled me. I thought it was pictures of a cat!
Eat Well. Live Well.
Happy early Birthday Harley!!! =)
Harley, we didn't even see you there! We thought an elephant had sat on you!
You will be the first elephant to hunt and pounce instead of foraging. -grin-
Happy Mancat birthday! Even mancats can play with their toys. Our daddy is a growed up human, and he still plays with toys.
awwwww's you under there...had me fooled.....
You are doing so well with this modeling kick... your Mom must be pretty proud.
Happy "Day-before-your-birthday" !!
What an interesting disguise you have Harley. I am looking forward to your party though... I shall come bearing ham.
Oah, lovely elephant harley~!!!!
you are just too cute~!
Harley, you had us fooled! We thought that you were a real elephant:)
Don't stare at that trunk too long or you could go cross-eyed Harley! Happy Birthday Mancat!!!
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
P.S. Are you going to audition for the movie (see my post today!)
Happy birthday Harley, you are perfect in blue's elephant!
ViVi & AB
Harley, I have no doubt you can still play with toys once you are a Mancat. You will just do it in a very mancatly way!
Harley, you are just too cute for words. Have a great birthday tomorrow.
Wow!!! So realistic!!!! I almost gave you a peanut Harley!!!
Hi, Harley!
Your elephant costume is pawesome!
Are you going to have a big celebration??
Kisses and hugs
Yes, Harley, you are NEVER too old for toys!!!! What a great disguise... I love your elephant hat!
Harley,there is no need to put away your toys!!! They are what keep us young and the exercise keeps us in shape ;)
You will make a fine mancat!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: How is the lizard interrogation coming along?
Oh Harley, you are becoming a quite the model and we think you look like you are smiling in one photo...Too cute!!
Us cats are lucky cuz we get to play kittenish forever and our humans love it when we do, so no worries about having to put your toys away!!
OMG!!!!!!!!! Harley is cutest elephant I have EVER seen!!!
Oh least it's a blue elephant.
I wonder if woo will get more khool spy gear?
Nice elephant disguise - I thought they were always pink or red!
Happy Birthday, Harley. Now you are a MANCAT! You can still play with toys. We all do and we are MUCH older.
Oh Harley, we are so happy for you! You are turning out to be a beautiful mancat indeed! And of course you can still play with toys!
Happy Happy birthday Harley!
Love Theodore and Sasha
You had me totally fooled..I thought you had given youw blog ovew to a vewy cute efalant.heheh, but then I saw that it was you in awe gettig to be as good as youw sissie (almost) at modeling.I can't believe it's aweady youw Biwfday tomowwow!
I'm suwe even mancats get to play wif toys
smoochie kisses
Oh Harley I have never seen you looking so cute. And of course you can play - playing is part an parcel of being a cat...Lucky you!
Wow you look great in that Elephant hat. You almost had us fooled! We are very excited about your birthday tomorrow.
Harley, in the 3rd photo you look just like an elephant! If I hadn't seen the other pictures, I would swear I was looking at a real live elephant!
Hahahaha! Harley's too cute!
Happy early birthday Harley, I won't be attached to my computer tomorrow, so I thought I'd say it now, we're all so happy you got such a great home and family to live with! :)
We didn't recognize you at first - wow!
Us 3 girls will be back again when you're all mancatty. :)
That is a sooper birthday outfit - we hope you have a great day tomorrow and welcome to da BIG MAN CAT werld!
That helmet is very handsome.
Happy Birthday! :) made our day! You look so cute in that elephant hood. =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Harley you are such a cute elephant.
I still play with my toys yes it's okay and Happy Birthday :)
Awwwww...Harley I can't wait. What a wonderful pose in that last picture.
I better get to bed early so I don't miss your birthday.:-)
Oh Harley!! That nose is so funny!! I laughed and laughed!
Harley yoo can certainly play wif toys after yoo become a mancat, we play wif dem all the time here.
You can always play with toys Harley! And you sure make a cute elephant too!
I love your elephant pictures, Harley! And yes, I definitely think you can still play with your toys when you are a mancat!
Harley. An elephant costume??
Tusk, Tusk. Heh, heh.
No, seriously. You are very nice to let a human dress you up as an elephant. You must have a heart of gold. Happy Birthday, my brother.
Mr. B
Daisy, you have a heffulump in your house! Halp! Oh wait, it's Harley in disguise... What? Oh, he thinks it's the last time he can play... Not so Harley, mancats can play forever and ever, it's very mancatly to do so!
Here in Inguland it's already tomorrow (aint time strange?) so HIPPY, HOPPY, HAPPY Purrfday Darling Harley and many more! Luvzya :) xxx
Wow! A real ManCat ... already? Happy FIrst Birthday, Harley!
Heheheh Harley, you are an adorable elephant!! Happpy Biiiirrthday!
Happy Almost Mancat Day! You can totally still play with your toys!!
Of course you can still play with your toys Harley. After all big boys have big toys. And big boys are really just another name for men and mancats.
We love your elephant costume. We hope you have a great birthday.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Harley, you are just too cute in the elephant hat. You're going to give Daisy some stiff competition in the fashion Friday segment.
Happy Birthday Harley. You're officially a mancat now. Have a great day with lots of toys and treats.
That's a very good elephant disguise, Harley. Happy Almost Birthday! Of course you can still play with all your toys when you are a mancat. Playing is part of being a real mancat.
So funny! Never give up your toys Harley! Our Dad is 62 and he still has toys (a motorbike, golf clubs, sport's car, 'pooter etc)
Oh Harley!! You look adorable in the elephant costume!! And no matter how old you get TOYS are still cool!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope yoo like peenuts oh and now yoo hav to be skayrd of mice too mithbusters sed so ha ha ok bye
That is silly. Do you think Daisy did not want to wear the elephant hat and made you do it?
We wanted to wish you the Happiest 1st Birthday ever, Harley! We love your elephant costume! And of course you can still play with all of your toys and maybe get some new ones for your birthday!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
P.S. I am 12 1/2 years old and I still play with toys every day! Purrs, China Cat
haha Harley I thinks my momma has something wrong with here.. she had to look twice to see that you was an elephant and that was a trunk... :P
Happy birthday you cute little man-cat you. I'm sure you can still have as much fun as you always have and still get into lots and lots of troublez!
You are such an adorable manly cat! Wish I could eat you up, hope you had a wicked birthday!
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