Secret Agent 007.5 here with a new, top secret, and very important Spy Cat mission. I was contacted by Q and given this very important assignment:
"We need to know if any wildlife spies enter your garden. Photographic evidence would be useful. We need to check if they are on the Most Wanted list. We are particularly interested in Russian undercover agents. They may cunningly disguise themselves as squirrels."
Never fear, SPY CAT is on the job!
Even though I am a Secret Agent, I am not allowed to go Outside, except on my harness. So, I decided this must be a COVERT operation. I pretended to be enjoying the view, all the while scanning for Russian SPIES!

I realized I forgot my special SPY TOOLS! For this case, I need my secret BINOCULARS. I left my toolbelt behind. Only use the IMPORTANT spy tools.

I was almost discovered by Daisy! So I pretended to be playing a game until she left the scene. My paws got a little clammy with anxiety.

Here I am, On The Job!

I saw some coconuts. They might have been some Russian SPIES in disguise. But I think COCONUT is not the same as COSMONAUT.

I saw evidence of some secret LAIRS!

And you will NOT believe what I saw next!


I will proceed with my interrogation. Secret Agent 007.5, On The Job.

A Matter of World Security!
87 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, good work 007.5
I still can't quite work out why Russian spies would disguise themselves as squirrels or lizards though?
Harley, yer a goofball. Stop hogging Daisy's blog. Tell her thare better be a midriff-baring fashun tomorrow to make up fur yoo hogging her blog.
Ekks Lizard.. Good spying there Harley..
~ Bae
Good spying Harley. We would never have noticed the spy lizard. We have heard they use their tails to send their coded messages.
Wow, we can see your post now. Harley you is doin a good job buddy. I hopes you gets to taste the russian lizard real soon.
Pawsome job, Harley!!! We didn't know about the squirrels!
Good spying, Harley! Or should we say 007.5! Keep a watch on that lizard!
We just KNEW those Evil Squirrels were up to something no good!
We will keep our eyes out for any Secret Squirrel stuff, Harley! Maybe our Grampy will even let us borrow his bird-watching binoculars!
-Gandalf and Grayson
How cooperative is that lizzard going t be, we ask ourselves...
You certainly make us feel safer, Harley!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Good job, Harley! Keep up the good work!
Great work! You never know what is lurking under a lizard's skin.
Good job Harley. We are sure the lizard will respond to your interrogation, do let us know what "dangerous secrets" he revealed. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
The lizard will never stand up to your interrogation, Harley. We think he will spill.
What a Yummy - um we mean well disguised spy that lizard is.
You're a great secret agent! We like the way you pretended to be playing when Daisy showed up! Good work!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hey Harley, our should I say .5, 007 was licensed to kill, .5 would be licensed to spill.
Great work, 007.5. I have confidence in your abilities to find the foreign spies.
We found a SPY in our garden, too, Harley! Come look -- might not be Russian, though... Could be Bulgarian... What do you think?
GOOD JOB HARLEY! You are a wonderful Secret Agent!
Did the lizard talk????
Secret Agent 007.5 -- that name alone is hysterical not to mention Harley's missions. I'm waiting for Goldpaw to show up.
Great job 007.5! I'm getting a little nervous because we had a pack of those spys (squirrels) in our yard and now I know they were just fooling us by pretending to play. Now I know they were probably up to no good...uh oh. Can you help us?
Harley!? you're getting very good in this spy stuff! well done!
let me know what the "horrible" lizard tell you, ok?
send a kiss to Daisy and mommie, and one for you too!
Great job Harley! I feel so safe with you as a secret agent. Be sure to question that lizard thoroughly!! Be tough!
For a new agent I must commend you on your tactics and successful mission . Can't wait until next mission.sandy
You are needed here Harley, we definitely have a squirrel!
Please come interrogate the neighbors cats Harley I want to know why they like my house better than theirs... There are so many of them and they growl at me on my own deck! The picture is of my mommy... if you want to see what I look like I am the inspector on her etsy site!
Love ZoomiPS my mommy won't let me play with her binoculars... you are so lucky!
your spy skills are very impressive indeed 007.5. and it doesn't look like daisy suspects a thing.
Oh mah goodness! U saw a lizerd!
U is brave. :)
OMG Lizard lizard!! Abort abort!! now just go get it!!!
oh man i might have seen one at my house too! what should i do harley??? call the feds? what are feds?
smiles, auntie bee
Harley...don't listen to Skeezix....us Boyz love watching your adventures! Anyway, it's good when Daisy gets time off the set! Harley you need one of those Sherlock Holmes hats=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Harley you are so sharp! I think I detect a tail-mounted recording device on that lizard - very serious indeed. Good thing for all of us that you are on duty!! I heard that if you pull on the lizard's tail-mounted spy device, the whole apparatus comes off - yeech!! Icky! Those devilish spies!!
Good work Harley, I feel safe with you on the job.
the world is a safer place with you on the job, agent 007.5! keep up the good work!
Harley, you take your spy cat job so seriously! we gots lots of Russian spy squirrels and lizards. Mom keeps tryoug to get a picture of teh possom and armadillo spy! Kirby wants ot help!
Holy cats, Harley! You're a great spy! Do you guys really have coconuts at your house??? That is so cool!
What is that SPY lizard being there doing?!?!?!!!!
Good spy, Harley!! You find that very very strange lizard!!
LOL at Skeezix!
It's fun when you post, too, Harley. And the pictures today really show off your lovely colouring and physique.
Gotta watch out for those spy lizards, Harley!
Oooh, I'll bet that lizard would have tasted pretty good, huh, Harley. My publicist's cat Fred once brought her the tail of a Western Skink lizard. It fell off when he tried to catch it. Fred is bad that way....
You are a good spy!
Make him squirm!
We also hear there are submarines disguised as alligators out in the water.
What a lovely view you have, Harley!
I spy on the local wildlife and I sometimes take those Cicada double agents prisoner and torture them for information.
Oooh....I think secret agent 007.5 is a very good spy indeed! Be very careful of the lizard! Daisy's boyfriend doesn't seem to appreciate you though, Harley.
Wow! Squirrels are spies huh? And lizards? Now that I believe because you know that lizards are rude.
Definitely a kitty I would hire!
coconut = cosmonaut made me LOL
Good spying, oo7.5!
Harley, the world is a safer place because of you! We must notify Homeland Security that you're now on the job!
Secret Agent Man.....
There is no need to fear when 007.5is on the job!
did you trap him in Daisy's experiment box?
I love Harley!!! :)
oh, and was his name GEORGE?
We feel much safer knowing you are on the job, 007.5!
You have coconuts growing in your garden? Wow!
You are doing a very good job there 007.5!
Purrs, Sukie x
As usual you executed this mission in exemplory secret agent style.
Often a spy will put secret information in a package and leave it so other people can pick it up. A package may be very big, wrapped in a plastic bag, or very small and hidden where you would never think to look! In one case, a fake brick was made to hide rolls of film containing secrets. In the 1950s, a spy (disguised as a lizard)for the Soviet Union used a hole in cement steps in a park in New York City to drop messages. In the hole the spy placed a bolt that was hollowed out. Inside the bolt was a typed message about a meeting time and place.
We will send out a top field surveilance spy to check out your garden immediately to see if the russian spy left a top secret message. He will of course be disguised.
Well done!
Harley, can we hire you to teach Minchie how to be a great 007.5 Spy too?
OMG! A lizzard, how cool is that! I would be pawing the door to get out out out! Keep up the good spy stuff.
Harley, you are such a good spy! A lizard, what cool things lurking in your backyard.
Wow excellent harley. I certainly feel very safe with you on the job...thank you for helping keep us safe from all hidden lizard spies!!:-)))
Agent Harley, stay on top, and keep us up todate:)
Secwet Agent 007.5 I aways feel so safe wif you on the job..you look evew so alewt.....you can nevew twust those spies..they have a million disguises..good luck on the intewwogation..I'm suwe he'll fold undew youw steely gaze
smoochie kisses
Good spying Harley that lizard looks shifty.
Agent 007.5, you are doing such an awesome job of keeping your eye on everything and keeping undercover. Good luck with the interrogation, and on any future job you get.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Grrrrreat work fur a khat!
Oh my harley you are an EXCELLENT agent! And, what a fancy number you have! We also LOVED the whacky whisker post from yesterday, and the storytelling joke!
Thank you, Harley. I feel much safer knowing that you're on the job.
Good work, Agent 7.5. Just don't forget the lizard's defense mechanism when you go to capture him.
Uh Oh! I need Harley at my house. I have lots of lizard spys arpund :)
I fell so much safer...thanks Space Cat!
Social Networking Blues
We've given you an award. Please stop by our blog to bask in the glory.
Woof! Agent 007 Daisy. You are SO GOOD ... gotta help me to find my chipmunk friends. Woof! Sugar
We gots lots of squirrels. Mebbe we better start watchin them even more closely that we already do.
You have a very important mission Secret Agent 007.5!
Do you think that lizard knows something?
Good luck
Kisses and hugs
Excellent work 007.5
I tagged yoo for an award!
Keep your eyes peeled for Russian subs in that lake. And not like Submarine sandwiches with Russian dressing, which is delicious.
Has Daisy prepared a Russian lizard blintz for you yet?
Your pal,
I feel safer with you on the job.
007.5 you did a wonderful job of finding the Spy Lizard!! You did a good job of making sure Daisy didn't see what you were doing!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
Great job Agent 007.5! Good job on not letting Daisy deter you from your spy duties!
Thank goodness there are some real professionals on the case! With cat like sluething, the job will be done!
Did you here from M too ??? Miss Moneypenny called me the other day with a case ... can you tackle that one too? I believe it is lizzard free :-)
Eeek! That is a big lizard. Good job, 007.5. Your skills become more impressive with each task.
Harley I have herd that them binokulars can be used fer bird watching and that is a perfektly lejitimite aktivity that has nothing to do with spying. So if Daisy comes around agin while you are using them binokulars you kin jest pretend to be bird watching. Kittys like to watch birds or so I hears so Daisy will be none the wiser.
Yer pal Dozer
Hey Harley--
Dude! Why are you telling people you're a spy! You're supposed to be a secret agent.
And that "Q" feller ain't helpin' matters by divulging methods and modus operandi and what not.
Mr. Black (or am I)
Heh, heh.
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow coconuts!!! i hav herd yoo can put de lime in de coconut and shayk dem both together and it wil mayk yoo feel better but it cud just be a mith try it and let me no!!!! ok bye
Yikes! I think I would be scared of a lizard; even a tiny one!!! Great sleuthing there Harley!
Good job, Harley! Did the spy lizard survive his interrogation?
Oh my gosh. Sometimes when I think I'd love to live where you do I see a lizzard photo! Yikes! That tail! Yikes!
Yous a good spy Harley :)
Well done, Harley! Just remember Russian squirrels are your enemies. Russian cats, however, are your friends.
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