Or maybe I should say I have a bee for a bonnet! My bee-head hat has antennae and wings, too.

At first I was worried that the bee might sting me. That would hurt, real bad.

But then I realized that the bee was smiling real big, so I knew he was friendly. Also, I could not find a stinger anywhere on him.

Even bees get to have treats! Bzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzz.

Fashion Friday: A Bee in my Bonnet
84 Notes for Daisy:
That is a most stylish hat Daisy! You look a bit worried in that second photo but you must be okay now.
Huffle Mawson
That is a real cute hat Daisy! Did you share the treat with the Bee in the bonnet? You are real cute eating your treat!
You bee furry pretty in that hat!
Bzzzzzz....Bzzzzzz....Bzzzzzz....sounds very exciting to me!!
You are so cute!!!!
BEE is a bad werd arownd my howse ever sinse my dibbokul in the spellin bee.
a big fashion statement Daisy . I alwyas love your modeling and treat face..
Daisy you make such a cute little bee, although I imagine that hat would be too hot to wear for too long in Florida.
Oh that is SO CUTE...
Daisy , i give you a beezzzzzé....
you are so cute !
ViVi & AB
Oh Daisy your new bonnet matches your eyes so well!
It's a pretty cute hat, Daisy. You're cuter, though. I like the way your ears look like wings for the bee
I'm glad that's a smiling Bee!
You are the prettiest buzzy bee of all, Daisy:)
You look sweet as honey in your bee-bonnet, Daisy!
What a cute hat, Daisy!
Where on earth do you get these things? Daisy is just too, too adorable! She is such a good sport. What a special girl! I see another Hallmark card in the future.
I hear you buzzing around our rose bush.
That's a Beeeeautiful hat! We like the picture with the treats too!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are one adorable and bee-utiful bee, Daisy! Bzzzzzzz!
You got us all buzzing here because you are so cute! Do bees like catnip?
Our mommaz always tellz us dat we have to be l♥ving to da bees cuz dey do so many wunnerful things for da flowerz an' da farmers. When momma gardenz she ♥s it when she finds bees in her blossoms☺
A bee in her bonnet! Hee! Hee! That's really cute, Daisy.
We thinks it must by a honey bee, you are so sweet. ~S,S,C & F
Yellow is such a good color for you Daisy, but honestly I think that is a silly hat...
the best thing about that hat is that it doesn't make you look silly wearing it.
I guess this makes woo a Good DooBee!
Happy Friday!
We are very glad it is a friendly bee without a stinger.
DAISY, Will you *BEE* mine????
Daisy....you look BEE-UTIFUL!!!
you are so adorable in everything you put on daisy! i am really glad that that was a sweet bee. i bought my kitten some temptations the other day because you love them so much. i think he eats them whole because i dont hear or see him crunching them..i guess they are just that good?
Your the cutest bee I ever seen...Hugs
That is a faaabulous hat, Daisy! I'm sure it'll be the latest buzz in the kitty fashion world!
That's truly a lovely Bee Bonnet, Daisy. You're such a stylish cat, you make everything look beautiful.
This hat is quite adorable, Daisy! I have certainly never seen a bee bonnet before. You wear it beautifully!
Love the hat! Beeutiful
This outfit reminds us of two things.
1. OMG RUN!!!!! (the LL does not do bees)
2. "I'm the only bee in your bonnet...make a little birdhouse in your soul....not to put to fine a point on it..." (the TM sometimes sings this song and it makes us laugh)
You look so cute in your bee bonnet! I love the picture of you getting the treat!
Oh my GOSH! that has got to be the cutest thing EVER! So cute! Have a great weekend,
Wow Daisy, lucky you! What a cute bee hat. Have a great day.
I think if you are going to have a bee in your bonnet that that is a very good bee to have!
well daisy dear, i bee-leve that you are just about the cutest thing ever in your bee bonnet!
smiles, auntie bee
I tried to eat a bumble bee last week. It didn't have a bonnet on though. Daddy seemed unhappy with me about it. I don't know why.
omg daisy your so freakin adorable. I love that hat so much. You look so bee-utiful..
Daisy dear, no bee would dare sting you. You're just too cute!
Its adorable Daisy!
You can wear that cap on days when you are real busy, busy as a bee!
That is so cute, Daisy. Mom got me a ladybug hat and I just wouldn't wear it long enough for a photo op. Maybe I'll get used to it now that I've seen how lovely your hat looks.
that is a very cute bee hat, daisy. your cute ears give the bee some extra wings!
happy friday!
We love bees and we think you look very cute in your bonnet, Daisy!
Daisy, you amazey! I am a very bad model as I have said before. You are such a good model. Your mommie must give you lots of good treats.
I will answer your question in my first Goatucation post on Monday. Thank you for asking!
You are the cutest bee we've ever seen!
Just when I think the cuteness can't get any cuter, you prove me wrong Daisy. :) Oh my gosh, so adorable! I hope your furs grow back soon. Try to relax honey okay? Use your nervous energy for playing.
Harley looked like he enjoyed his strollering. I wonder if Toeshee or Cricket would like it? "oh there goes crazy cat lady Lorianna pushing her cat around the block again!" :)
I think it would be fun!
Have a happy Friday!
BEE-utiful Daisy! You look so darned cute in your bee hat!
Bee Yootiful!!!
Daisy, you are just way, way too cute for words. Your eyes hypnotize me!! And, the golden yellow bee brings out your golden eyes in a most bewitching fashion. You go, B-girl!!!
You are positively adorable! You couldn't BEEEEEEE any sweeter!
Love always,
We think you are just Un-Bee-Lieavably cute in your bonnet! It's a sure sign that summer is here when you see Bees!
Very stylish hat Miss Daisy!
That is a very cute summer hat Daisy!
When can we buy your card in the stores?
Wow !!
Daisy ,
You are a great photo model ^__^
You are looking so beautiful,
many hugs from me
Kareltje =^.^=
Very cute
B-e-a-utiful! Love it!!! Please don't tell Mom where you got it or I'll (bee) wearing one too{{VBG}}=^Y^=TEAK
I must know where you get these beautiful hats!
Hi Daisy!
You look great in that bee hat! I hate wearing hats! And the cats at my house will barely tolerate a collar so I don't think we will be seeing them in any hats either!
:) Tibby
Daisy - you are TOO CUTE!
And that's NO beeswax!
A bee bonnet....?? Why?
I think the cat is mad. But in fairness still cute although mad.
OMG. Daisy, that hat was so insanely cute, I almost passed out. :D
That bee bonnet sure matches your beautiful eyes, Daisy!
Oh daisy, I adorrrre the hat! I bet it keeps your huge brain warm too!
You have a sweet perky face and that makes me happy today
love and purr
always, Princess
Oh Daisy, what can I say that hasn't been said already? You are just beeyutiful sweetie! :) xxx
Thankfully it is a friendly bee!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, the bee is your bonnet, not just IN your bonnet.
Daisy, you have become quite the expert at modeling hats. We know you don't think them if they squish your ears, but you do such a professional job at it. We love your bee bonnet.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Ha! Oh what a cute hat... you are so lucky to have such a wonderful wardrobe!
That is a very nice bee bonnet!
very funny and beautiful
That's a pretty crazy hat Daisy! And you're so cute getting your treat!
OMG That is the best hat ever LOL! I love it!
That is a weawwy sweet bee, Daisy!
You're such a honey (geddit?), Daisy!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay ummm i dont want to gross yoo owt or ennything but i hav herd that bees looze there stingers and die after they yooze them so sinse that bee duznt hav wun ummm yoo mite want to check its pulse ok bye
I could tell wight away that that bee loved you..he looked vewy happy to be pawt of youw photo shoot
You awe so considewate to shawe youw tweats
smoochie kisses
Gee!! You even have ear holes in that bonnet!! Now your ears don't get flattened ;)
Bet that bee did not get treats like you did though,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Daisy, how long! I hope that you, Harley and mommie are fine! I'm fine too!
I liked so much of yours hats - where do you buy them? -, of the pics of your home - beeeeautiful!, and I wish that Mr. Shrill has a good behavior in his new job with Harley! God help both of them... há! há!
kisses for you all! have a great monday!
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