Psst! It is Secret Agent 007.5 here. I got a real IMPORTANT mission from Q. Here is what he said:
Could you do surveillance on your garden, 007.5, as we want to know what it's like. We thought we saw water in one of the photos and we are wondering if we could store a secret submarine there.
Never fear, I am On The Job! First I put on my harness so I would be SAFE while I conducted my surveillance. Then I realized that I might be too OBVIOUS in this getup. Spies should BLEND into the environment.

So, I was SMART! I went INSIDE to conduct my SURVEILLANCE. I will use my BINOCULARS so I can see better.

See? I can see real GOOD from inside my safe house. And Daisy does not even realize I am SPYING on her!

Here is what it looks like when I look LEFT. I think that is the same as NORTH.

You can see the water if you look RIGHT, too. Now I must see if there is enough space to park a SUBMARINE.

Hmmm, LOOK what I saw! There might ALREADY be a submarine here.

And LOOK what ELSE I saw. A little ALLIGATOR! Now I am very WORRIED that some COVERT activity is going on behind my OWN HOUSE!

Um, Daisy? Why are you wearing that sailor's cap?
Daisy: Ранняя пташка ловит червя!

The Hunt for Red October
88 Notes for Daisy:
What a good spy you are Harley. But do you know if Daisy caught a worm or not?
You are a good Secret Agent Harley!
Yikes! An alligator! I am glad that you stay inside your safe house Harley!! Daisy too!
Did she just call you a worm???
Да, я получил червь!
I knew that Daisy wasn't a real cat. She's a Russian spy with a terrific disquise.
Is the sub a worm, Daisy? We are very confused.
ha..ha.. enjoyed it. is this the place you are staying, your home? it's beautiful.
Well done 007.5. Excellent surveillance work. It looks like there is enough water for our TOP SECRET submarine - and the Alligators will prevent anyone snooping around and discovering it.
It appears that Daisy speaks Russian. Therfore we would like you to carry out suveillance on her as your next task - to make sure she is not liaising with undercover spys. Take your time over this ... it might take a week ot two to gather evidence of her activities. Tell no one.
Over and out.
Hi 007.5,
We are very impressed wiv your skills - you do a very impawtant job to keep us all safe. You are our hero!
Milo and Alfie xx
One has to wonder if Jack Ryan is getting ready to contact Harley next. Excellent work with the surveillance Harley. Keep us posted and let us know if Daisy tries any nefarious tricks.
Wow this is getting interesting!!
Alligators in your back yard - awesome!
I was thinking how lovely it is where you live, and then I saw the alligator!
How did that worm taste, Daisy? (I am a Russian Blue, after all! Some of my friends on Twitter think I am a Russian spy. I may need to recruit you.
Ah, my favorite spy movie! Thanks for starring in a remake of it, Harley!
Ominous looking submarine hahaha Lovely there behind your house-- Beautiful leash by the way ..where did you get it ??Glad you have cracked yet another case?/How many is that now??sandy
Yikes Harley, is Daisy really a spy? You're such a great secret agent...how will you deal with your sisfur being a Russian spy??
You guys crack me up! Daisy - where did you learn to speak Russian? Um, what did you say?
But see Daisy isn't an early bird, she would be an early cat. Would an early cat catch the worm too?
Seems like you need to look closer to home for spies Harley. Beware of the worms, Daisy has even admitted she has made contact with one.We can't believe she would be a Russian spy though, maybe she is a double agent too.
Oh no Daisy! You've been under-cofur all this time for the KGB!!!
And Harley, you nefur even suspected a thing!
ha ha! We play on the Spy Mater network on the Russian side Daisy! That's funny you 'know' Russian too!
Oh Dear there's an awful lot of suspicious stuff going on there!! We're pretty concerned about Daisy - has the real Daisy been kidnapped and replaced with a spy??
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Spy cat! Now in 3-D. :)
Harly...you are a great spycat!!!
Маргаритка, Вы ловили червя?
Harley, we thinks you better keep an eye on Daisy. The Hunt for Red October is one of our favorite books and we loved Sean Connery in the movie. ~S,S,C & F
Whoa...if the water and fishies and alligators weren't shocking enough...Daisy is a Russian spycat?Harley, if you need reinforcements, it may be time to recruit a team of undercover and underwater agents to help you.
This is big...and the safety of the CB could be at stake.
Harley, this is becoming a very complicated case! Thankfully you a a very smart spycat.
Uh oh! Did the Russians get Daisy?? Or maybe the worm did!
harley you live in a very pretty area.
Ahahahaha Daisy! I wish I knew Russian, but I did try online translation... The Early Bird Gets the Worm???
Harley, I must say, you and your family live in an absolutely beautiful place!!!
Great sleuthing skills; and please stay away from the alligators, K? ;)
Uh-oh. I don't know what Daisy's saying, but it looks very suspicious. Very good job, Harley! I'm not sure how you saw that little alligator from your safe house, but you are one Top Spy Cat.
You are good as spying. I don't think i would like alligators in my back yard!
When I saw the lagoon right outside your door, my very first thought was to tell you to watch for alligators! Yikes!! I'd stay in, Harley.
haha Daisy, isn't is great to be older and wiser?
Harley, your spots are adorable. You and Pierro have a lot in common that way. I bet your mom kisses your spots.
Harley - good job! You should watch out for the alligators. Here we have bald eagles. One almost took Farm cat Fred away.
I did not know Daisy was bi lingual!
Parle tu Francais, Daisy? Tu es un belle chat!
don't get the alligator harley cause they are mean as snakes, k??
smiles, auntie bee
Harley: you are so suave and brave.
Daisy: you are so multitalented. In addition to everything else you do, you speak Russian, and you're a philosopher.
good job 007.5, You need a shoe phone like Maxwell Smart, just so you know daisy has her sailor hat on because she supports our soldiers.
hahaha Harley, it looks like you're going to have to keep your eye on Daisy. This is a very mysterious situation!
Tooo cute!! What good spies!!
Wow, what a beautiful yard! I need to do what your mommy does for work so I can have a house like that :)
Your yard is just impeccable and so gorgeous! And the fish! Too cool. I hope you find out what Daisy is up to ;-)
Have a great day,
007.5, it looks like there could be some Spycat competition in Casa Culy Cat!
маргаритка Вы забавны
wow! such intrigue right in your own home!! now i wonder if daisy gets her moneys from the russian government?!?
also, your mom and dad have a lovely home. the garden is so pretty and i can just imagine sitting in those rockers at the end of a day, watching the sunset.
LOL--that was great! Good job spying, Harley. And Daisy, nice touch with the Russian. :)
Well Harley, perhaps Daisy could instruct yoo in spying...seems she's already been trained!
Маргаритка была шпионкой сперва!
Sadie...beating brofurs effurytime!
You are a very good spy Harley and you live in a very pretty place
"Spies should blend into the environment" cracked me up.
Your neighborhood is gorgeous, Daisy! What is your mission today?
PLEASE BE CAREFUL! DO not trust the alligators, even the smaller ones. Remember you look like an appetizer to them. Even big people look like dinner to these guys. (says prayers of protection) You are a clever lad to scope things out from inside your home.
Uncle Bobby
That's U.N.C.L.E. to you.
привет прекрасный !
But it is June!
PeeEssWoo: Be khareful out there - those gators khan be Siberian khwikhk!
Good work, Secret Agent Harley. I would keep an eye on Daisy though... with that sailor hat and all...
Nice work, Harley! And I'm glad there are no submarines or alligtors in my back yard. ;)
Your best work yet, 007.5! This is all taking a very interesting turn. Very interesting indeed...
It's so exotic over there today. Russian spies and crocks!
Wish I could be a spy cat!
I don't know Harley, if I were a spy, I'd like to go there. Beautiful yard, chairs looking over the submarines, ahem, I mean water. Just beautiful.
Hey, maybe we can do Dear Son's Make a Wish there...you have water, you have animals, a beautiful place...
Keep up the good spy work!
Excellent post, Harley! We suspect that that harness might perhaps be Daisy's you were borrowing?! You were right in going back inside. Your photos are stunning!
Wow, Harley! That is some back yard you have there!
Daisy, we need detente between you and Harley before he gets eated by something in your yard.
Harley, вы самый красивый шпион кота
Dang what a view you guys have! I look out the back window and I see garbage cans.
Tho, not worries about an alligator so I guess it evens out...
Those are some mighty big creatures in your backyard, Harley.
Be careful!!
~ Noah and The Bunch
This sounds like a job for Jack Ryan ...
Your skills are really coming along, Harley. You may need to try out your scuba diving skills though, just to see if Daisy is tooling around beneath the surface of that water!
Harley! What was Daisy saying?!
Harley you are very good spy, and I liked it until I saw the alligator!! Small or not, I was scared!!
Hi, Harley!
I can see you have been busy with your investigation!
Keep an eye on Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
Good job, Harley. You be careful!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy and Pixie, and Their Mommy
Very interesting, Comrade Daisy. Are you now, or have you ever been..... ?
hahah Miss Daisy even looks very stern Harley!
I know you will prevail though.. innocence always wins in the end...
*thinks* surely my sweet Miss Daisy can't be involved in secret bad stuffs... :P hehe
Agent 007.5, you did a great job once again. You make an excellent spy.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Harley, I've got to say, you're backyard looks rather familiar!
I'm wondering if you live somewhat close to Melvin and I!
Excellent spying skills Harley!!! You will have to keep your eyes on that water behind your house!! There seems to be a lot of activity!
Check Daisy too,she seems to be getting up early for worms :O
Since she got it,ask her what she did with it ;)
We wonder if she gave it to Mr Shrill!! hahaha
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You can check out so many things are really great Harley~!
I am so proud of you!!!!
I like seeing things through your spy!
Wow, that FISH is bigger than the baby gator!
I'm so glad your mom only lets y'all go outside on a leash or in a stroller!
Be safe,
That was a great Spy story! I can't believe it could be Daisy who had that sub there. And that alligator was a great way to protect it - you were brave to investigate it!
Wow, you is a purrty good spy Harley and I agrees you mights needs to blend in a bit more wif out da getup. hehehe
what an adorable spy in her sailor hat
Я называю Вас для важной миссии, Маргаритка! Не скажите никому - что мы должны принять Россию и настроить это как основа для моей глобальной империи!
With your skills, Daisy, we'll be able to infiltrate Moscow in no time!
Oh Daisy....I do hope you haven't defected! ;o)
You're a good spy Harley! Oh dear....Daisy is Russian!? What were you saying Daisy?
My mom has a worm farm if Miss Daisy didn't catch any at your house!
007.5: This is all very interesting!
Падре, Медведь Панды, and Mеерkаt
P.S. Daisy: Имейте хороший день!
Harley I does not think that harness would be too obveeus but you would have to hide in a patch of big white flowers!
Yer pal Dozer
da! eta pravda!! (oo nas nyet rusky keyboard)
Too cute, Harley you are a great spy! We were shocked to see the picture of the existing submarine and the alligator -- WHOA!!! No wonder you have to be on a harness! That's crazy!
Theodore and Sasha
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