My friend
Misha is in the finals of
New Zealand's Next Top Cat Model! As part of this competition, he is raising money for the
SPCA and
Lonely Miaow, two great animal charities in New Zealand. Part of the extravaganza is "Catwalk Caturday"! I am going to post my entry a day early since it is also Fashion Friday.

Look! I am wearing my Misha button to show my support for Misha. I think my denim overalls are the perfect outfit to show off the button, because there is a little pocket in the front just made for buttons. And a red bandanna is the correct fashion accessory with denims. Trust me on this.

Of course, a bandanna also looks fabulous as a head scarf. See how proud I am to support Misha? I am smiling real big! Even my eyes are smiling!

Most importantly, this is a demonstration of the proper way to
VOTE FOR MISHA! Just raise your paw and vote!

Good luck, Misha!

Catwalk Caturday (a day early!)
73 Notes for Daisy:
We have been voting our paws off for Misha, Daisy!
You always amaze us, Daisy. You easily go from the Glamour Girl to the Denim Damsel. Ah, such talents!
Thank you for such a wonderful post, Daisy! That badge looks pawsome on you! But then again, you can wear anything and look great.
Tyra would be proud of how you're smiling with your eyes.
Good luck, Misha!!!!!
Great post, Daisy. You go, Misha!
Miss D, you are a great friend to us kiwi cats and you do Misha proud.
I love your big smile too.
I have voted my paws off too. You are looking very stylish as always Daisy. My mum tried to get a picture of me wearing my Misha badge today but I wasn't very co-operative.
Huffle Mawson
You go from satin to denim with such ease, Daisy. And Misha, we're all behind you!
Daisy, I may have mentioned before how much I like you in demin. You rock overalls! I voted for Misha. I watched his video. He's adorable. And he can use a human potty! So talented!
You look fab as ever Daisy and the Misha button is a great touch!
I watched his video. He's adorable.
Excellent outfit Daisy, I went directly and voted for your friend. :)
Have a nice weekend!
Mum has seen lots of late night re-run marathons of America's Next Top Model while feeding the babies, and we think you would fit right in!:)
Oh my gosh, I love that second photo... Daisy looks like a young farm girl, full of hope and dreaming about her future!
Best of luck to Misha!
Oh my gosh you are just cute enough to cuddle and never let go! I wish I could have a cat like you (not exactly like you, you're one of a kind, but you know what I mean)!
Have a great day and good luck to Misha!
How do you get Daisy to wear clothes and not fight it? Wonderful pictures.
Daisy, you even make denim look glamorous. We like your smiling eyes. We have been voting for Misha too.
You look great, Daisy, as always!!
We all voted for Misha!! We sure hope he can win!
You are such a pro, Daisy!
We just know Misha would be proud of you, Daisy! You are such a little fashionista!
A voting outfit how smooth and here I thought it was in honor of my bithday - tomorrow Sept 19
Furry khute as usual Daisy!
We've pawed fur Misha as well!
Daisy, you look gah-geous in your campaign gear! xoxo
Great fashion Friday, Daisy. I've voted a lot for my dear friend, Misha.
I love your denim overalls, Daisy, but I think the bandana is best worn as a "neckerchief," not a head scarf. Maybe because your head is petite.
We voted, but we weren't nearly that stylish or cute when we did it!
that is a very big pro-misha smile.
You look lovely in your denim and red bandana, Daisy!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Looking real good supporting your friends....
We've been voting for Misha too! With your support, Misha should win by a landslide!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are so adorable in denim!
Great post to show your support, Daisy! Good luck to your friend!
What a wonderfurl furriend you are Daisy!!! We love the outfit today! You are a real looker! And, we've been voting for Misha like crazy!!!
Daisy, Your overalls and bandanna are just about my faaaaaavorite outfit on you!! Absolutely adorable, and your posing is off-the-chain! You are dressed right for doing country stuff like we do around here, let's make some pickles! Let's stack some firewood!! How about a hike? Let's harvest the pumpkins and bring some to the food bank! Let's go down to the wetland and hunt for ferns to put in the new garden! Well, we are thinking of you in any case -- have a pawsome day!
Daisy, you are just such a fashion diva! Coco Channel had nothing over on you!
Daisy thank you so much. You have given us a fantastic display of fashion and proper voting etiquette.
You are such a wonderful and beautiful little girl Daisy. I am so happy you liked my little bud.
You never fail Daisy to make us all smile!!
Rascal and Puma both hope you and your mommy have a purrrrfect weekend!!:-)
Daisy you are an amazing fashion model and model for how to vote too!
daisy, you look great in the denim dress and bandana. that is a great casual / fashion friday look.
have a good friday!
Daisy that is a great outfit - and a great way to show your support for Misha! We have been voting for him too. We really love the one where you are smiling - you really can tell you are smiling with your eyes!
you certainly have some great fashion advice today honey!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy!
You look so nice in your denim, we voted for your friend Misha, hope they win!
WE have been voting for Misha every day. Love the denim dress.
Oh Miss Daisy!! You are the best model ever!! Your smile and eye smile are so cool and your outfit is top rate!! We voted for Misha!! We hope he wins!
Your TX furiends,
"I do my little turn on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah, I shake my little tush on the catwalk ..."
Daisy, that is one of our favorite outfits! You look so cute, as always.
Go Misha!!!
~ Noah
Best of luck Misha!
And yes, Daisy, Tyra would be very proud of how you smile with your eyes.
Daisy, you are the cutests Misha fan club member ever. Your outfit is a perfect choice!
I've been voting and voting and voting! I hope, hope, hope Misha wins. You're looking very nice today, Miss Daisy. You'd fit in very well here in Texas.
You look great Daisy!!!
We have been raising our paws for Misha!
You are so photogenic Daisy - the most photogenic cat we have ever met! Especially the photo where you have the bandana on your head!
Sandy, Toni, Rusty, Eleanore and Neko in San Francisco
I will go vote for your friend, Daisy.
You look like a Farm cat!
I approve...
Daisy, you are always so PURRofessional when you model. Not like my kitties, who kind of skulk around. You lift your head high and really show off the clothing to its best advantage. I like the way you demonstrate the alternate uses for the scarf in this one. Good job!
We love Misha! We voted for him and Handsome Louis (they're both our good friends).
We hope one wins!
go, go Misha! dear, you're amazing!
kisses for you all! have a nice day!
We don't know how you pull off wearing clothes so well. We would become writhing balls if you tried to dress us. Do clothes feel good to you? You do look great...still we're not sure for us. What a stunning fashion queen you are!
Great outfit.. I am also voting..
Hugs GJ xx
I voted for Misha!
And you're right about the red bandanna. What great fashion sense you have!
We have voted for Misha. We thinks your outfit was purrfect for wearing the Misha button and red sets off your furs purrfectly. ~S,S,C & F
Very stylish, indeed, Daisy. Fanks you for sharing your fashin sense. We voted for Misha, and wishes we could all vote again.
That is the perfect weekend outfit, Daisy.
I likes ur pretty red bandaner. I don't usually put things on mah head. I would probly wear it on mah neck. :)
Meow to your cute photo's, especially the one where you are wearing that bandanna, sooooo cute!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
You're so glam Miss Daisy, even in denim! Wonderful action shot with your paw up too. Misha is bound to win with all the support he's getting!
What a great cause to support.
Hi, Daisy!
Good luck to Misha!
You look great!
Kisses and hugs
That cat is awesome. Love the scarf and I think she is a trend setter amongst the cats.
Ooh, Daisy - how exciting - I'm in New Zealand and I hadn't heard about the NZ Next Top Cat Model competition! But we agree - both the SPCA and the Lonely Miaow are great charities! My kitty sister, Lemon, came from the Auckland SPCA so we have a special place for them in our hearts!
Honey the Great Dane
Daisy, you are too dang adorable!
Way to show your supurrort!
Mom says that when you have the red bandanna on your head, it looks like a babushka!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Your pictures are so cute. We are participating too.
Win they have the US's next top cat model, yoo are a shoo-in to win!!!!
Ava, Izzy and I voted for Misha and loved seeing his slide show. We are so impressed he goes to the bathroom in the toilet! good luck Misha!
Tis would be a great owtfit for the Down on the Farm pawpawty, an we'll call you Daisy Mae!
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