Well, they came back! And they got much, much bigger! We counted them all up, and there are still 13 babies.

Harley spotted them first. On account of I was busy sleeping.

I kept a very close watch on them. And they watched me back! Oh, and they also made poopies all over the patio.

Harley tried to break through the glass to meet the duckies. I just watched.

I think they would have walked right into our house if we did not have a glass door!

Ducks are Back!
91 Notes for Daisy:
Oh.. they sure are much bigger now..
~ Bae
Oh wow! They sure don't look as babylike any more.
Lucky for the glass door! Although you could have maybe had duck for dinner.
Huffle Mawson
The ducks are gorgeous! I wish we had ducks lounging on our porch too! I love watching ducks as they wiggle their tails. :)
I'm sure Daisy and Harley are having a good time watching them too!
What cute teenagers! I think Fui would have tried to get through the doors too. His eyes are bigger than his tummy!
What cheeky duckies! Especially pooping on your patch!
Wow, that's better than anything on TV!
How nice, WE are all bird-lovers here! Unfortunately Calle likes to eat them. I'm more of a mouser, myself. Well, lucky for the duckies that there is glass between them and you! (or us, if we had been there!)
Sara Cat
Those ducks have certainly grown. Harley looks very excited. We used to have pet ducks but we weren't allowed to touch them. They used to keep all the slugs out of the garden.
Where there are ducks, there will always be duck poopies. Ack!
Oh my Ceiling Cat! That is a lot of birds!
We thinks they would have walked right in too. One year the geese decided to invade our garage. The gander attacked the car when Mommy got back from the store in the metal monster.~S,S,C & F
Much bigger! Love them looking through the glass door. I would have jumped through the door.
Wow! What fun to see all those duckies! Our duckies left a while ago but never came back...mom sez it's because we don't have any water close by us and that's what duckies need!
That's so funny - it looks like the duck is staring down Harley and saying, "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! You can't get me!"
We are glad that no alleygater got any of the ducklings. But they are awfully brazen to come right up to your house and taunt poor Harley!
You are very lucky!
Funny visitors came
to say Hello♪
Wow! That's very impressive, that all 13 are still there! It must be their lucky number!
wow, they are like teenager ducks!
You are lucky to have duckies to watch ours were eaten by foxes ..oh no sandy
Wow, how lovely!
...okay, the poopies aren't so lovely, but how great that all of the duckies survived and you got to see them again!
Oh, that is entirely too much fun! Oh, the bengal fun we would have had. I am glad there are still 13 too :)
Harley and that ducky seem to be having a stare down! They really grew up! Too bad about the patio pooping.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ooooh, that's enough to make one's teeth chatter! How very exciting that they were so close!!
How funny they come right up to your door. Harley is funny too, trying to get to them! They do make a mess but they are pretty cute! I'm sure you are right about them coming right into your house if you let them.
Those ducks have gotten big and brave!
aw, they are so cute and have gotten much bigger! sorry they made poopies on your patio! bet mom isn't happy about having to clean that up! i bet it is really fun watching them!
I think you are right - they would have moved right in and made poopies inside too! But it was fun having them so close up, wasn't it?
Wow, big screen duck TV! Duck is very tasty.
MMMMM..... Birdies....
Ahahahaha! Cuuuuuute duckies! I am glad you had your door closed. No poopies inside. ;)
that's a lotta ducks.
Oh, my goodness! Those ducklings are ready to come right in, aren't they? How lucky you are to get to see them up close and personal. I hope your Mommeh had fun cleaning off the patio.
they need a litterbox! i think they want you to give them bread.
smiles, auntie bee
They're so cute! Good thing they didn't come in the house cuz I bet they'd make poopies all over your mommeh's nice clean floor - and they tend to get snippy and pull on your furs sometimes.
Cool! They must have an excellent Mama to all still be alive. Harley is lucky he didn't make it through the door to say hello; I think Mama would probably have had a little something to say about that!
Those ducks are adorable and your cats make great guard cats!
I have a phobia of ducks... I was chased by one when I was little :(
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow the mity duks ar in town!!! hay wait i thawt they wer in anahime??? now i am confyoozd!!! ok bye
They really have grown! It is nice they came back.
wow, they looklike ducky teenagers. it is so neat that they come right up on your patio. it looks like harley had duck soup on his mind!
I don't think Harley would have taken to kindly to the duck family coming in. Hey? I wonder if mama duck's name is Daisy like yours...that would really be neat!
Wow, they sure did get BIG!!! And we bet Harley would've loved to have eaten, um we mean, play with the little duckies! And of course you were snoozin', a lady needs her beauty sleep!
The alligator is not doing its job very well.
It was so nice of them to come visit! We're happy that the whole family is still intact. (^_^)
I think that baby duck is very brave to look Harley in the eyes like that!
They sure have grown. Harley looks like a mighty duck hunter. Good thing there is glass between them.
It is exciting to have neighbors visit, Mom better be careful not to let one in...didn't you accidentally pop out the front door last week Daisy?
Wow, that's a lot of duck! The publicist once had a duck walk right into her house. It pooped on the floor and left. That wasn't very nice of the duck.
Harley didn't look too happy.
Don't feed them. They will never leave. They are cute.
How cute! And how amazingly great that they are all still there!! Good thing you two are there to watch over them.
Did your mommy feed them any bread or anything?
Oh they are so cute! They are pretty bold to get so close to your house. Maybe some beans feed them. You and Harley are very brave to investigate them through your glass door, Daisy.
Have a fun day you two.
DUCKIES!!!!!!!! We wish ours would get this close!!!
This is so funny. The duck lounge.
How great that they are all still okay but I can't believe how close they came to your house and didn't run when Harley bumped the glass. A what fun that must have been to have ducks to watch!
How cool! Let them in the house and see what happens:)
Wow those are some brave ducks - even with the glass I would have thought they would be nervous. They are very cute looking but definitely not babies anymore!
That is cute! They looks very friendly.
You have a great view there!
Oh you are so lucky Daisy and Harley!!
We have so many predators out here in the country that I haven't been able to have my ducks set and hatch babies in almost 5 years!!
Wow they sure are pretty. I know you will watch over them!!:-)
Oh my goodness - that's a lot of birdies!
Have a nice weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar
Oh what fun!
so cute, doesn't they!?
recently we did a travel for Gramado and Canela, two cities here of the south of Brazil, and there is a lake, the Lago Negro, where there are many ducks too! if you, Harley and your mommie want it, you all can see the pic here and more here at the side bar! it were three funny days! amazing!
have a great day, you all!
OMG! I can't believe they stayed so close to the door, especially after seeing Harley!
Aw you are so lucky to have such adorable visitors.
They are brave baby ducks. We are glad they are all still there!
~ Patrick
I am so happy your muscovy ducks came "home to roost"...you should keep an eye on them, there have been illegal ducking trappings in the news lately
Heeeeeerrrreeeee Duckyyy, Duckyyy, Duckyyy, Duckyyyyyyyyyy.....
Wow, look at those birdies! They come up right to the door! They sure would come in the house if you didn't have a door. That's so cool, you'd have your own birdie buffet...
(Hey, is this your Tweet Week post? :D)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
It's so nice when ducks (and birds in general) feel so comfortable in your yard. I wish I could the local quail to come to my yard!
Oh mah goodness! So kewt! :)
Those ducks sure have grown up! It was nice of them to come to visit you again although not so nice to leave poopies all over the patio.
Oh Daisy - those ducks look very bold! They don't seem afraid of you and Harley at all! Were you and Harley afraid of them? I think I would have been! But then I am a big wimp...hjee! hee! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Well, there you go again, Daisy! You're just a heck of a lot smarter than Harley. You know you can't go through glass doors!
These are amazing pictures -- not quite once in a lifetime, but at least twice!
That looks scary, I hope they don't get inside your house! They might try to take over as being your Mom's favourite animals! Did you bark at them?
Naughty duckies leaving little duckie doo all over the patio. Good thing there was a door there.
Wow! They came super close! If Harley wants to see them again, he should have good manners, like you do. Instead of trying to catch them through the glass door!
My goodness that is a lot of ducks at the back door. The cats seem to be a little territorial about it. :)
What cute baby ducks! We thinks they sure are handsome!
Harley looks like he is on the job!
Hi, Daisy and Harley!
They are so big now!
Yes, I think they wanted to come inside!
Kisses and hugs
Oh a tweet for Tweet Week! How nice. Now those little fellas are a little scary, there are so many of them.... Cue scary music...
They have made eye contact so they will hang around for a while, i bet they will anyway. I mean, who could not want play on your patio and look at you guys all day long!
Tell them to watch out for the alligator.
Wowie!! Those are some lucky ducks that all 13 of them survived to grow up!! Cool!! And they would have come right on in to visit, too! That happened to us once when Mom left the door open!! Only we just had 3 duckies and not 13!!
Your TX furiends,
Cute duckies. They can't get in because your cats are there station to guard.
yeee..............ducky and ducklings....are back.....cute....\,,,/
quack, quack...cute
They just look like teenagers~!
So big, and so fast growing!!!
Better not let these teenagers come into your home, Harley,
learn from your sister~!
After all, you will not happy if your clean white floor has poops on it!
I love watching ducks as they wiggle their tails.
WOW Them is BIG fev-vers now! I wish my windows was right at bird level. Wait, dey IS at bird level, but in da tree. I's wif Harley - keep pawin da windo an you can get them!
I hope they stay away from the gators!
How exciting! And how adorable! That must have been very fun for you and Harley!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
wow. those ducks come very close!
We gots ducks and gooses too but they stays down in the water in front of mine house. They doesn't come up to the patio. That is probably a good thing. I don't thinks She would like that many poops all over.
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