Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: I Got a Big Tongue

Unrelated to my big tongue, I would like to give a big Happy Birthday hug and kiss to the very handsome, muscular, funny and smart Skeezix!

To Skeezix


66 Notes for Daisy:

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Your tongue is just perfect~! The size is perfect!!

Happy Birthday to Skeezix!! You are a very good girlfriend!!

Teddy Westlife said...

Holy cat you jumped out of the cake! Skeezix will be so impressed.

I think your tongue is about the same size as mine.

Huffle Mawson

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wow your tongue is BIG.

Happy Birthday Skeezix. ~S,S,C & F

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hey Daisy! Your tongue is almost as long as mine!


Parker said...

Cake jumping! You are very good at it!

The Florida Furkids said...

Your tongue is must need it to clean all those curly furs!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Skeezix is going to get a big surprise when you jump out of the cake for him.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, jumping out of a cake! We've seen everything now!

Daisy, we bet that will be Skeezix's most favorite Birthday Gift!

Forever Foster said...

Sometimes when we stick our tongues out, mum and dad try to copy. They don't look as cute as us when they do it.

Hansel said...

Daisy, i cannot compete with your tongue length. I tried once. I didna work. -tesla

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great tongue and awesome birthday greeting for Skeezix! Wow! He's a lucky fella!

The Whiskeratti said...

Long tongues are important for proper grooming! That must be why you are always so beautiful.

Happy Birthday Skeezix.

The Island Cats said...

You're doing a good job cleaning, too, Daisy!

Meghann said...

Happy birthday Skeezix!
Daisy, I think your tongue suits you - after all, how else are you supposed to stay gorgeous??

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a long tongue ! when I look at Rosie's, lol !

Lin said...

Great "Marilyn" impression, Daisy!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Watch out,Skeezix!

Cory said...

What a cool trick, jumping out of a cake! That tongue will come in handy for licking off the frosting that gets in your furs.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Your tongue is fab, just like the rest of you!

Happy Birthday Skeezix!

Donna said...

Everybody likes nice, clean paws. :)

Also, Happy Birpday, Mr. Skeezix.

Margaret Elmendorf said...

Wow, Mr. Skeezix is a very lucky one, to have Daisy jump out of a cake for him. Daisy you are just terrific. Did the cake taste good??

Sandy Kessler said...

popping out of a cake - you are so talented. no wonder you are so well groomed with that tool!!sandy

Hitesh Rawat said...

talking about tongue on skeezix's B'day........i think i know wat u talking abt....

woo hoo.......\,,,/

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, your big tongue is amazing, but not nearly as amazing as the sight of you emerging from that cake! What a wonderful birthday present!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow that is amazing how you jump out of that cake! i know skeezie will love that!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

That is a big tounge little girl! Your animation is inspirational, I love it.

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, Daisy, you is poppin' outta' a cake - furry sexy, big tongue or not!

Anonymous said...

LOVE you popping out of the cake!!! And, you are the female Gene Simmons of the feline world!!! Kudos to you doll!!!

arbed and edgar said...

Wow, your modeling gigs sure paid off if you can pull off jumping out of a cake so well - what a kitty you are! Happy birthday to Skeezix!

The Creek Cats said...

A big tongue, all the better for baffs!

Happy Purrthday to Skeezix!

hycinth007 said...

What a long cuty tongue . great for cleaning all the fur.

Happy birthday Skeezix!!esbond007ja

Ariel said...

That's a very cool card I know Skeezix's will love it.Your tongue looks like the purrfect size to me.

Mishkat said...

What a wonderful card for Skeezix - he is lucky!

P.S. Tasha thinks her tongue might be bigger than yours - her dad calls it a "cow tongue".

Anonymous said...

That's a very nifty birthday card Daisy.

catsynth said...

That's a great tongue for staying nice and clean!

And a nice birthday tribute for Skeezix.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Isn't this an old Huey Lewis & The News song? "I got a big tongue, one that helps keep me clean ... one I use when I need to primp, one I use when I need to preen ..."

Cindy said...

What a big tongue you have!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You do have a big tongue! I'll bet Skeezix faints over that cake!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I think your tongue is bigger than mine. It is very good for keeping toes clean though, isn't it?


The WriggleButts said...

Now there's an impressive tongue!


Daisy Deadhead said...

What a nice birthday party for your friend! Happy Birthday Skeezix!

Christine and FAZ said...

You do have a big tongue but that must mean you are very, very clean. FAZ

brokenteepee said...

You need that tongue to clean yourself good.

Happy Birthday to Skeezix!

Thoughts said...

That is such a cute picture of you Daisy! And Happy Birthday to Skeezix! We will have to go visit him!

Theodore and Sasha

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm says your tongue is related to wishing Skeezix a Happy Purrthday.....cause we are sure that kiss is a french one.

Your Daily Cute said...

Daisy! I love you coming out of the cake for Skeezix. He is a lucky man to have such a lovely lady!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Were woo out fur a long walk to get THAT tongue?


BumbleVee said...

whoa!! cheeky you popping out of the cake !!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow, you sure do...if you can't lick them, join them, but no doubt that you can lick them!!!

TorAa said...

That is a real Cat's tongue-
happy BD
and have
a great time.

Miuooows from
Rosa and Stompa

-- we were in School today;-))

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, that's quite the long tongue you have there, Daisy, especially in relation to your tiny self. ImPURRessive!

And Happy Birthday from us to Skeesix, too! (We have a cousin named Skeesix).

Misha said...

You saucy girl, Daisy! Skeezix is a lucky mancat to have such a foxy girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

Daisy and Skeezix,
Sittin' in a tree......


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The Beins jus LOVE catchin us on camera wif our long tongues...

Lorenza said...

Veeeeery big!
Kisses and hugs

SophieKitty said...

All the better to kiss Skeezix with, Daisy.

Quill and Greyson said...

Ahhhh. Sweet

Unknown said...

Happy WW! ...i'm taking a double take on the blog title ... (smile)

President Jimmy Carter and others remind us that Racism in America is still a problem in the 21st century. I invite your blog readers to see how this reality has been caught in a photographic image.

peace, Villager

The Furry Kids said...

Daisy, we love your cake for Skeezy. hee hee

Quilt Works said...

YOu have a very impressive tongue, my dear!

Just Ducky said...

With you popping out of a cake, Skeezix will be fainting or maybe having urjes!

Tippylou said...

Daisy, that is really great! Jumping out of a cake for Skeezix's birfuday!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Best. Cake. Ever.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow I am a day late but Happy Birthday to Skeezix!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I bet that was the BESTEST birthday cake Skeezix has ever had!
~ Patrick

Anonymous said...


It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!

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