It's me again. HARLEY! I have a QUESTION for you. This is our DINING ROOM table. I am NOT SUPPOSED to be up here. But that is NOT the question. My QUESTION is, what do you think is DIFFERENT or UNIQUE about this TABLE?!

It has PAWS just like me, but that is NOT the correct ANSWER! Nobuddy ever EATS at that table, but that is not the CORRECT answer, either.

Okay, here is a HINT. I am POINTING at a part of the table that might be DIFFERENT.

And here is the ANSWER! The top FLIPS OVER to be a POKER table! It is made by
Darafeev, and you can CHOOSE the finish and the style and the FELT color. I wish I could play POKER! I have a very GOOD POKER FACE!

It is very CUSHIONY! And I am really, really, REALLY not supposed to be up here. Hahaha!

After this photoshoot, my Mommeh spent about 15 minutes with the felt brush removing every TRACE of my furs from the felt. Good thing Daddeh does NOT read our blog! Hahahahaha! Anyone want some CHIPS?!?!

Harley's Tuesday Teaser
86 Notes for Daisy:
That is an awesome table, Harley! It would be a big hit with Mom's nephews and for family gatherings. They like Poker a lot!
A poker table! We would never have guessed THAT!
Tee hee, Harley I'm up on a table I'm not supposed to be on too today.
Purrs, Siena
What an unusual table! We have never seen anything like it!
hee hee hee tell her to get you your own table cloth like we has for our dining room table
This is a really unique table!!!
I like your introduction, Harley!!!
What an amazing transforming table!
Huffle Mawson
Oh Harley!!
You are a real good sales-cat. You can really talk for and show a product's best qualities. Maybe we could hire you to help sell some of my Mommie's products sometime?! Just kidding! ::Holding paw to mouth and chuckling::
Sara Cat
We promise to not tell your Daddeh!
Very neat! I think you should be able to be on it all the time, what's a little fur with your chips?
Purrs Goldie
Harley, you're such a rebel! That is so so naughty. But we would love to be up there with you!
It gives a whole new meaning to how big the "kitty" is!
felt and cats enticing
Where you're not supposed to be is the best place to be, if you know what I mean.
Actually, I can picture you with a cowboy hat sitting at the table playing some Texas Hold 'Em!! Just go ALL IN...!
Mommy needs to get a brush to her car. Fenris has shed all over the seats, the Daddy was very annoyed when he borrowed the car and saw the fur in it.
We thinks you looked manly on the poker table Harley. ~S,S,C & F
A - I can't believe you are allowed up on the special gambling table and
B- how can your daddy not read your blog? Does he know what he is missing?
That looks like a special napping spot. Just sayin...
Neat table, and you look great on it! Your eyes look very bright this morning.
That felt looks very comfy! I can see why you're not allowed up there. Mom would be worried we'd claw and fur it up!
That is such a cool table! We have not seen one like that, ever.
Wow, what an awesome table. We looked and looked at the picture, but we could not guess what was different about it. But tsk tsk!, Harley, you're not supposed to be up there!
Oh, that was a good tease. We wouldn't have guessed that either. You look really good on the green felt! You should get up there more often. :D
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Oh wow, that is a very pawsome table!
that is an awesome table! I figure, if mom isn't yelling at me while I am doing something but rather taking my picture, it is fair game!
HOLD ON! you daddeh does not read your blog? that is unnaceptable! my dad even reads it sometimes! you are cute on that poker table. that is neat that it flips over like that.
wow that's a grate table! i should have gotten one like that for sarge!!!
smiles, auntie bee
That is a great table. Our Beans would love one like that.
that is one cool table dude.
i liked the one with you lied on the table..........\,,,/
We had no idea! But we really like that table, Harley.
Wow Harley!!! What a fab table! And, ya know what??? Go ask yer mom to get these things called chips! They're like flat little disks that are SUPER FUN to fling around!!! Oh yeah, we left an award on our page for you guys today!!!
Awesome and beautiful table Harley! I can see why you would love to be up there! And yes, I would like some chips, but the potato kind please!
Oh what a cool table! I like it. I would lay on it all the time!
We love the table, but our mom says that fur and felt don't mix very well! (Plus we would have to scratch! You're probably better behaved than we are.)
that is a beautiful dable, harley. but i am not sure who is naughty, you or your mommeh?
big hugs,
Potato or corn?
I like stuff that does more than one thing...
lol Harley, you were very daring to get up on that felt! :-)
Hi Harley!
I bet if you had thumbs, you would be a pretty good poker player!
That is a nice table, Harley, and even a cupholder for your milk. Very sweet.
Neat table. We do not have a flip top!
We like that cool table. We do stuff that our Daddy never knows about too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Harley, while you make a great poker table salescat I am sure your Daddeh would have been very unhappy to see you on his poker table!
oooooh....and keep those claws sheathed too, little buddy!
Oh Harley, I guessed wrong. I thought it was different because it had claw feet. Haha!
What a cool table! I bet you'd be a poker SHARK, Harley -- with all the good faces you make.
Oh Harley you are so smart figuring out that it was a pool table and that is was like a cushion. Bet it was comfortable. Poor mom had to work hard though to get your hair off of it.
What a cool table! We would love putting our furs on it!!!!!!
Oh man! Our dad would love a table like that!
When I first moved into my first apartment I had a table like that! But my table was not as nice as that one! And it was not really mine - I had to give it back eventually.
I don't see why you can't sit on there while they play poker. You could help by giving appropriate facial expressions !
LOL Harley, you noes the reel rule is, Don't Get Caught on da table. Or Nina's excuse, "I'm not ON da table, I'm on a placemat on da table." Extra sheddin on dat lufly green felt is defnitly called for!
PS What is dis poker you're talkin bout? I poke Nina an Mom an Dad poke eachofur on Facebook, but dat don't need a speshul table.
I want chips, and salsa too ! :)
that's a reallllly nice table. prostyle from the lionspaw feet. very very nice. somebody must like to play cards, and get money. 8)
Wow, what a beautiful table!
Arwen jumped up onto our dining room table once (straight up from the floor, just like you cats, no joke!) but I didn't have my camera, and I was too busy trying to keep her away from the food, LOL!!
We will keep your secret, don't worry :)
Lol Harely, I think you were very brave to even go on that poker table for a second! Can we see your poker face please?? ;O)
Harley, I actually guessed that it was a poker table.
It's a good thing your Mommy cleaned and cleaned so no evidence was left ;-) You weren't digging your sharp claws in, were you?
My Dad would love that table! He's a keen poker player.
I've read before that your Daddeh doesn't read your blog but I can't understand why not! Having said that, none of my family and friends read mine either, except Pinky! Just as well perhaps, ay?!? :)xxx
Nice product demonstration, Harley. I think a few Harley furs would just make it look even better!
That's a pretty fancy table to not be able to eat at it. I think your furs would make a nice addition to the green felt.
Shame on mommy trying to get you in trouble! She's got photo evidence for blackmail!
I am picturing all those slots filled up with Temptations!
Ooh what a nice table to stretch out on.
What a great table Harley! We think the felt was put there to make it more comfy to lay on! And we're sure your daddeh knows that everything looks better with cat hair on it.
I thought the pikhture always showed khanines around the poker table?
Oh hai, Harley. I would luv to play cards wit u sometime! :)
That is one cool table! Let's have a poker party at your house! I'll bring treats.
Ah ha ha ha, felt and our furs....maybe Daisy should have helped show that cool table.=^Y^=the Cat street Boyz
How cool is that table! And it is such a pretty poker table!
How about doze little holes yoo might haf put in dat felt? It am great fun to be up where yoo are not aposed to be. Gives life a little thrill if yoo know what I mean. Makes yoo feel ALIVE -- and a little special too!
So Harley, when are you hosting the M-Cat Club members in a poker night?
WOW!! That is a cool table Harley!!!!!
We like that the table has little places to hold Temptations!
Your tummy is very nice too,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You silly kitty
A lovely table, but why not? Kitties would just enhance any piece of furniture.
thankyou for coming to my party. It's lovely to see furriends whom I don't get to visit much since SS is busy these days.
Hi, Harley!
I knew it was a poker table!
Kisses and hugs
How funny, Harley, that does look like a fabulous place to lay. I noticed it had a lot of short sides to it but it never dawned on me that it was a poker table! I'm surprised your dad doesn't read your blog, he really should! We have cat hair all over our pool table. Sometimes I'll clear some off but it really doesn't bother me all that much. I think it's so cute when Spunky Doodle jumps up there hitting the balls into the holes.
Harley, we are confident you would make a fine poker player. It is certainly a fancy poker table!
This made Mom laugh and Laugh!!!
Chips? I only want chips if there is melted cheese and chicken bits on them!
What an awesome table! Good thing your mommeh was able to clean off all evidence before your daddeh got home!
Wah a pawsome and comfy table. :)
~ Bae
I can only imagines what daddy would say!!
Wow the table makes me dream of having one like that.well i think i will get to work imidiately
Oh Harley dont we kitties just LOVE going places where we arent supposed to be? We arent allowed on the very expensive dining room table but EVERY TIME grandma takes the tablecloth off up we go...he hee
Theodore and Sasha
I raise you five hundred temptations.
Carry my , carry my, carry my poker face. hehehehehehe. Is my lyrics correct? Nice table, where you can ready to rumble.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That was hilarious!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
P.S. We like to lay on the dining room table too.
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