We have not done this for a while! For today's Monday Mystery, you must figure out the phrase, below.

Are you ready? Here it is:

Are you scratching your head on this one?

If you want, here are some clues:
- It helps to read the phrase out loud
- It is a famous saying
- It has cats in it
- BIG hint: A famous play by Tennessee Williams has some of these words in the title

Monday Mystery: Figure out the Phrase!
77 Notes for Daisy:
"A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" is the name of Williams' play. But this seem to be about a cake? Is it a cake on a hot roof?? Is it melting?
Sara Cat
Hmmmmmmm... It's not good when commenters give things away......... We've sort of figured it out.... Sort of...
I got it!! I don't really like puzzles usually, but I love these word puzzles that you do Daisy! You'd think that with different accents it might not work, but it does!
Hey I got it for once!
Huffle Mawson
Did someone say cake?!
We figgered it out! We figgered it out!!! Wow...we must be real smarts! That was a tough one, Daisy!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
I getz itz! {MY hoomin bean helpeded ME).
Cake?? Where's the cake? We want some!!!
Cake? *thud*
Well we knows it has something to do with Cats on a Hot Tin Roof. Mommy likes that play. ~S,S,C & F
We likes our cakes cold, out of the fridge.
Would that be a Nip Cake??????
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We got it when we said it out loud.
Where the cake?
Warm mouse cakes???
I can bake some up fur us all... it's mine specshulty.
Love & Purrs,
That was a toughie! We got it after reading the hints, though. Good one!
got it but I was terribly excited by your big eyes and the word cake. Darlin played with me..sandy
We wouldn't have guessed it if not for your clues. That was a good one:)
we was 'afused.
Nope. We don't gets it. We haf to come back later when mom wakes up some more.
I think I got it, but there wasn't an "easy" button to push to check my answer!
Cake! We are having a Tennesse Williams festival in Provincetown this week on account he spent some summers here in the 40's. I doubt there will be extra or cakebussed in for the event.
We thinks we got it! Momma likes that play too.
Wow, dat was tough. I almost had to ask my hooman friend to get the word thing off the bookshelf.
i wouldn't have gotten it without the tennessee williams hint...
Like a cat on a hot tin roof! Yes!!!
Where's the answer? I don't get it but I must say I thought your pics were delightful.
That was indeed a head-scratcher, and I wouldn't have gotten it without the Tennessee Williams clue. Good one, Daisy!
good one daisy! it took me a while though!!! i think the "cake" got me for a while! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
I had no idea. Very good!
Mum bean only got it when she read it aloud!
WE got it! Mom hadta to repeat out loud several times first!
me and mom couldnt figure it out because she has a headache but we liked seeing your big eyes!
I think we may have gotten it. Can I eat the cake now?
I got it! I got it! That was fun.
All I can figure out is the cake. I'll come back later for the solution.
Did someone say cake? :D
(We gotted it! But only after the hints...)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I got it! It's a merkle!
Mom sounded real funny saying it out loud. Not sure if she got it, but we did!
~ Gracie
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof!
That was fun Daisy, thank you!
We prefer a cool soft sofa, though. We are just going to go take our late-morning nap on the nearest one, now that we've done our hard thinking work for the morning! :)
Asha and Katia
(dictated to our mom Lidian)
Got it! I wish we had a hot tin roof here today. Its the last day of summer and it is SNOWING!!
Ok, so I figures out "like a cat on a hot tin roof" but honestly now I can only think about cake! Luckily it is lunch time here - I think I will pick up a piece while I am out!
lol Got it! Daisy, you are a very smart cookie!
That sure was hard Daisy. Took mom lots of minutes staring at it, reading it out loud. Her co-worker thinks she's NUTZ!
ha ha i got it "cat on a hot tin roof"
Whew Daisy that wun wuz hard! I had to reed the hints and of corse being a dawg I dont know nuthing bout Tennesee Williams so my Mummy had to halp me!! But that wuz a good wun!
Yer pal Dozer
You had me at Cake.
I GOT IT! The FL is always referring to her neeces and nefyooz as "no-neck monsters."
Mmmmm cake.
Your pal,
I got it but the last word tripped me up cause I was pronouncing it like it's spelled. And now I want cake.
We think we got it after your hints, but we aren't certain.
What was used fur the marinade?
Heeheehee!! The BIG hint confirmed it for us!! Mom loves that movie!!!
She says Paul Newman was great ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Good one Daisy!
The publicist just took a cake out of the oven...does that count for anything?
This was a hard one, I only got it after reading the clues. Thanks for the challenge Daisy!
Oh the Tennessee Williams gave it to me right away!!
I absolutely love all of his super melodramas!!
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, and Burl Ives as Bid daddy!!
Good one Daisy. I love that movie. oh dear I am rushed. I had problems over the weekend and now it's thundering here!!
But, I have hummingbirds today Daisy!!
Jackie, Rascal, Puma and MiolliPop!!:-)
yup ....got it...... good one.....
We sort of got it...but we're late and everybuddy else helped us out...
I got to cake and that was it for us - Now we're hungry! See you tomorrow :)
STELLLAAAAA!!!! I know that's wrong.
Oh Daisy - my human is saying aloud again and again but we're totally stumped!!
Honey the Great Dane
Daisy, I didn't get this one. Not even close. I think it's because my math post gave my brain a boo-boo.
Hey, guess what?! I created a Google Calendar for your web cam and invited my friends who need little reminders when the cam will be live. So I filled the calendar with all your cam dates and we will get an email reminder 10 minutes in advance so we can be ready to watch!
Clueless! Haaaa!
Kisses and hugs
I didn't get it. I guess I didn't think as hard as you.
Like a cat on a hot tin roof? Mommy loves the movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. I think Elizabeth Taylor is beautiful, but not as pretty as my Brandi! Maybe I can get Joel to call me "Big Daddy"
We figured it out but now we want cake!
I don't really get it at fist and then when I check out the comments, ah okay there you go.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay yessss kayk!!! theres kayk??? ware is the kayk??? is it liver kayk??? mmmmmm liver kayk ok bye
We can't figures it out! Mom is too hot and tireds! And needs some sleeps!
I got it, how fun!
I got it!
I am confusing here as well~!
like a cat onna hot tin roof.
i'm number 74 ... how many udderz knew dat one?
I have a green idea about the message. I do not want to write here for i might censored.
Hah! Good one... I needed the hints though, 'cause we pronounce the last word a bit differently!
We went down the "cake" path too. But when we saw "Williams", it clicked right away!
That was a tough one. :)
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