This here is where I eat. Why am I pointing it out to you? Because today I am going to tell you about how Harley and I are eating a "rotation diet." Here is what we read:
The Nature’s Variety Rotation Diet is based on the simple premise that more variety will provide better overall health and well-being for your pet. You don’t eat the same thing day in and day out, and neither should your pet. By varying the proteins and forms, your dog or cat will enjoy a more diverse and complete micro-nutrient intake, as well as exciting tastes and textures for better health and happiness.
They also say that there is no right or wrong way to feed a rotation diet. We can just eat various proteins and forms of foods! You can rotate the foods daily, weekly or monthly.

Here is the raw food we have been eating. Our main food is the raw chicken medallions, which we eat about 4 times a week. We also have raw venison and raw rabbit medallions that we eat sometimes. So far, only Harley likes the venison but we both love the rabbit and the chicken.

These are the frozen medallions: venison, chicken and rabbit. We only eat one kind of protein each day. So if we have chicken for breakfast, we have chicken for dinner.

Hey, Mommeh! When are you going to thaw some out for me?

And here is another new food we are eating about once a week: it is
Merrick's Before Grain canned food. We LOVE the quail. The ingredients are only quail, and water for processing. It is not a complete and balanced diet for everyday use, but we enjoy it as part of our rotation diet. I am a little bit crabilated because the food is still in the can instead of in my belleh.

We also share a small amount (1/8 cup each) of
California Natural dry food at night. This food is good for cats like Harley who have allergies. If any of you have watched our live Webcam, you know that Harley usually finishes all his food in about 3 minutes, and it takes me a little bit longer.
Talking about foods is making me hungry. Is it suppertime yet? I am ready!

We are Rotating!
88 Notes for Daisy:
All this talk of food is making me hungry too! Lucky it is dinner time here.
Huffle Mawson
Your noms look fabulous! And quail? How fancy! :)
Oh.. I'm hungry reading you talk about food too. ;)
~ Bae
I usually eat that with water, and only the soup part, I left the meat part for Lego.
And certainly, Lego loves the things I left~
Don't know if we can get this in Sweden. The vet recommended Hill's Science Plan for Mamma-Cajsa and me, after she was really ill with high fever six years ago. I'm nine years old and feeling fine. But I don't how well Cajsa-Mamma is. Calle eats it too (along with a lot of prey, like birds and mice).
Thanks for showing us your rotation meals. It is indeed something to think about.
Hmmm.. I think I'll go have a snack now...
Sara Cat
Venison is nasty Daisy! ;)
Your post made us very hungry. Those medallions look yummy we are going to have to send Mommy to find some. ~S,S,C & F
I think you guys eat better than I Maybe you and Harley could tell my husband that variety in meals is a good thing, He's very limited in what he'll eat :)
Hmmm... we think they call this "Cuisine"! we want some!
It all looks good. Love your last picture. You look great.
That's quite the menu you two have! Our mom likes to feed us different stuff too because she thinks eating the same thing everyday would be boring...'cept for Ernie, cuz of his allergies, he's eating the same stuff everyday...when mom tried feeding him other stuff, his allergies got real bad...
Now let's eat!!!
i think i should put sarge on this diet. but he won't eat the dry foods at night i know, but he likes peanuts. and he gets crabilated too!
smiles, auntie bee
Your foods look nommy! We're going to have Mom look at the Rotation diet.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - your crabilated look really gets your point across!!
but yoo r not eatin any begatables
food.......but it was Eid here yesterday.......i had a lot of delicious non veg food.....
i'm full for next 3 days.........
so this food is not luring.........\,,,/
I'm passing this post onto my friend Kelly and sometime guest poster for her kitties remember Miracle her first cat now she has three...
Miracle is doing well.
Dorothy from grammology
We eat the same raw food! It's funny because our post has a picture of it today too (Deli is trying to help our Mommy eat better).
We mix things up in our house too. Variety is always good!
Hmmmm, I must show this post to Momma. She needs to do something about our boring foods.
You and Harley are very lucky kittycats, Daisy!
You look quiet agitated about that can being unopened.
Happy Tuesday!
~ Malachi
This is a great post Daisy :)
My mum is feeding us raw turkey (with supplements in it), Wellness canned varieties, and sometimes Nature's Variety chicken. Then sometimes we do get ground rabbit, and I get chicken livers.
She has also started giving us some crunchies! we get Nature's Variety Instinct rabbit crunchies. They are very tasty, and Pandora likes them a lot.
Personally I think we need to try those rabbit medallions. :)
You are rotating,
I am drolling~~~~~
Oh wowie daisy, this food looks very interesting. Mom is thinking about looking into this sort of food. Pierro gets itchies now and then, perhaps raw food would be a healthy way to start.
I am so glad that you and Harley get such good foods.
I much prefer food in my belleh, too, Daisy.
Your pal,
yeah I should look into a rotation diet for the boyz.
That is really interesting Daisy. I think we need to do some more work on our diet. Jonesie is doing better, but now Madison is getting itchy again. He's been eating the Merrick Before Grain dry food.
Daisy, we knew there was another reason we lurved you! We love rabbit too!! And the BG quail is one of our top fav treats! Mum feeds us lots of yummy meaty tings, we like protein rotation!
One thing I like about these rotation diets is that it keeps my cats open-minded about trying new foods and textures. If you have a cat who'll only eat one thing (only wet food, only dry food, only one brand of food, etc.), it can cause problems if the cat gets sick. I've got one very fussy older cat I adopted a few years ago, and she only liked to eat one flavor of Friskies. When she became ill and got a bit nauseated, it gave her a bad association with the food and she never wanted that flavor again. Then it was really, really tough to find something she was willing to eat. Now she's a great eater, gobbling down raw food, but it was scary when I'd open can after can of food and she turned her nose up at all of it.
Thanks for an interesting post, Daisy!
Wow! You kitties certainly have it good. You have luxury foods. Lots of kitties only get dry stuff. I don't agree with that, but then some beans can't afford anything else.
My kitties get both dry and tinned food of different kinds. We must have about six different dry kibbles, and several different brands and flavours of wet stuff, but it's still not as good as what you get!
Hmmmm ... We're hungry now too!
Daisy! You have made me v. hungry too. Must go MEOWMEOWMEOW at staff for possible morning SNACK.
your mommeh sure loves you two. the raw foods look interesting, i like the frozen portions. and daisy, you have the best crabilated faces!
That sounds yummy!
Wow, that is one crabilated epxression!
You sure are lucky to have a Mommeh who cares so much about your diet. I've tried to convince Gus and Pru's daddy that they would like some variety, but his standard line is: "If they're hungry enough, they'll eat."
(I just gave Pru a Fruit Loop. So that's some variety, at least.)
Your Mommeh takes very good care of you.
Your diet sounds very interesting. We eat Innova dry for breakfast, and had been eating raw patties for dinner until we started our strike a few days ago. When we were eating our raw, we were alternating between rabbit, turkey and kangaroo.
Wow, now we're STARVING!!! What time should we be over fur dinner?!? MOL
Momma is trying to rotate our foods but we are very stubborn and only like what we like!
We've been trying that raw food (based on your previous recommendations), the chicken and beef flavors. Not all of us like it but some do. So far we mostly get it on weekends only, that or canned food, as kind of a rotation thing. The Mommy's also trying leaving 2-3 different kinds of dry food out, as another type of variety. So we're taking baby steps on both the healthy diet and rotation thing! :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Mmmmm those foods look so delicious. I hope you didn't have to wait too long for dinner.
Our beans just got back from vacation so we're finally getting to visit all our friends!
Thanks for sharing the info. Mom has started giving us the Before Grain dry food. We really like the Tuns. We did not like the California Natural at all! The cat Connection told us the BG is lower in calories and will help us loose weight!
That sounds like an interesting and yummy diet!
Have your mom put a little stick in your frozen protein circles and you could have a Chickensicle or Venisonsicle...might be nice on a hot day :)
Now that's just the opposite of what I've heard before. I heard cats like same old, same old and don't want or like change in their diet unlike humans who like a variety. Now I don't know what to believe!
I do know though that when I was giving Spunky Fancy Feast, she'd eat it so fast that she'd regurgitate it all the time. I quit getting it after Moe died.
"Get in mah belleh!"
Daisy, you are quite the epicure! Exotic foods, rotations, QUAIL! Wow-even MEDALLIONS-sounds nommy-I'm hungry.
I did note on the webcam that Harley sucked down his food rather quickly. I wonder if he even tasted it.
I can understand being crabilated about not getting your dinner.
MMmmmm, looks yummy! And quite fancy too.
Oh Daisy your expressions are wonderful. You do look hungry. There are so many of us here, our poor Mom could never afford this food but boy she would like to. It would be so good for us.
And Daisy, thanks so much for visiting our blog.
I knw some people who feed from a the same brand sack the 7 o years their animal lives. I rotated and my dog lasted 24 years and some cats are 20's it is the best
Thanks for introducing us to the rotation diet. It sounds very yummy and healthy!
Wow, your diet sounds delightful, I'd even try it!
And Daisy, even when you are 'crabilated" you are still simply wonderful to look at. I wish I could have cats like you and Harley...maybe Brennan will get over his cat allergies and I'll be able to!
Hmmm... Well now I think I feel kind of bad about feeding Pimp and Moo the same Science Diet food all day, every day. What a fun variety you two eat!
All this information is so helpful and the photos help us see what a wonderful menu is served at your house. It's good in a way that Harley's allergies got you to eating healthier and we have tried BG and Calif Natural, too...though no raw. Right now we are on Wellness Core, By Nature canned and ocassionally BG varieties.
Ps: your photos look like yummy bi-ped hordevores...
Oh you are lucky! I rotate a different wet meal each day; about 5 different ones in all. But all three of our furballs get the same dry kibble, cause Dakotah needs a special one.
We always learn something from you Daisy!
Hope you aren't crabilated anymore!
We are stuck with the Prescription foods that Gandalf has to have because of his FLUTD. At least we all like it. But Quail and Chicken sounds really yummy!
Oh in our house when we rotate the cats, it means we are rolling them over on the bed/sofa/floor. They seem to like it - they think it is fun. We do a rotation diet but not on purpose - we just have cats that really love variety. We rotate the canned daily (I am trying to get them to like the no-grain stuff but they aren't fans so I mix in the fancy feast they love) and we rotate the dry when the bag runs out. I had heard long ago that rotation was not good for cats because they wouldn't like it but since my kitties are so into changes I knew that couldn't be correct. It is nice to see that other kitties follow that plan too - even if it is a different way then we do.
I guess variety is the spice of life for everyone!
We are very hungry too now, Daisy. You get really fine foods, everycat should get nice stuff like this and not the crab some firms sell as food. Mom says she wished there was frozen raw meat for cats available here. People over here usually prepare the meat themselves and then freeze it.
I'm a human and the healthiest I've ever been was when I was on a rotation diet. Now if only Merrick would make human food! This cooking business is a pain when it's so boring! Enjoy!
I'm a Khalifornia Naturals girrrrl too!
Mine is yummy lamb and rice...the herring and sweet potato was good but Mom said my breath wasn't furry!
After reading this and seeing that yummylicious food, we wants our dinner...NOW!
Wow, you certainly have a wonderful menu on offer. Tonight I had wabbit.
That was very interesting, Daisy. Thanks for telling us all about a rotation diet.
Well, of course kitties like variety, they have taste buds too. :) I try to tell my husband that all the time. He is not usually allowed to buy cat food without me because he will buy ten cans of the same flavor!
Cody wants to try squirrel, but I told him no way! He has been giving the squirrels in our yard the "look" lately. :)
Have a great day Daisy and Harley!
Making me hungry too. Too bad I throw up anything that isn't my regular food and oooooh moms don't like cleaning it up.
Daisy that looks yummy, we have been eating Merrick food for several years now. Thanksgiving dinner is our's canned, but there are 7 of us! Mom orders our food from when they have 20% discount sales. Merrick is a family owned business in the US, the only meat used from another country is the lamb form New Zealand. Mom makes sure we don't get corn or glutins and we only get small amounts of dry because it all contains 30% or more carbs and higher salt content than wet food. It takes Mom time to shop because she is always reading labels!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
It sounds like your Mommeh gives you lots on nice yummy fuds, and your row-tay-shun diet looks very interesting.
My Mommeh and Daddeh try to vary our diet as much as possible given the limited different types of fuds we get here. We get biscuits all day long so we can self feed, and we get different biscuits overnight to what we get during the day. And then every second day we get a wet meal treat of some of the higher quality wet foods.
It's all very nice, but I think we would like to try your food, quail and venison sounds quite nice actually.
Nom nom nom!
Daisy, we watched your live cam! Mom was not able to get on to comment, darn. She tried, it asked for a nickname but there was no way to go further?????? We liked the bird toy....Daisy, send yourself here, we need a sister=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Daisy the photo of you and the can of quail made us laugh. It looks like you are thinking that if you stare at it long enough it will open on it's own.
We do the Nature's Variety too! (except, not the rabbit. I don't really want them to get a taste of rabbit when there's a rabbit running with them. That could be bad! LOL)
We also rotate - I call it menu planning for the pets! ;)
That was a most informative post Daisy!! We are like you though...FEED US NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommies can work out the rotations, we just want to show up and eat! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You kitties are so lucky. Poor Miss PennyKat gets stuck eating the same old sensitive stomach food. If not, I end up picking it up off the floor very shortly after she eats it!
hiya daisy - just to let you know that Timmy is having is surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) Fank you for stopping by xxx
That diet sounds mighty delicious! Try not to get dizzy with all that rotating!
Was nice meeting you at Opus's party today. I hope eating all of that party food your mom won't find out about it. Good luck with the rotation eating.
oh boy what great foods you have there!
Wow, yummy! :)
No wonder why the two of you are in such great shape! Your foods look yummy.
You food buffet looks fabulous!
You look a little thin Daisy maybe your Mom should give you some extra treats?
Hi, Daisy!
I will tell my mom to read about your diet. It is not fun to eat kibble everyday!
Kisses and hugs
Makes sense! Do you like some optoins better than others? Are there some they you just don't want to eat?
Thanks so much for sharing Daisy...our Mom is wanting us to start eating healthy like you guys so she's going to research the rotation diet!
Whazzup kitty?!
I can't believe that my bro and I feast on the same foodables as a kitty! We're on the same diet - NV premade mixed in on occasion with homemade raw feasts. DELISH!
I can't believe we haven't met sooner! I just so happen to be OBSESSED with the kitties!!!! My neighbor is a kitty and his momma never lets me come inside to play. That kitty and I send messages under the door - I do sniffs and he sticks his paw out. Kitties are the AWESOMEST!!!
Oops. I wasn't signed in properly. Now my beastly photo will show!
This was a great post, Daisy - so interesting! I never knew you guys are on the raw diet too - so am I! Although I eat more of the raw meaty bones type stuff. My kitty sister, Lemon, was on raw as well although she was much fussier than me and it was a real battle of wills for my humans to swap her onto it coz she was brought up on kibble as a kitten. We were both on a sort of rotation diet - I rotate between chicken carcasses, lamb brisket, offal, whole fish and occasional pork bones. Lemon was rotating between whole chicken necks, rabbit mince (incl ground bone), chunks of whole fish and beef or lamb strips, plus offal once a week - her all-time favourite was raw chicken livers!
I love that photo of you looking "crabilated" - ha! ha! That expression on your face is priceless!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
I hope it taste great, Wow! three menus ha!
Daisy that kwale is sum hi class foodies!! You are living the hi life fer shore!
Yer pal Dozer
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