Monday Mystery: What am I?
Oh, hai! I was just relaxing. Are you ready for today's Monday Mystery? Today you must solve a riddle.
Nothing on the outside
Nothing on the inside
Light as a feather
Yet you cannot lift it!
What am I?
Nothing on the inside
Light as a feather
Yet you cannot lift it!
What am I?
You may begin thinking now.

91 Notes for Daisy:
very good! you got me there!
I did not get it right. I love your purple blanket Daisy!
Oh dear, we had an atck of the hopelessnesses today! We didn't know the answer.
We love yoor purple blankie too.
You stumped us!! Happy Monday!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Nope, we failed...
a bubble..........
it was a bubble.....daahhhhh.......
Oh Daisy you are so clever!
We guessed "air" so we were close, but still not right.
My brother Calle Cat is home from being on the farm all summer.
Sara Cat
Actually, our answer to your "What am I?" question was "very pretty in that blankie!"
I cheated, but I am sure I would have thought of this eventually ....
That was a good one, I couldn't think of anything so I had to look without even a guess. Sorry, Daisy, I'm just not too good at these.
I pressed the button before I guessed, but that's because I didn't have a clue. That was a tricky one, Daisy!
daisy you are wise beyond my years. i canna be expected to be quizzed like this. For instance, i have never met a bubble. -hansel
We likes to chase those but we can never catch them and NO we did not get it right. ~S,S,C & F
Oh that's very clever Daisy, I had to press the button! ;)
That was a good one, Daisy.
That was a tough one for us this morning, Daisy!
We didn't guess what it was and now we know why cuz we is SKEERED of those things. Our momma got some and thought we'd like to play with them and when we saw 'em we ran away and hid. The dogs liked 'em just fine!
We got it wrong...we thought it was air! Good one, Daisy!
We did not get it. You're a clever kitty, Daisy.
Well we got it wrong.Good one Daisy. Love the picture of you thinking. And your blanky is very pretty.
You look so pretty sitting on your blankie--purple is YOUR color, chickie!
oh, we didn't get it this time! great mystery!
Oh, That was tricky!! I have to admit I didn't know it, I had to look :O)
Oh, no! I cheated! I clicked on the button and THEN saw the last picture, telling me not to cheat, but it was too late!
I feel bad now.
I just put my paw on the button...I could have thought all day and not got that one right! Good one.
Pee Ess...thinking all day is not fun. Playing all day is.
.. I thought feather... how thick.
Helen (my feline boys would have done better)!
I would have nebber gotten that!
I love cats, they are really pretty.
Nope, we're not too clever this morning. Good one Daisy but it was hard!
way too hard. way.
I'm not too sharp on a Monday. found a growth on Jenna hoping its a water mass
hard thinking for a Monday!
YAY! Pretty sharp for me for a Monday morning before coffee. I think it was a lucky guess. I may try bubbles with Hallie and Cosmo and see if they like them
That was a tough one! Daisy, you look so pretty in lavender!
I was not thinkin that...that was a good one!
Kitty kisses
I couldn't figure it out!! What a great riddle. Love, Moon
I was wrong. Looking good in your basket
Got us again!!! We thought "air", but what you said is SO much better!!! Mom buys us catnip ones. THAT'S a whole lotta fun!!! We hope you all have a GRR-8 Monday!
Miss Daisy, I did NOT guess the correct answer...but I think you should scoot over and make room for all of us to share your purple blankie!
That was a really good riddle - I didn't guess it.
I didn't get your answer, but I think mine also fits the same criteria. I just guessed "Air"!
I tried, I really did, to think of the answer, but in the end I had to push the button. You are a riddlemaker par excellence, Daisy! And your lavendar snuggley thing is a good color for you.
We did not get it so we had to look and see! That was very hard!
that is a good riddle! you look very cute in your snuggly bed.
Oh, you got me again, Daisy!
That was a really hard one, Daisy. I guessed a balloon, but I kinda knew that wasn't right. So close, yet so far.
We did not get it right...and seeing yoo all snuggled like dat made us all sleepy *yawn*. We need naps now.
That was a hard one, I got it wrong. You look quite good in light purple!
Oh, man. I can't believe I didn't get that one!
Good one, Daisy.
We thought it was a hole. You fooled us.
That blanket looks very good with your furs.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I thought balloon at first, then knew that was wrong, so I guessed air. Still wrong!
Excellent, Daisy!
Sorry,, we had to chest because we thunked & thunked and couldn't think of anything.
that was a tough one, I didn't get it right. Maybe next time.
Woo were certainly light on your paws with that one!
Woo look soooo luv-er-ly in your purple!
Hi Daisy!
I loved your riddle...but I must confess, I cheated. Actually, Glogirly cheated. I was really into it, pondering possible answers, then she went and burst my bubble.
Oh, we thought it was air, so we were pretty close, maybe!
Great riddle, Daisy -
xx your friends in Canada,
Asha and Katia
(our mom Lidian helped a little)
That was a great riddle, Daisy. We had no idea!
Our mom says she too is intimidated by the complexity of making our food by herself. Right now she only wants to give us up to 20% raw, because that's she highest we can get without needing supplements. She will have to look for readymade raw food or that "spice" you told us about. She was suprised how much we liked the beef. It was more fun eating this and took us much longer.
I was too mesmerized by the pretty photo of you on your purple blanket that I couldn't think straight!
Oh my I did not git that wun at all. I thinked the anser wuz: a hole!
Yer pal Dozer
Hahahaha!!! We guessed air! heehee
We love your thinking pose :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Hahahaha!!! We guessed air! heehee
We love your thinking pose :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I didn't get it and then felt kinda stupid when I saw the answer. I was thinking it might be a trick like the pound of feathers and pound of bricks riddle. The lifting part confused since I have lifted a bubble if it lands on the magic wand thingy.
That was a good one. Mom actually got it right !
We thought the answer might be Feather, because she really is light as herself and she does not like to be picked up by hardly anybuddy, 'cept for Mom. So I guess that we did not win. Not that there are prizes. Are there?
Bubbles make me skairt.
momma cheated..........momma cheated!!!
Benny & Lily
Very good riddle! And, yes, you got me again!
What a great riddle!! We guessed wrong. :(
We guessed wrong. You are gorgeous in lavender. Can we have some bubbles to chase too?
I have to admit...I did not get the right answer.
I was incorrect, Daisy. I guessed the wind. Ha. Good one.
That was a hard one!
that was a great riddle daisy!!!
smiles, auntie bee
You got us Daisy! That was a toughy!
Daisy, I has to admit, I didz not pressy da button ting. I could not guessy da answer either. poops.
What if you're very, very, very, very careful? Could you lift it then?
We couldn't guess either! (Our mom says that's a little too hard for a Monday!)
P.S. We think your blanket is beautiful.
I had to press to button to know!
Kisses and hugs
You are too clever for me. I had the right idea but wrong answer, I said air. Oh well.
Great riddle! We LOVE bubbles!
Fun! Fun! Fun! That was a cool riddle, but I must admit I got the wrong answer...hehe... Thank you for a fun Monday Mystery.:)
I didn'y guess it right,
but I love the answer!!!
What a good one!!!
We thought that the answer was air. You got us again, furriend:)
You look so cute with that purple blankie.
I guessed air as well.. but it's always a treat to press the Daisy button and see the beautiful Daisy!!
Ow, Daisy honey, I cheated and looked *before* I knew the answer. I'm too ignorant for these kinds of games :o)
Your curly colleague,
Well done... you stumped me. I guessed AIR.
oh, daisy, you are too smart for us!!
Dang we were not even close on that one. We should have gotten that too because we just bought a big thing of bubble juice for our bubble fog machine.
Daisy you are blinking at us with curiosity... we love your blankie too
OK, we are thinkin:
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