Harley: Daisy! Daisy! Look what sailed into our harbor. A PIRATE SHIP! I can hardly believe my EYES! Let's go SAILING!
Daisy: Hold on there, Harley. Let me check this out first. Hmmm, the construction seems solid...
Daisy: Yes, the hull is sturdy and safe.
Daisy: Okay, Harley. This vessel is seaworthy. You have permission to come aboard!
Harley: ZZZzzzzz......
Daisy: He might need to walk the plank...

We got this fabulous pirate ship and a fun squeaky lobster toy and a pretty picture for my Mommeh from our kind friend
Mango the Maltese kiddo (and Ximui and Chubs). Thank you so much! You made us smile real big!

Ship Ahoy!
102 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy's pirate costume is THE BEST I've seen yet!!
Wow, that's a great purrate ship! Harley is so sweet snoozing in it, and Daisy's costume is perfect. :)
Oh my gosh, that is the best pirate boat ever.
That is so cool. We thinks you make a terrific pirate captain Daisy and Harley will be good crew once he wakes up. ~S,S,C & F
What magnificent pirate ship! As for your costume, Daisy, outstanding, just outstanding!!!
Harley is probably one of those overworked child sailors who fall asleep just anywhere...
You make a very pretty captain!
What a cool toy! And Daisy, you look so beautiful in your lady pirate outfit!
That is SO cool!
Great outfit, looks like a fun pirate ship too! Daisy, even pirates have to sleep--Harley's cute all snuggled in.
I have been looking and looking at the pirate ship but I can't find one in Australia. I love it.
we LOVE the pirate ship! mom's been thinking about getting us one for a long time now! But dad said there's no room. But we DO have to replace our kitty fortress cause hansel destroyed the top. fatty. --tesla
Oh Daisy, please don't make Harley walk the plank.....think, who would you have to irritate if he was gone?
That's a great foto essay Daisy!
Luf, Us
Cool pirate ship! Looks like a great place to take a nap.
What a great pirate ship! You make a pretty pirate too Daisy!
We've noticed that everytime we visit your blog Entrecard says we've already dropped. Very strange!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a wonderful pirate ship and costume Daisy. I'm not so sure about Harley being a first mate, though.
Ahoy there, Captain Daisy! Ye have a mighty fine vessel!
Great pirate ship!! We have one just like it, except ours has a parrot on the sail. Arrrr!
Wow you guys really look the part !!
Yo, maties!! Looks like pirates rule the day (and do it most handsomely, too!)
daisy if you make harley walk the plank can we see on video??? (just kidding!)
smiles, auntie bee
did you ever see the seinfeld episode where jerry has to where the puffy pirate shirt? your outfit reminded me of that.
What cute pictures, if I tried to do that to my cat, he'd claw my eyes out, what a good kitty!
Did you try it in real water????
Very cool!!
Your pirate ship is the coolest!
Oh Daisy, you look serious!!!! You won't really make Harley walk the plank...will you?
What a cool pirate ship!
Daisy, we think you are a Purrate, not a mean old nasty Pirate. You will not really make Harley walk the plank... will you?
That ship is awesome...and the outfit is the best ever!
Oh man, you guys must be the happiest cats on this planet. :)
Dear Miss Daisy, Please don't make Harley walk the plank. He may be a pesty little brother but he can't help it.
PS However, if you want to make Mr. Shrill walk the plank......
That is the coolest ship EFFUR!!! We overheard mommy telling our daddy that she thinks that Santa, the awesome man is red, might be bringing us one for Christmas!!! We've been really good this year, so I don't see why we would get coal...And, Daisy, you are the cutest pirate lady EFFUR!
Wow, you kitties are so, so lucky! How many kitties get their own pirate ship? It must be because you are so famous and everyone loves you so much!
Daisy, you seem so fearsome in your pirate costume, but Harley just looks sleepy.
This is too cute! The pirate outfit is awesome! That would make a very nice Halloween costume, Daisy!
That is a neat ship. We are glad Daisy checked it out for you!
Ha! The Mommy just saw one of these in a catalog yesterday and was thinking of getting one. You'll have to give a full report after you've checked it out longer, tell us how seaworthy it is and all that. Looks cute!
And we love your pirate outfit!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
totally loving your pirate outfit!
what a fabulous gift! that pirate ship is so cool!!
Daisy you look fabulous in that pirate costume!
Just a tip, Daisy ... if a fellow named Barbossa shows up wanting to be a crew member on your pirate ship, say no.
Daisy, I think that pirate ship looks just like Jack What's-His-Name's...you know, from that movie-whatever it's called. But, YOU! You are gorgeous in your pirate outfit. Not skeery at all!
That pirate ship is awesome! Daisy, you are a very cute pirate. Harley, you better wake up or you'll be swabbin' the deck.
LOL!! Oh my gosh! What an amazing toy!! And the outfit... need I say more? It is fabulous! You'll have Harley swabbing the decks in no time :)
Wow...how great is that? I think my grandaughter would like to borrow that toy!
What a cool pirate ship you have Daisy... We love your outfit too. I hope that there was not too much water for Harley when you made him walk the plank.
That's one rockin pirate ship! I think we can spare our matey the
walk on the plank, but be wary the
time may be coming when another fine
Captain wants to ride in that cool ship! Arg! lol
Ahoy, Mateys! What a great ship! Daisy, I love your pirate outfit.
Maybe the pirates will kidnap Harley and hold him fur ransom!
PeeEssWoo: That was furry nice of MangoMinor Ximui, and Chubs! They rokhk!
Shiver me timbers! Daisy, you make a very stern and forbidding Pirate Queen! Wow - we are skeert!! Have fun sailing - it looks like a ship of dreams with Harls snoozing away in there. make him mop the poop deck!!! Tee hee - Bon, Pepper and Weederman
Love the pirate ship! It's awesome!! Daisy - you make a great pirate!!
Daisy, you make one fierce looking pirate cat.
I guess I know what my furkids are getting this Christmas! Too bad they won't put up with the outfits.
You'll be having many fine adventures on that ship! Arrgh!
Ha! Daisy, I LOVE your last look there!!! Very Piratey indeed!
I think this is one of your very best outfits! And save the plank-walking for that evil Mr. Shrill - you know he's lurking somewhere just waiting to spoil your good time.
that is sooooooooo cool! maybe you two can create a fleet with the black furrball. i think you should do pirate day cards for Hallmark daisy. harley, you look very comfy!
everyone we gave your cards to looooved them. how did that go?
What a great gift! You two must absolutely love it.
We bet that is going to be fun to sail on!!!!!!!
We love your outfit Daisy! You are a great wench!!!!!
The pirate ship is so cool I've never seen anything like that before. Daisy you make an adorable pirate
you is so lucky, miss daisy. or izzit "cap'n daisy" now?? ;-D))
Arghhh! I love the costume!
Daisy, I have never seen anything like that before - it is so cool! That is a great gift to have gotten!
How awesome is that pirate ship?! What a great toy for you and Harley!
Daisy, you look adorable as a pirate. :)
have fun!
That's brilliant! I can see you're totally getting into character there, Daisy!
Do you need any crew members ?
Oh My Cats! That is the coolest pirate ship I ever saw!! Your outfit, Daisy, is stunning.
HOW CUTE IS THIS!!!! But won't their claws rip the plastic?
That's an amazing toy! It looks like our cat cubes, only better.
Daisy, we think you look very fierce in your pirate costume!
I know where I am going for Meow like a pirate day...
Totally cool!
Cool ship!!!!!!!! Guess Harley got tired waiting for the inspection!! heehee
That was a really nice gift :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow! Is u in the Navy?
Daisy, you are one sassy little pirate!
What an adorable pirate cat!
What a cool pirate ship! Daisy, you are the prettiest pirate ever!
You do more than just meow like a pirate, Daisy!
Daisy you are a pawsome pirate! We love the ship too.
Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike
What a great ship! It looks like the two of you will have many exciting adventures aboard the pirate ship. Even if you are sleeping.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Ohhh...she makes the cutest little pirate....Arrggghhh!!
OMC OMC OMC!!! That is ixZAKTly whut my pirate ship looks like! We can be pirate twins together!
Wow, what a fun boat.
YOu two better not fight about this!
Okayokay, Harley can walk the plank, good idea Daisy
That is the cooles thing ever! We want a pirate ship
Benny & Lily
That is one crabby pirate face!
What a striking first mate.
What wonderful toys, Miss Daisy! An' we really like your outfit. We have a pirate ship much like yours an' Skeezix's ... ours doesn't have a skull-an'-crossbones flag, though ... We have a birdie.
Ahoy, matees! Love, love, love your pirate ship.
Mango sent you pawesome presents!
That pirate ship is great!
And I can see it makes a comfy bed for Harley!
You look wonderful, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
What a great ship! And Daisy you make such a scarey pirate.
Daisy and Harley, your pirate ship looks really cool. It looks really fun to play on and in. You have very nice friends.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That was the coolest pirate ship ever!! We love your outfit too!
Oh Daisy, you look so swish in that pirate outfit.
What a cool pirate ship! The cats looked like they enjoyed it. They are so cute. Thank you for sharing the photos to us.:)
That has got to be the best pirate ship ever. You look every inch the Pirate Queen in your outfit, Daisy.
Daisy you are the toughest pirate we kittehs ever did set eyes on anywhere. Better keep Harley in line.
That is so cool! We loves your cute outfit Daisy!
Oh Daisy, please don't make Harley walk the plank! You will regret it if you do.
You look amazing in your pirate costume. I must show my two-legged brother Erik your pirate ship. If he sees it, maybe we can get one too. He loves pirates. Right now you are our most favourite pirate ever!
Sara Cat
Daisy, you make a very formidable pirate. I hope I never encounter YOU on the high seas.
Sail over our way Daisy!!!
Daisy that is the bestest pyrite bote ever!! You is sooo lukky! Also yer fashun sense is as good as ever.
Yer pal Dozer
Comment number 101!
Daisy you and Harley always make my mommy smile =)
You make me and lil Pickles smile too.
We love!
AAArrrrrggggg!!!! Ahoy, pirate Daisy!!!! Me pirate name is Mathilde Black!!!! Avast!!!! Tee reenbow island, i'tis!!!!! :D
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