The Photo Hunters theme this week is words. Since I do not say words out loud, I can sometimes let my clothings speak for me! This dress says "LuLu" on the back. I do not know what that means. It might be the flamingo's name.

This shirt says "I am the cat's meow." I approve of this message.

This tee-shirt says "Feline Diva." I always say, if the shirt fits, wear it!

Some words are better than others. This cap might be saying the wrong word.

Now this shirt says just the right word. Definitely.

Photo Hunters: Words
68 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, you aren't spoiled just well taken care of. But you are the cat's meow!
Nothing wrong with being spoiled Daisy. It means you are loved!
Huffle Mawson
There is no such thing as spoiled when it comes to kitties! Period, end of story.
We don't think it is a coincidence that Harley's t-shirt fits him like a glove! You wear your clothing very well, Miss D.
Daisy, we think you absolutely should be spoiled! And Harley duz seem to live up to that word, duzn't he? =:-0
All the outfits are great ..I sometimes have the feeling that Harley is viewed as a kitten with lots of energy in your space?? hah Princeman and Pinky say Hi and Happy weekend all !!
Heh...Harleys shirt does say just the right word doesn't it Daisy! :o)
hey nice T harley......\,,,/
and yea daisy.....u're a cutie always.... :)
Aww you always look so sytlish, words or no! Happy weekend
Cannot decide on a favorite... all are really great! We wonder when you might be having a "tag sale" of your old clothes, Zoey says there are some that interest her and surely your closet must be overflowing!!!
Great post Miss d, you look so groovy in all of your outfits.
Dang....your P H entries just keep getting better and better!!
My "Words" are now posted. Come join me today if you can find time...
Here's the Post For Today
Happy Haunting...errrrr, um happy Hunting!
What a wonderful way to approach the theme! All the photos are great but we confess to being particularly taken with Harley's...
Wow! Your clothes really do say a lot about you... except for the hat, of course :)
wow that is cute Dais...Happy hunting!
Oh Daisy, you can have your own fashion show on the catwalk! You look mew-volous.
Love all those outfits. And you all wear them well
Oh Daisy!
I never stop being amazed at your wardrobe! And with your way with words!
I think Harley is kinda cute, too.
Sara Cat
Spoiled? You? No Way!! Trouble? Harley? Well...maybe!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Great photo hunt! We couldn't think of what to post so we took a pass. You are such the fashion diva, Daisy!
I have that "The Cat's Meow" shert, too. I'm gonna ware mine today so we can be twins!
We think all those words are right...even spoiled...cuz it's okay to be spoiled...well, maybe lulu doesn't fit now that we think about it...
wonderful collection of photos...especially "Trouble"!
Daisy, you're words are just purrfect. Cats have other words than humans, that much I understood from my cats. And cats are anyway so clever in expressing them selves, that too much words would be too much.
i like the cat's meow shirt.
Who knew a "words" them could be so cute!? I love your Cat's Meow shirt -- rawr!
Ok, I am going to stick up for Harley. Daisy is really cute but Harley is very handsome. Boy cats just like to get into trouble. At least all of us do that live here.
I like the hat. I don't think it's the best word, but it's a pretty color. Maybe they could change the word to "Catnip." :)
Bayou here, I need a trouble shirt for Asia!! off to send the hooman out to shop!
Those are great words and great clothes!
Oh my goodness you guys have the bestest clothes. Arwen is jealous!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend with lots of naps and treats and snuggles :)
haha Very good examples of words, Daisy! I think you might be right about that Harley word, but your life is much more exciting with him around, I'm sure! :-)
Oh now, making fun of Harley?
WE like your words!
Well the words say it all ~ but is Harley really trubble? Tee hee!
I think all cats should be spoiled. PS: my mom laughed at Harley's shirt!
Happy Saturday
Sandy Toni Rusty Eleanore and Neko
erm, Daisy, I'm thinking you are a little bit spoiled. But in a good way.....
Hi, Daisy!
You don't say words, but your clothes speak!
Kisses and hugs
Spoiled and loved by many!
Both you AND Trouble, too!
Nothing wrong with spoiled or being trouble for that matter.
You're too gorgeous for your shirts, too gorgeous for your shirts, so gorgeous!
Miss Daisy, I also think you are very funny!
I'll bet that you are spoiled and trouble both!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i hav so got to git wun of those trouble shirts for trouble the kitty!!! eksept she wud probly refyooz to ware it and wood beet me up if i tried to put it on her ha ha ok bye
i love all of your shirts! and harley's is just perfect for a playful boy.
have a good weekend!
You guys are always so much fun! And so funny, too! Daisy, you look gorgeous no matter what you wear, but I must indeed agree with what the blue hat says.
And Harley -- priceless! (Notice there's no price on him, only a sticker saying "Trouble" -- that should be good for a discount).
Now that's funny -- poor Harley, those sisters!
Those words are purrfect!
I like t-shirts with words on them! I posted a few on my Photo Hunters today. Great choices, you Feline Diva, you!!
Mrs. Mecomber
Daisy, you are not spoiled--you are just right!!!
Speaking of "spoiled" and "trouble"... I love both. I think I should get the latter for all the brats in the family. :P
Love the hat, Miss Daisy!
Harley, I think I'll get a little name tag like that for wait...he'd just shred it like he does with the mail...
We agree that Harley's shirt says the right thing!
When I croak I want to come back as one of your mommy's kitties!!!!!
Daisy, you have certainly mastered your over the shoulder glance modeling pose. You are definitely the Cat's Meow.
Your definitely a diva....Hugs
Woo SOOOOO know how to do khoy!
PeeEssWoo: And Harley SOOOOOOO knows how to do trouble!
You look so good in the clothes!
And "Trouble" is great!
I love that you're wearing my favorite sundress! And I actually got a PH post up today, too! You don't need too many words to get the point across, do you?
We is finkin no matter what da material says, we fink yer extra special Daisy! Also, Harley we fink yer Trouble shirt is pawsome!
We think the right word for you is PURRFECT! ~S,S,C & F
great clothes with words daisy and yes, he's trouble all right! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Definitely the cat's meow!
Ahahaha! I just love your wardrobe!
Awww, that flamingo top is so cute! I really like Harley's shirt too!
Wow, those clothes say so many right things. Like ya love wearin clothes. But you look so good in them.
Those are all cute outfits Daisy!
Our Grandma would love that flamingo outfit. She had a pinkalicious birthday party the other day and she collects flamingos. Those were some great words Daisy and Harley!
Cool! Das hat mir sehr gefallen:)Dein Blog sehe ich eigentlich zum ersten Mal, finde es aber sehr interessant! Weiter so!
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