What's In Your Purse?
See my pretty handbag? Skeezix gave this to me a long time ago, and I still love it! It is extra-fancy and sparkly. You are probably wondering, "What does Daisy keep in her handbag?"

What's In Your Purse?
Posted by Daisy at 12/15/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: handbags for cats, purses
84 Notes for Daisy:
You forgot the nip, Daisy!
I think you have everything you need for a day out Daisy. Be careful you don't get mugged!
Daisy, you look adorable with your purse.
That's a very fancy purse Daisy! And it looks like you have the essentials in it. But you should take some self defense lessons just in case a mugger comes along.
Yup. Looks like you're covered! But don't worry - Harley will protect you.
The duck heart is the most valuable! Sounds yummy!
A girl never leaves the house without her duck heart...
Freeze dried duck?
Wow! Who knew.
I never thought to carry a freeze dried organic duck heart in my purse. You think of everything, Miss D!:)
Can't imagine why you would need a freeze-dried duck heart! LOL
Hey Daisy,
Can I borrow that change? I need it for the soda machine. I'll pay you back, I promise LOL...
i would go right for the heart! -hansel
You should never leave home with out a freeze-dried organic duck heart in your handbag!
Miss D, you look ready for a night on the town.
What a pretty purse! Something to make for Sara and Cajsa! What a great Christmas gift idea!
You look really cute with it too Daisy!
By the way, Daisy. You can always defend yourself if anyone were to be that stupid and try to take your beautiful purse from you. You have CLAWS!
Such a fancy purse indeed!
That's a pawsome purse! Thank goodness you have Harley to protect you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
How sweet, Daisy, your own purse! You've got everything you need in it, except a picture of a beau.
Oh, that purse is purrfect for you. We thinks you may want to put some treats in there though. ~S,S & F
Luvs your sparkly purse Daisy! Make sure Harley doesn't find that duck heart!!!
Daisy that is one of the fanciest purses we have ever seen. And just tell everyone the duck heart is your snack in case you get hungry. We sure don't want that Daisy to be hungry.
We think you have everything you need for a day out on the town!
You look charming!
~ The Bunch
That's a beautiful purse, Daisy. I just dumped everything out of mine, but my contents are not as interesting as yours (ie, no freeze-dried organic duck heart).
By the way, I am laughing SO HARD at your latest Curly Cat Creation: the "Sleeping Gypsy" now with cats.
Daisy, you are SO clever! I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next!
freeze-dried organic duck heart?
Do you plan on wearing that purse to all of the holiday parties you will be attending? If so, looks like you still have room for a candy cane and maybe even a small gift!
Project Runway starts Dec 17 again hah
Being mancats, we don't carry a purse, but if we did, we would imagine that freeze dried duck heart is an essential to keep in it.
Daisy, you had betters keep a whistle in your purse, too, so that if a robber does come up behind you - you will be able to blow your whistle and call for help or scare away the bad, bad PURSEon.☺
We're with Eric & Flynn - we're mancats & wouldn't dream of carrying purses! Yours looks very nice & lady-like! if we did carry all of that stuff in our, er, manbags, Austin & JayJay said they would go straight for the duck - I'd go for the kleenex! Yeah, I have weird tastes - it drives Mom crazy!
Nico, Austin & JayJay :)
We especially like the duck heart! It wouldn't last long enough to be stored inside a purse at our house.
Looks like you got everything you need, Daisy! Do you really wear the lip gloss?? ;-)
That is a pretty sparkly purse. Be careful out shopping!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a lot of loot!!! yoo awt to put a kan of pepper spray in their too!!! or at leest a switchblayd!!! ok bye
We know why there is no nip in that purse: A lady does not do 'nip in public.
Daisy, I know anyone messin' with your sparkley pink purse would get some **super-bitey** treatment! Nothing comes between Daisy and her duck heart! I think that might be the most unusual item in your pretty purse, Daisy. If you had to get through airport security that day you might want to leave the tasty little heart at home, just to avoid any awkwardness. Or, just enjoy it Nom Nom!! Sending air-kisses from Pepper and Weederman! XXXOOO
Wow, what a fancy purse you have Daisy! I'm wondering about the freeze dried duck heart, though. Since it's freeze dried does that mean it won't rot? Could be smelly after a while, though.
You're always so PURSE-onable, Daisy -- and you don't even need a purse to be that way.
Wow, that freeze dried duck heart looks really yummy! Where did you get it from? You need to be really careful about getting mugged - another cat would probably smell that heart and leap on you from behind!
...I've got some moths in mine....
your purse is very fashionable, daisy. and i am glad to see you have all the essentials a woman needs to have on paw.
Daisy you are all girl. I love your sparkly accessories.
Do you need a conceal & carry permit for that duck heart?
(Glogirly's cat)
look, u are 5 already - ive seen U growing for the past year and a half
What a beautiful purse Daisy! Looks like you're all set - Burts Bees...my favorite!
Oh, dat is a purrty purse. Hmm, looks like da only thing missing is a little nip. If someone tries to take yoor purse yoo can scratch and bite!
Wow you has everything you needs! Freeze dried organic duck heart sounds delicious!!!
happy holidays!!!! and thanks for visiting and posting such nice comments on my bloggie all the time :)
You are such a little lady! :-)
You have a very interesting collection of things. I am not sure I would need the heart. Momma is using her phone to help me--we searched Daisy the C and our first option was your blog even tho we do not read on Momma's phone much! You are very famous
Just the right sized purse for you Daisy! Adorable like you!
Daisy, that is a snazzy little purse and soooooo you.
Very pretty purse Daisy! Seems like you have everything you need to look beautiful, buy what you need and also have a snack.
That is one chic purse Daisy!!! You sure are a girl who is ready to go at the drop of a hat!
what? no cell phone?...lol Very cute purse, love the color
Adorable purse, Daisy!!
I think the necklis is very pretty. :)
Ohhhh...better hide the duck heart, we luv emms!! :)
Beautiful Daisy!
Those are indeed treasures Daisy! Keep them safe!
Daisy, you're missing one thing. Do you know what it is?
My photo of MOI! Love your purse! And it's pink your favorite color.
Pink translated to rose in French!
La vie en rose....
That is a most bootiful puwse...vewy fitting fow a gowgeous giwl,and I think you hAVE all you might need fow a night out wif youw sweetie
smoochie kisses
It's beautiful...where's your cell phone?
That is such the purrfect purse for you Daisy! It looks like you have everything you need in it too.
It's very pretty Daisy...I think you are all set!
freeze dried organic duck heart? Wowie! do you eat that?
Yeah, I'm sure there are lots of folks who'd want that freeze-dried duck heart. ack.
Furry nice khontents...
Purrrrrhaps a breath mint or two?
Well, it looks like you have everything you need for a night out on the town.
What a snazzy purse. Now all you need is the nip!
Where's the Nip, Daisy? Are you worried you'll be arrested for carrying it?
That is a lovely purse Daisy!!!!!!
Now Georgia & Tillie want one :)
I was just curious about what was in your purse. It's good to have a treat in there !! heehee
Purrs Mickey
May I borrow that handbag?
Daisy, I luvs that yoo has lip gloss. It showz that even tho yoo iz naturally pritty yoo still uze sum tricks. It will make less pritty kitties feels bettur about themselves.
<3 Loki
You make fashion so practical, Daisy!
No treats for emergency snacks?
I sure love that Christmas purse
Hi, Daisy!
Your bag is pawesome!
I can see you have all you need in it!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy,I love you bag very much. Pink is such a lovely color!
Purrrrrrrs always
Daisy, my grammy used to have a LOT of weird stuff in her purse, but I can honestly say that she never had a freeze-dried duck heart in there!
Woh you sure got everything you need in that pretty purse Daisy
~ Bae
This purse is just perfect for you!!
Your boy friend is very thoughtful, how touching!
Yoo shood also keep yer pawsport in thare in case a speshul frend of yers drops by and sez, "Daisy, let's fly to Paris to see the Spring Lines."
Wot, no mirror? And yoo a fashionista!
Wow, a duck heart in your purse! Why didn't I think of that? It will be great to keep your energy up during your shopping trips ;-)
Very pretty purse!
Meg and Arwen
That is the puuuurrrrrfect purse for a kitty cat :D So cute!
I think you have it all totally covered!
That's a beautiful purse, Daisy. I just dumped everything out of mine, but my contents are not as interesting as yours.
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