Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless, Whiskery Wednesday


77 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

Handsome Harley, I did not know you had glowing ears. Do they light up at night?

Teddy Westlife said...

Wow Harley, you have a lot of whiskers!

Milo and Alfie said...

WOW! Harley those whiskers are grand!

gemmak said...

Those are very manly whiskers Harley :o)

Marg said...

What nice whiskers you have Harley.And they eye brows are super too. Great picture

Angel Simba said...

Awesome whiskers, eye brows AND glowing ears!

Whitey said...

O Mai goodness, Harley! Mom iz all verklempt again,

The Florida Furkids said...

Harly looks especially handsome in that picture!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley we loves your Whiskery Wednesday. ~S,S & F

Isabel said...

want to invite you to meet my new blog, this invitation is extended to all your friends.
Merry Christmas.

Parker said...

One word - Handsome!

Hansel said...

your whiskers are much different than Daisy's. :)

Lisa Kolosey said...

Wicked Whiskery Harley! What a Q-T-Pie.
~Lisa Co9T

Forever Foster said...

Did your mum catch you lost in thought?

The Creek Cats said...

This is such a great photo! Shows off your whiskers very well!

Hitesh Rawat said...

some whiskers you got harley......

you're the dude here........ \,,,/

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look very handsome with your white whiskers and glowing ears Harley.

Haley H said...

You have very glowing and handsome whiskers, Mr. Harley.

Lin said...

He's wacky, but we love him. :) Sweet photo!

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

As always, you look really handsome Harley!!
Always love you!

Lots of ♡ ♡ ♡ ,
Alex & Lolo

Cory said...

Your whiskers glow!!! You are very handsome Harley....



The Monkeys said...

Your whiskers are spectacular, Harley!

A few Good Cats said...

That is a very intent pose you are in, Harley. Do you also get Temptations for posing well?

Anonymous said...

So serious, this young man, and so well behaved. (Bursts out laughing)

CCL Wendy said...

That's a lovely picture of you, Harley! I like the way the sun lights up your little pink ears and makes them glow. You do have very nice whiskers, too. You're such a handsome mankitty (but also very funny).

Meghann said...

That is such a great photo! I love your back lit whiskers - very handsome :)

Unknown said...

I think I've said this before, but Harley has the most fantastic eyes, the markings are incredibly beautiful!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

very manly whiskers!

GLOGIRLY said...

Yes, Harley's got the eyes goin' for him! You know, there's a million girl cats out there that would kill for those eyes!!!

(Glogirly's cat)

Dma said...

ohhh... what a handsome boy...

Sandy Kessler said...

I like the light streaming through your ears and highlighting your whiskers!!sandy

Quill and Greyson said...

What a beautiful picture of you Harley!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are so handsome.

Raymond and Busby said...

Lookin' good Harley!

Anonymous said...

You sure are a Whiskery Fella, Harley!

Anonymous said...

Super pic of Harley - click to biggify!

Tibby said...

Hi Harley!
Your whiskers are just wonderful!
:) Tibby

catsynth said...

Handsome portrait. We really like the way the light highlights Harley's whiskers. I wonder if this would make a could black-and-white photo - or with Harley, would that be redundant? :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

It's Harley the Fiber-Optic Kitty!

Cory Clark said...

Harley, that's a nice pic!

Nico, Austin & JayJay :)

Canine Crusader said...

Just beautiful! You look deep in thought. Happy WW!

My Wordless Wednesday

Tammy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tammy said...

Gorgeous, whiskery face!

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is a great picture of you Harley! I bet all the ladycats are going crazy for it!

Anonymous said...

sexy mancat pose....

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

WOW! Handsome Harley whiskers!

Nomi said...

I'm swooning at your whiskers Harley. They are so magnificent !

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley, you have very handsome whiskers

Shaggy and Scout said...

Looking handsome today Harley!

mog said...

You're adorable, glowing ears and spiffy whiskers. Cute! You'll have those ladycats drooling over you.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Cute special whiskers. You remind us of our foster mama kitty Charli. She has similar whiskers!

Donna said...

Wow. Dat's a hansum look! :)

Sparkle said...

That's a VERY sweet picture of Harley! You would never know what an imp he is. ;-)

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Harley, your eyebrow whiskers look like streaming fireworks!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Whiskers, whiskers, whiskers......and kohl lined eyes!!! Cute!

brokenteepee said...

That is a wonderful photo of Harley!
Whiskers and all

Anonymous said...

What long whispy whiskers yoo gots Harley. Is dey better to feel fings wif?

jenianddean said...

Handsome Harley! We got your Christmas card yesterday. Ours are late ... Mom and Dad are being very slack.

Ann said...

Very nice photo Harley. You look quite handsome.

Sónia Mendes said...

You're soooo cuuute, Harley

those are lovely whikers.

Feline kisses from Gotchi

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Your whiskers aren't curly like Daisy's, but they do have curves. We like the way they glow in the light.

Cindy said...

Manly whiskers, Harley. Your ears do light up, isn't it supposed to be your nose?


You make all the girls in our house swoon.

purr on

Shilgiah the Cat said...

You are such a very handsome man cat Harley. And your whiskers are divine. *blushe*

Christopher said...

Hey Harley!
CONGRATS on winning the stretchin&yawnin catagory in the Worlds Coolest Dog/Cat Show!!!!!!!!!!

It must've been the spit thingie =)


Tommy and Teaghan said...

Harley dat is a reely nice picture of yoo. Yoo gots dem pretty eyeliner look eyes too. Goes nice wif dem whiskers.

The Island Cats said...

You look very handsome, Harley!

VetTech said...

Harley takes my breath away, he is so "majestic"

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Don't hold still too long...

Woo might get dekhorated!

loki said...

Harley, you do have a lot of whiskers! Daisy, thanks for your advice, I feel better already!
Should I call you Doctor Daisy?


Two French Bulldogs said...

Cute! We have those things sticking out of our face too
Benny & Lily

SophieKitty said...

You're such a handsome mancat, Harley.

Lorenza said...

Pawesome whiskers!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

You are so cute Harley!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Very nice picture, Harley!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hey Harley, Concats on yer Werld's Coolest Win! As a judge, I can cunfide in yoo that the spit put that shot over the top fur yoo!

Now maybe yoo shood git yer own blog!

Maureen said...

Beautiful whiskers there Harley!

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