Circus Cat Attire!
A long time ago, I modeled this beautiful circus clown suit, and Harley wore this wig for Halloween. But I got the great idea to wear them together! This is my most colorful suit ever. I am really ready to join the circus now.

Circus Cat Attire!
Posted by Daisy at 6/25/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Circus cat, cute cat fashions
81 Notes for Daisy:
Yay, another paw bump! For chin scritches and treat crumbs, I might be tempted to put on a clown suit too.
you really seem to like those chin scratches. Thanks for coloring my Friday brightly!!
You do give a splash of color to the landscape. Beautiful outfit... Have a great day!
Oh Miss Daisy! You're so bootiful, even in such an outfit!
Did you know we have a clown college in Lake Placid?I'll refer you there.What will your clown name be?
Hi Daisy,
Looking good, as always. You are such a cutie pie.
Purrs from Gotchi
You certainly are very colourful Daisy. Chin scritches are the best and we can see you are enjoying yours.
I love the last one -- Clown Cat in Repose circa 2010.
Miss D, I would go to any circus you were in!! I wonder what the neighbours think when they look in the window and see you!!
Who doesn't like chin scratches? Wonderful outfit Daisy. You've brightened my day!
I luvs clowns, Daisy. You are wonderful!!!
You have a colourful and fun day too Daisy!
Dear Daisy,
You have helped me overcome my clown phobia!
Dear Daisy,
You have really helped me overcome my clown phobia! Thanks!
I can't believe you leave that wig on, Daisy! You are the silliest kitty! Cute, but silly. ;)
Daisy, you look beautiful as always! Are you familiar with the whole Kitty Wigs ( sensation? I bet you would like fabulous in one of their wigs.
Your pal, Pip
Great clown outfit there, Daisy! It is fun being a clown! I love to give chin scratches to my Manny Boy--he even purrs for me sometimes!
You're very colourful and cheery, Daisy! It's impossible to be unhappy when visiting you! :-)
Happy weekend to you and Harley!
That is such a great outfit Daisy, it made our Mom smile a bunch. Very colorful, that is for sure and the hat fits really well.
And that paw bump is the very best of all. That is terrific Daisy. We will get that Google trained.
Have a great week end.
Daisy, you are so colourful today! We love the side profile with the hair coming down to your shoulders. And the photo of you eating the crumbs. Mummy had to look a second time to really appreciate the colourfulness of your hair!
Your paw bump is so beautiful!
Purrrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
PS. Mummy has been trying to take a closeup of Yuji's face and beauty spot... he never keeps still!
i am a little bit scairt of clowns daisy. but i am not scairt of you honey pie.
smiles, auntie bee
Good golly Miss D. Your suit has all of the colours of the rainbow!
Any circus would be proud to have you Daisy !
You're outfit is great. We're always amazed by how well you wear hats and wigs!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
gotta say very few could pull off that look but you somehow manage to do it.
Yoo are a wunnerful clown Daisy. We hope yoo gots treats and not just da crums!
You really brightened up our Friday Daisy and we loved your costume - Have a lovely weekend with Harley and your mom and dad.
Hope you get plenty of treats and chin scritches.
HEE HEE HEE! Daisy, that photo of you nibbling on your treat crumbs in your clown wig really tickled me. You are very colorful INDEED!
Awesome photos, gorgeous Daisy, Super Model!!...You make everything look good and your outfit is too fun=purrfect for the weekend!!...We LOVE you sweetie!...Our Mommy is leaving town for the next week due to family illness/surgery, but we hope you and handsome Harley will stop by to visit us while she's gone (she scheduled our posts for a week ahead)...Happy weekend beautiful friends...kisses x3...Cale, Halle, Sukki
Daisy, we think that Tripper might want to borrow your very colorful outfit!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
That is a fun and festive outfit, Daisy! You pull it off beautifully, sweet girl!
Wow! Daisy-Face, you are BRIGHT! And CHEERY! I think you should mail yourself to Miles and his The Mom for their Gotcha/Birthday Days!
Daisy, you are a vision in stripes and polka dots! and frizzy hair.
That is a totally stunning combo, Daisy! We love it!
Daisy...your ready for the big top for sure!
That is one silly wig! But you look cute in it - You can rock anything!
I bet it is a very fun day in your house! I like all those colors!!!
You really are ready for th circus! I have never seen you so colorful before. Lovely weekend!
Theresa, Joe & Bobby
Such a beautiful clown! Have fun at the circus! MOL
Daisy, yoo make the prettiest clown we have EVER seen!
We thinks you would be a great addition to any circus and we would love to see you in person.
Awww I love your smile at the chin scritches..... and I think what fun it would be to walk past your house and see you sitting in the window in your clown suit... just happily surveying the scenery....
I don't think there is a walkway in front...but, I'm just sayin'...if there was..... lol.....
Daisy, you are just so beautiful in everything you wear. You are the ultimate fashionista model. Just don't go join the circus :D
U look so cute! I wish I had a neat hair.
Hahahahahaha, that is so cute!
You do look great in your clown outift Daisy, but we don't want you to join the circus cause we wouldn't be able to see you as often.
daisy yoo r so kyoot
What a bright and beautiful girl you look :) There is another special cat on my blog today, a very brave cat, you might like to see :)
Your outfit has a dual could march in a Gay Pride Parade! At least, that's what my Mommy's Gay friend Steve said.
Either way, you look amazing in that wig.
You make a great clown, Daisy...cute too!
Some people think that clown are scary but you are the cutest clown I have ever seen. That wig just made me smile. You deserved every one of those chin scritches.
You are a very cute clown Daisy! Seems that you really like that rainbow hair too!
We had our doubts at first, but we have to agree: the wig works. But of course you look fabulous in everything.
But please don't run off to join the circus (unless you are planning to tour the Netherlands with it).
That certainly is your most colourful outfit to-date, Daisy! And, of course, with carry it off with aplomb.
I like the way you are so comfortable in your outfits, and don't mind wearing them.
Even though Domino is a good model, she likes to take her clothes off right after a photoshoot.
You look so good as a clown Daisy!
I bet you always get the center ring.
Coffee is on.
Hi, Daisy!
You are a beautiful clown!
And the best model ever!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my, what a lovely splash of colour! It's either the circus or the carnival!
That is so wow!! I love your colorful wig!
Daisy, you're the most beautiful clown cat ever. We LOVE the chin scritches picture, you're smiling!!
paw bump! woo!
you look delightful in that clown suit :D
haha, you must really love dress ups.
and you really should take a walk on your harness soon, daisy. its good exercise and lots of fun!
Harley and Maya xx
Daisy, you look adorable!
What a very colourful outfit, Daisy. The clown suit and wig go great together!
Daisy! I can't believe you can just wear that stuff and not think to yourself... "I might be able to scare children now!"
Do you have a little tiny car that you and 19 of your friends can ride around in, too?
Do you take the wig off when you nap? I think you should keep it on.
You earned your treats and scritches today, Daisy.
We would wear that for scritches, too! But it would hafta be lots of scritichies (like we expect ya got)...
"Daisy the Curly Cat" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.
Wow, that is definitely lots of color Miss Daisy! I'm glad you were well paid for your modeling efforts. I sure do love all those spots and dots :o)
Hehe. Daisy, I'd love to know what people think when they drive by and see you in the window in such a colorful suit... :)
That is a very fun and colorful outfit!! Love the paw bump :)
omg Daisy I just want to squeeze you!!
Daisy, you make anything you wear look great! And no matter what you're wearing, you always retain your regal dignity. You wear the clown suit well, furry friend.
You look great Daisy, so colorful and joyful! SY
That was a beautiful smile you gave for your chin scritch!
Daisy you are the cutest clown kitty ever EVERRRR
bonkbonkies to you and Harley!
Oh Daisy, thank you for making my mom laugh. You look so cute in your outfit and so colorful!
Oh, you're so colorful, Daisy!
Mom says that's what her hair looks like in the summer, 'cept it isn't stripey colors.
Yes, try the calming collar. For only $15, it's worth a try. It's helping Max.
Your friend
Daisy, clowns normally frighten me, but you are just so cute in your clown outfit, I forget how creepy some of them are! It just shows how great you model, and you really make those colors pretty!
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