No Crossing! The Movie
It's me again. HARLEY! Daisy and I have lots of FUN playing on top of the kitchen CABINETS now that we can get up there without any HELP.

I am a LUCKY cat to have so much FUN all the time. If you cannot SEE the movie, CLICK HERE to see it on YouTube!
78 Notes for Daisy:
Now Daisy always says that you are the bully Harley but I am pretty sure she is being boss in that video MOL We love the paw slapping game too!
You go Daisy!
Sorry Harley, but I think the video pretty much proves who wears the furry pantaloons in your family!
Wow! Daisy is a pretty fierce crossing guard!
You're a very powerful mancat now my friend, use it wisely!
Harley, yoo'd better stop tormenting Daisy, or I'll have to come over and beet yoo up with my big mussels.
Haha! As soon as we saw Daisy's face we knew she wouldn't let you pass. Looks like she is still the boss in your house.
I think your sister forgot to give you the secret passing password. Slapping games do look like fun though.
I hope you do the dusting while you're up there for your Mummy!
Life is fun, unless u cross daisy.
At first you looked very nonchalant, but sometimes it's best to just let the females have their way! Jelly Bean
Daisy is the prettiest lollipop lady we have ever seen. Except we have never seen a lollipop lady use the smacky paws. Probably the parents would complain if their children were smacky pawed crossing the road after school.
Wow, Harley! That's just what happens to Gandalf, Grayson and Whitey whenever they want to go through the cat flap on the Paddy O'Door.
Have you seen Lord of the Rings when Gandalf was fighting the Balrog? Well, Gracie goes all Gandalf the Gray on them like they are the Balrog and says "You Shall Not Pass!"
Are you a Balrog, Harley?!
Manny and I like to play the slapping game too. You are very lucky to have such a high place to walk, lay and play on. Harley looks so much bigger than you but I am glad to see you are still the boss. Manny is bigger than me too, but I am the boss at our house too.
What a great game and video! Harley....we think that Daisy won that round!
Hmm.. we are not sure that Daisy luffs that game quite as much as you do, Harley....
I love the part when you look away just before trying to cross... It's this wonderful nonchalant look to fake her out. Great movie...
Way to go Daisy. You put Harley in his place. He didn't even chase you. Good job. But we have to give Harley a little credit too, cause he is so much bigger than Daisy and could have fought back. But it was a very funny video and made Mom laugh out loud. Good job Daisy.
Daisy has one mean right hook!
MOL! Harley, you're right. That does look like a fun game!
Harley, you need to mind your big sisser!
It reminds mai human of the Fish Slapping Skit from Monty Python...mmmmm, I could go for some fishy noms right about now...
Good job Daisy! You could be a professional crossing guard!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
harley no CROSSING! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
This looks like lots of fun! My feline sisters play the same game, but unfortunately, I can't jump so I have to watch from the floor below.
Your pal, Pip
Oh, Harley, we can see you are the mischief-maker. Let's ask Daisy how much "fun" she is having there. LOL.
BTW, Daisy, EXCELLENT paw slapping action! Truly extraordinary!
Harley, looks like Daisy is letting you know who the boss is in the family!
I see you are filling out and becoming a more muscular mancat !! sandy
wow, nice movie. i loved the music.
harley, you are a big boy!
but little daisy is good at that game. haha. looks like fun.
Oh Daisy I am in awe of your slapping action - mum has promised to show me again so I can copy your style for when Hannah gets bossy.
Luv Lucy xx
that was a very funny movie! I really enjoyed it.
That's so funny! I think it's a little mean though how you're always picking on your poor little defenceless "never hurt a fly" likkle brofur! :-)
Now that is certainly a side of Daisy that we have never seen before! Harley, maybe because she is so much smaller than you it makes her scaredy?
Gee Hawley, I think Daisy is pwacticing to be a cwossing guawd ow something..i didn't see any twucks ow caws coming, but you can nevew be too caweful
smoochie kisses
We knows is annoying Harley, but we is glad to sees that Daisy is okay to stands up to your big mancatliness. It shows a element of trusts that comes with being fambily.
We lorves this video!
There's nothing quite so exciting as the slappin' game. We slap all the time in our house....'cept when we slap at Dizzy he hisses at us. He's an old grumpus.
By the way, my mommy made ooey-gooey-he's-a-cutie noises at the last few frames of the movie. Now I have to go do something extra-adorable so she'll make those noises at me.
Boy we don't have high place like that to play. You are lucky! Come by for our party!
Daisy definitely likes to be a guard doesn't she?
I guess Daisy is in charge of your Mommeh's pretty cabinets.
Yup, better not "cross" Daisy. LOL
Oh Harley! Hysterical. We bet you keep mom on her toes. Wish we could do that
Benny & Lily
oooooooooo fun game!
Harley, don't you know you have to say the password to get by? I think Daisy was trying to tell you that ;-)
I love that video. Harley looks so big compared to Daisy but she knows who's the boss (or is that just the angle). FAZ
Well Daisy stood her ground for awhile. You should have wandered on after she went by.
You so remind us our brofur Ping...Miss Daisy I am so glad you held firm to your spot!
Good for Daisy for not being a pushover.
Harley, you sure DO have a FUN life.
That looks like a very fun place to play :) Just be careful with the slapping looks a little scary right on the edge like that!
Wow Harley that was a GREAT movie! We think you need to maybe bring a TOLL with you that you can pay to Daisy so you can pass. TREATS would be a great one - we bet she would let you pass then!!
Harley, don't you know girl kitties rule? Try bribing Daisy with some treats next time.
Ha Ha Daisy rules!!
Harley, I think Daisy just wants to be alone and needs her own little space :)
Daisy sure let you have it, Harley!
Hahaha! You two are soooo like my kitties. Grace dislikes Hobbes like Daisy dislikes Harley. And Grace tells Hobbes when he can cross and when he cannot--usually with a big spit and some whapping. I am always jealous of those blogs where the kitties are all sweet and sleeping intertwined. Sigh. NOT in my house!
When Daisy says no crossing she means NO crossing. I think you were very smart not to push it any further Harley. It does look like you have lots of fun up on those kitchen cabinets.
Daisy guards the portal!
She just thinks you're going to ruin her good time again.
I think Daisy is trying to tell you you're on a toll cabinet top. Pay her toll, probably a treat, and she'll let you pass!
Haha! Guess she told you, Harley!! Just make sure she doesn't whap you off those cabinets!!
We love how Daisy tricks you into thinking you can do the crossing safely.
You guys are really funny, we love you both so much!...Daisy was being the boss in that video and you were a real sweetie to her, Harley!...kisses and hugs x3 beautiful friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hi guys,
Hey Harley, be careful up there or you will fall.
Purrs from Gotchi
Big sisters can be a pain, right Harley. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Daisy has some pretty fast paws! It was nice of you to let her win that little whappy paw match!
Thanks for your purrs for Sadie too! She's going to be just fine!
Harley, you think she wants you to pay a toll or something? You know, like that story 'bout the troll under the bridge, but in this case it's Daisy-at-the-Crossing...Maybe if you took one of those freeze-dried chicken things...?
Daisy, you made us all laugh! We suspect you have been giving Bennette some lessons!
Ha! That was so much fun to watch, Sheba, sitting on my lap as it played, watched it too! You two are very entertaining and too cute!
Hi, Harley!
I can see Daisy is pretty good protecting her space!
Kisses and hugs
That was so cute! I like that game. :)
Oh Harley, you have the cutest little face ever! I adore that first picture of you.
And that Daisy certainly is a feisty little thing! It looks like she was getting the better of you in that battle! She reminds me a lot of Domino -- rather fearless.
Oh my! This is one of the cutest Daisy and Harley videos I've seen so far.
I love cats!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know what took me so long to make them a part of my life.
BTW....perfect choice musical
You are both SO cute! The video reminds us very much of Keiko and Kenji! mawhawhaw! Keiko actually doesn't think it's very fun, but Kenji does!
We loved how Harley is draping over the side at the end. That is tooo cute!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
Daisy sure is a sassy little thing.
Geez, Daisy is tough, isn't she? And she has a mean right hook.
Gus and Pru play that game, only we call it boxing. It usually ends in a stampede around the house and Pru squealing like a little piglet.
Harley, we liked how you tried to look subtle by averting your glance and looking at the ceiling! Daisy did not fall for it though!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
MOL. That is a funny game, Harley! Daisy is one tough crossing guard, isn't she?
"None shall pass!"
Wot a FABULOUS video. We love the music AND the action!
Harley, was yoo standing there just to provoke Daisy into slapping yoo? Just asking!!!
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