Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A New Computer!

Here is my OLD computer. It is just a little laptop, but it was just my size. I could perch right on top!
And here is my BRAND NEW computer! It is called an all-in-one computer because it does not have that big box thingy. My Mommeh says it is called an HP TouchSmart 610. I don't know why it is called a TouchSmart because I am Not Allowed to touch it. That does not sound smart to me.
Whoa! What is this picture? It looks a little bit familiar...
Harley has fallen in love with the new desktop background. I do not know why.
My Mommeh says she is busy trying to move everything from the old computer to my new computer. Computers are hard.


46 Notes for Daisy:

Sparkle said...

Daisy, if you are not allowed to touch it, I think it is a TouchDumb computer! My human got an iPad for her birthday last month, but it is really for me - I know because the first thing she did was load it up with cat toy apps!

Poppy Q said...

Good luck with the new puter. Looks like your paws will fit on those keys.

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a nice computer Daisy. Perhaps you can lay on the bigger keyboard ;)
We giggled at the desktop background !! Do you think Harley is square? heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Unknown said...

Congratulatons to your Momma on the new puter! That is such a big event and can be a little frustrating, too. You and Harley might need to do some extra comforting, but we all know we get it back when we need it. Happy computering!

Karen and Gerard said...

My cousin got a computer like that and loves it. Transferring stuff from the old computer and reloading your different programs is a big pain though. I had to do that when mine got a virus and wouldn't even go. Almost got a new one then, but the Computer Doctor was able to fix it in just a couple days.

Fluffy and Heather said...

Don't worry Daisy, you may not like it now but new 'puters are always better than old ones!

Donna said...

U know what is good on capooters? Space ships. My friend plays games with them sometimes. :)

Angel Simba said...

Concats to your Mommeh on getting the new computer. I bet it has a more humongous hard drive than the laptop so it can hold zillions more pictures of you and Harley.

Anonymous said...

No big box? That's cool!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a smart new computer Daisy. We think you should fit nicely on the keyboard.

The Monkeys said...

Cool new computer! Our Mom wanted one like that but now that we see you're not allowed to touch it, we're going to insist she get a different one!

The Island Cats said...

That's a pretty awesome looking puter, Daisy. We'd like to walk on that one.

Lin said...

Go Mommeh! That is a hard job to move everything--ugh!

I like Harley's screen saver--it reminds me of someone.......

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Great n hope will help your mama do more Pawsome works on your blog. We use a MAC so we can't help you if you have a PC ?. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

I am co-hosting a weekly Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop - it starts today. Hope you check it out and join us someday. Golden Woofs, Sugar

Marg said...

Well that is so exciting Daisy for the Mommeh to have a new computer but it is a ton of work to move everything. Looks like a fancy one. Maybe some day you can touch it. Take care and have a super day.

one of Fae's humans said...

nice new computer. :) tell your mom that if she puts all her stuff on an external hard drive it might be easier to just move everything at once, depending on how much space the hard drive has.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WOW super cool computer Missie Daisy.
Maybe you can secretly touch it when mom is not looking!

Have a bronkbonk day

Dma said...

very nice computer... i spent all weekend trying to fix issues with mine. computers suck.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you don't hear too many naughty words while your Mommeh is transferring everything over Daisy.
Don't let Harley get his tool box out to help her - you could learn some new words!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Vanillabeanseed said...

You cant touch it? How unfair! :[ and computers ARE heard!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

How are yoo gonna blog if yoo're not allowed to touch the noo pooter?

LP said...

Daisy, you can touch but just don't be caught! That's why it's called Touch SMART! At least that's what we think it means...

the critters in The Cottage

Shaggy and Scout said...

Cool new computer and we can see why Harley loves that background!!!

Jacqueline said...

Computers are so tempting to lie on since they are always warm!...Our Mommy says good luck to your Mommy=those new ones can be confusing!...Loved the post with Harley's DQ outfit and new job :)...Happy week ahead, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is like our i-mac (without the touch screen). Momma does not want a touch screen because someone who shall remained Ichiro likes to touch his nose to things and Momma doesn't want it getting all messed up. She is trying to decide if she wants a laptop or if she wants a computer more like yours and her i-mac.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a very nice new computer. Mom was looking at one like it last week!

brokenteepee said...

I agree - computers are hard

Mike Golch said...

when it come time to replace this computer I'm thinking about the Commdore 64 it has been upgraded wtih a lot of memory and speed.I'm going to do a posting about it in about 5 minuites on Golch Central's Rambling Stuff.

Unknown said...

Dear Daisy,
We have a lot of computers at our house, but none are as cool as your new computer! Mommy would love to play with it!
PS Me LOVES your wallpaper!

God's Little People said...

Daisy, that just does not sound smart at all! I mean, laptops are made for cats - it's so obvious from the size, duh!! Well, lets hope the new one will get smarter with time - the dekstop background sure looks real pretty :-)
Hugs to you and Harley

Katnip Lounge said...

Daisy, Our Mommy thinks your new computer is ACE! And just think, if the laptop isn't in your Mommeh's lap, YOU can!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

What is the point to have an touchsmart computer if youré not allowed to touch it Daisy ??!!
I hope your mom will change her mind about that :)

GLOGIRLY said...

Very sweet computer, Daisy! ...Harley's background brings to mind a potential nickname for him. Blockhead. Like it?! hehehehehe!
Girls Rule,

Athena said...

Computers are indeed hard. Ours makes my mama say some words from the bad word list sometimes.

Two French Bulldogs said...

You got a cool computer over there...Congratulations
Benny & Lily

Marilia said...

Hi friends!
Computers are so hard but we love them!!! Hehehe!

Joanne Olivieri said...

You are right Daisy. If you are not allowed to touch it how could it be a touch smart? I think Harley sees himself in that background :D

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Daisy we have an HP laptop and we love it!

We are intrigued by your new HP! No big tower?

You will have to let us know what you think of it!


Willow said...

Puters have made so many advances now those big ones do not need to take up valuable desk space for lounging.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That looks neat. We heard about your new type but hadn't seen one before. Hope it's smooth going to transfer data.

Sweet Purrfections said...

That looks like such a nice computer! I'm sure Truffle and Beignet will be all over my laptop and desktop when they come to live with me.

Mom Paula

The Crew said...

Oh Daisy, I do the same thing to our computer. I love to sit on and walk on the keys while Mom is working. Then she says "Misty, get off!". Your new computer looks very big and scary.

Your friend

Karen Nichols said...

My Food Lady has a touchsmart tablet. She likes it win she's not cussing at it. With windows 7 you can transfer all your data and programs over with just a click. Ixcept you have to buy a speshul cord to do it.

meowmeowmans said...

Concatulations on your new computer, Daisy! Good luck to your Mommeh as she moves everything over. :)

Unknown said...

Dear Daisy and Harley,
I symathize with you (sigh) and agree with Sparkle. That computer sounds like a TouchDumb-model!
Best wishes,
Sara sends purrs and thanks for all the link to all your great recent posts that everyone can enjoy.
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Anonymous said...

Aww…you were not allowed to touch your new computer but your cat was? Maybe you have to wait for a while before your mom will allow you to use your new PC. Remember to be careful in handling and using your PC so that you won’t run into the worst of hardware and software problems.

-Benita Bolland

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