Whisker Hump Wednesday
In honor of the ORIGINAL Big Mancat KISMET, who had to go to the RAINBOW BRIDGE just a few days ago, today we are celebrating WHISKER HUMP WEDNESDAY! In case you do not KNOW what WHISKER HUMPS are, I will MAGNIFY mine!

Whisker Hump Wednesday
Posted by Daisy at 8/17/2011 04:00:00 AM
Labels: big whisker humps, Kismet
49 Notes for Daisy:
Absolutley right, You have much more manlier whisker humps than pretty miss Daisy.
Yay Harley!
Harley and Daisy, you both have beautiful whiskers, each unique and suited to your faces! Now I'm off to check out Kismet's whiskers to see if the legend is true...!
Ha...Ha..Ha..Harley, you cracked me up again, You are so funny buddy : )
Thanks for Magnifying..Yep ! I can't miss your whiskers humps..so clear !!!
I think u are bofe very cyoot. :)
Very impressive whisker humps!!
Big hugs and purrs fro Kismet's friends and family.
Now I know about whisker humps.
R.I.P. Kismet.
Oh, that Daisy is ALL girl! She is so darn cute. :)
i love your whisker humps! both of you! :)
Whisker humps...hmmmmm. I've always wondered what they are called.
Have a great day...
pawhugs, Max
We just found out what whisker humps were yesterday.. AND WE LOVE IT ! :D
Both of you have very beautiful whiskers. Mom loves cat whiskers!!
We visited Kismets blog. He will be truly missed.
Happy Whisker Hump Wednesday!
~ The Bunch
We think you both have terrific whisker humps! Even though we didn't know Kismet, we think this is a great way to honour him!
Harley, that magnifying glass came in handy to really enlarge your humps...which in reality are much larger than Daisys cuz she's feminine and you are mancatly!
Harley, they are VERY kissable, too!
i did not know of whisker humps before. yours indeed are manly. sorry to hear about kismet.
R.I.P. Kismet.
Daisy your whisker pads are very dainty! And Harley, yours are boyishly sweet! :)
the critters in The Cottage
Yes Harley, we can see your manly whisker humps!
Very handsome manly whisker humps Harley. Thank you for the link to Kismet's blog. His story made our mom's eyes leak, and after reading it, she donated some moneys to KittyKind in his memory.
Pecos, Fiona, and Maui
Hee hee, I's laffing at Harley's manly whisker humps and then we see little Daisy's tiny face.
Some contrast.
Love & Purrs,
Yours are manly, Daisy's are girly-girly and cute!
Yo! Harley my man! Pawsome humps! Very Man Catly!
Daisy, yours are kissable! I, Kozmo, could rub mine against yours all day!
Not every cat has manly whisker humps like yours Harley--Ichiro's are nice and petite like Daisy's...
My goodness those are some seriously long whiskers!!!!
PS My name Kizzy is short for Kizma which is a name mum got from the history description of the greek work for Kismet.
Harley you have very big and very handsome whisker humps. Daisy's whisker humps are dainty like she is.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Harley, yours are very manly and Daisy's are so dainty!
Those are very manly whisker humps.
You make Kismet proud.
It sounds like Kismet was a wonderful cat.
It was nice of you to remember him Harley
Yes, Harley, your whisker humps are way more mancatly than Daisy's. Then again, she is a ladycat. :)
Such a nice tribute to Kismet.
You are so beautiful, Harley! And such lovely white whiskers!
You have manly whisker humps Harley. Daisy's are very cute.
Harley you have wonderful whisker humps - and Daisy you have beautiful lady whisker humps
I'd never heard of whisker humps before! But then again, I didn't know what "snorgle" meant either until recently. Both equally lovely whisker humps.
We have those too
Benny & Lily
You both have gorgeous whisker humps!
Those are mighty fine whisker humps Harley!
Luf, Us
You sure have manly whisker humps Harley and your´se are very pretty Daisy :)
I didn't realize what whiser humps were until just now! Thank you for the demonstration!
As much as I love whiskers, I love kitty muzzles even more.
Harley has quite pronounced whisker humps, and Daisy are much daintier but still highly kissable.
I just love kissing whisker humps.
You have very manly whisker humps, Harley!
Mom Paula
Very good whiskers!! Even the Daisy´s small whiskers!
Harley, your whiskers are very Manly! Daisy's are very pretty and unique!
You both haf excellent whisker humps!
We are sorry about Kismet!!
Your whisker humps are quite manly and Daisy is too dainty to have but small ones.
We did not know Kismet. But we know you are both adorable... Dainty Daisy and Manly Mancat Harley!
A great tribute.
Manly yes, but I like them too!
Katie - feeling a little Irish
Harley, those ARE manly whisker humps :)
Daisy, we think you have quite good whisker humps! The colouring shows them off quite nicely :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Daisy has cute whisker humps.
Daisy's humps are darling! But we would haf to agree, Harley, yours are very manly. Haf a pawsome day, kittehz!
Your whsker humps suit your faces so well and this is new as I did not know what they were called before so teachable tribute for Kismet
did you know I has whisker humps too? And She was cutting 'round they just yesterday!!
She has to be careful to just trim my furs, NOT MY WHISKERS!!
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