Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Funnies!

Ps: Harley is very proud and excited to post on the 1-800-PetMeds Pet Talk blog today. He is telling the story of how he came to be!


56 Notes for Daisy:

Barb said...

Daisy darling, you're as young as you feel, honey pie!

Sparkle said...

Daisy I am about a year and a half older than you - I will be 10 in June - and you know what? I think my butt got skinnier!

Bengal Business said...

No we dont Daisy.
We fink you still look beautiful and you alwayzz will!

Purrrs Lars and Odin

Poppy Q said...

Miss D - a whole week of birthday planning. Are you going to have a party sweetie?

My mum says her butt is getting bigger every year.

weaverpat said...

Dearest Daisy,
You are still young and kittenish looking, and I think you always will be. Cats are lucky to age much more gracefully than humans.
I hope Mommy has planned some special treats for the Big Day!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are as gorgeous as ever, Daisy!!!

HH and The Boys said...

Never... Your butt is just right. Not to worry.

pawhugs, Max

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Daisy, you are very beautiful and 8 is no age at all! xxxx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Monday FUNNIES. 8th is a GOOD age. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

i beati said...

This is so so so funny. Pinky who looks a little like you will be 14 in a week.

Lin said...

I think your butt gets skinnier as you get older. Grace is 15 this year and boy, is she skinny.

You are a beauty, Daisy, no matter how old!

Anonymous said...

Your butts just fine!

Marg said...

Daisy, you look fantastic and 8 is not old. Your butt is just purfect too. We sure will be back on Fri. to help you celebrate you special day. Harley, you had better behave that day. Take care.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Oh, to be eight again....

Wear solid colours, Daisy, it'll make your butt look smaller.

Forever Foster said...

Darling girl, you don't look a day over 5!

Dma said...

oh oh... i think i might see a gray fur.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Stop asking yourself questions that you don't really want the answers to.

SeaThreePeeO said...

We think your butt looks perfect Daisy!

A Tonl said...

Allie: *paws to heart* omigosh, Daisy, I ask the same questions! We're sisters from another mother! I just KNEW IT!!!

(and NO your butt is NOT getting bigger, no matter WHAT that Harley says!!)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Daisy you are just getting to the prime of life - a confident, pretty, and clever lady cat. We hope your Mom will get you a new dress.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Unknown said...

Yous is just baby still! Not an old lady like mes! And Kozmo thinks your butt is purrfect!

Katie Isabella said...

Precious girl, you are just in the middle..not old. xoxoxoxo

Marilia said...

Are you a diva, and divas never get old!
And your body is slender and perfect.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We 3 boys like your butt.

Donna said...

Ur b-u-t-t is moar cuter every day! :)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think my bum got bigger when I turned 8. Hmm... I think you look good Daisy!

Jean(ie) said...

Daisy, we're almost the same age! Hope you have a fun party.

I'll being healthy toona dip.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Daisy, you have a tiny little butt! Loved Harley's story!

GLOGIRLY said...

Daisy, pretty soon AARP is going to be following your blog. You'll be getting promo emails from Betty White. I know. It's not easy.
xo Glogirly

brokenteepee said...

Daisy you are a star no matter how old you might be!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Daisy, don't worry. 8 is a good age. Cotton and Merci have passed it and the most of us are about to be 8 this year too.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Daisy !
I think you look just great !
Are you going to have a party on friday ??

Forty Paws said...

Oh my goodness Daisy! You are just fine! Your butt is not getting bigger.

Luf, Us

Harry said...

I think you get cuter for every day that passes.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you don't look a day over FIVE! And your butt looks just fine. You're a beautiful kitty, always. Just relax and enjoy.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

I think you still look as beautiful as always, Daisy!

Two French Bulldogs said...

It's a purrfect buttocks. Could we have your pawtograph
Benny & Lily

meowmeowmans said...

Daisy, we think you are as beautiful as ever! :)

Rose Clearfield said...

Oh my Daisy! The years keep flying by.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We think you have a lovely butt Daisy.

Ann said...

Daisy you don't look a day over 5. If you feel like a mid life crisis is coming on though I suggest shopping. It always makes me feel better

Luxington said...

Daisy you are just as cute as ever!

LP said...

Mitalee will soon be eight too Daisy! We think you both look as young as kittens :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, we're 5 and your butt is smaller than ours!

Tamago said...

Oh Daisy, don't worry, you are a young pretty girl even at age 8! And you butt doesn't look too big :-)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

your butt most certainly does NOT look bigger!

i am going to wish you a HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY TODAY because I will not be around from Friday through Tuesday...going to Florida for 4 days w/husband to visit family and am NOT taking my laptop!


Rumpydog said...

Oh Dog! A very happy birthday to you Miss Daisy!

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we think your butt is purrfect!

Your Daily Cute said...

Eight years young! Pimp is 12 and he's still my baby. (And like Sparkle said... his butt is getting skinnier! MOL!)

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

You are such a funny girl, sweet Daisy! We love you <3

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Ssssh! Don't tell my woman, but I think I might be older than you. My butt hasn't gotten bigger, so I don't think you need to worry.

Happy 8! Any excuse for a pawty, don't you think?

We love LUNA said...

Dear Daisy,
I'm fact I'm almost 9! hihihi
Don't worry about's a wonderful age, and you are very beautiful!

Daisy Deadhead said...

Revel in your age, Daisy... don't try to plump your face up like Madonna! LOL--you are beautiful as you are!!! :)

Kali and Aswell said...

Oh mine goodness! Eight is very much older than me and Aswell!

No wonder you do be so smart!

Happy birthday.

Clooney said...

Daisy, I have the purr-fect thing for your mid-life crisis...invest in a Clooneymobile!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yer butt hardly looks 6 Daisy!

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