Friday, February 3, 2012


This is a very elegant new dress, so I will try to pose real sophisticated today. It is a very bold color, too! Sort of a cross between fuchsia and red. I could wear it for Valentine's Day, except I already got a hearty dress!
Here, look at the side! It has a very full skirt, but it is not puffy. Puffy skirts are for kids. This is for a grown up cat!
Practicing my faraway gaze.... Does the drool starting to form spoil the effect? These 'sketti straps are always a little bit hard for me to wear.
Now, for my grand finale, I will raise my paw so you can see the fancy rosettes on the bodice better!


56 Notes for Daisy:

Theresa H Hall said...

Little Daisy,

You look so pretty in your red satin gown. Bobby, Sasha and I are admiring your Fashion Friday choice.

We love you,

Theresa, Joe, Bobby and Sasha

Poppy Q said...

you look gorgeous in your rose gown. We are impressed every time that you pose in clothes, won't be happening at this house.

Julie and Poppy Q

HH and The Boys said...

That's a wonderful color on you Daisy. I do love the roses. That's for sure.

Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

You look fabulous Daisy! We adore you

Marg said...

Oh Daisy, that is so pretty but those sketty straps do look hard. The roses are really pretty. Thanks for putting your paw up. Great modeling. Hope you have a great weekend.

Smudge said...

Oh, you gorgeous lady in red!! I give you so much credit for posing in clothes.

The Island Cats said...

You are beautiful in that dress, Daisy!

Unknown said...

Daisy, I suggest you change during the day. Your look so beautiful. Or, you could celebrate Valentine's Day for 2 days in a row.

The Florida Furkids said...

That would make a beautiful Valentines dress! We love the pose with your faraway purrfessional!

The Florida Furkids

Kali and Aswell said...

I think you might need to have Valentines Day for a lot of days to wear all your pretty Valentines Day dresses.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Daisy, You could rock the red carpet in that the vintage look to it!

Dma said...

it would help to have shoulders to hold up the straps. still, you do a very good job modeling that dress, drool and all.

The Furry Kids said...

Beautiful! Happy Friday to you!


Katie Isabella said...

Oh my GOODNESS! YOu are a VISION! I would love to be like you in a beautiful red gown with rosettes!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

As we Okie cats say, "Woo-wee, that sure is a fancy, schmancy dress!" You look superb. xoxo

Pandafur said...

I luv teh rozettes on your pritty dress Daisy, you iz teh mowst stylish kitteh! *purrr*

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy FASHION Friday. LOVE the color. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Hannah and Lucy said...

Such a beautiful dress for a beautiful lady Daisy - you are a real fashion icon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Jean(ie) said...

That is a red-carpet worthy dress, daisy. So pretty!

Rumpydog said...

My dear Daisy, you look beautiful! *stares with adoration*

Jenna and Sissy said...

You are georjus in your red gown, Daisy! Our human luf the roses. She thinks they are lufly.

The Daily Pip said...

You look like a movie star on her way to the Oscars!

Your pal, Pip

Janet said...

Beautiful, Daisy! You could go dancing in that dress!

Donna said...

Daisy, u are so sweet. I love ur dress. :)

Scout and Freyja said...

No matter what you wear, you always look PURRfectly special!

Lin said...

Spaghetti straps are difficult for the best of us. Those darn straps NEVER stay put! Ugh. I think you need a good seamstress to criss-cross those straps in the back or something.

I LOVE the rosette feature on that dress! WOWIE!! You are such a fashionista, Daisy.

Marilia said...

This dress is awesome!

Winston Wilbur said...

Daisy, so pretty. Who has your heart for Valentines Day this year? We can't wait to see your heart outfit!

Our Mum has trouble wearing sgetti straps too. When she was a little girl our granny used to tie them together, at the back, with string to stop them slipping off!

We like the bold colour of this dress, you are right in saying the long full skirt is very grown up.

Tika and Kizzy

PS we just turned over our calander two days ago... this month is Harley and his heart ruffle! Tika says Harley is super dreamy in his ruffle.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Look at those beautiful rosettes! You are gorgeous Daisy and the best model ever!

LP said...

Daisy you look the pictuer of loveliness in your fancy dress.And we hardly noticed the drool spilling from your mouth....heehee.

the critters in The Cottage xo

brokenteepee said...

Daisy you are ready for the Sweetheart's Ball!

Sparkle said...

The rosettes are very cool! Of course, if it were me, I would have tried to eat them.

Rose Clearfield said...

Very pretty as always Daisy!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Daisy, since you already have a valentines outfit, you can wear this to the academy awards. It's perfect for the red carpet and you will outshine everyone there :)

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, Daisy, that dress is great! You sure are a wonderful model; who else would know to show off the rosettes like that? :)

Hugs to you and Harley!

Forty Paws said...

Oh, such a purrty dress with all those Rosettes! Very purrty!

Luf, Us

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh Daisy Sweetheart you certainly are a vision in you Bootiful Rose dress,,,, ;)))))) and you do such a splendid job modeling it ^..^

You look already fur Valentinez Day ;)
Purrz & Kissez to you Sweety ♥ xoxoxo

Ann said...

Oh Daisy you look divine in that stunning dress

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

What a beautiful dress, Daisy! The rosettes are just lovely :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your gown is a lovely colour and the rosettes are almost as beautiful as you.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Daisy Doodle McNoodle, you look smashing in that dress!

Shaggy and Scout said...

The rosettes really are sophisticated! That is an absolutely beautiful gown!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That is a very grown-up gown, Daisy! An we love the pretty rosettes...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Pee Ess:
We know its just because you are anticipating the treat you get for your modeling fee. Just try not to get any on the dress.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a fancy and pretty dress. YOu are beautiful in it!

Cara n Crew said...

Daisy, you look like you are ready for a romantical night on the town! the rosettes on your dress are very pretty :)

PIp, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful, gorgeous Daisy, you never cease to amaze us with your wonderful modeling skills and lovely outfits=purrfection as always, precious girl!!...Happy weekend, sweet friends…xoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki

Tamago said...

Hi Daisy, your dress is so pretty! I love the rosette, it looks very elegant. Maybe you can wear it for Valentines' Day eve :-)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

WHOA bonk! Daisy, you look wonnnnderful in this color and this dress is so pretty, you could be a bridesmaid in a wedding :-) or just go to a fancy party and dance all day and night!

huge bonks to you and Harley

Gigi said...

You looks soooooo beeyootifuls, Daisy, and the Human is really enchanted by your rosettes!

Mostly, I think you look best in your birfday suit, tee hee! XOXOXOXO

Barbara said...

I just love that last shot with your paw raised - sweetness itself!

Christine and FAZ said...

Daisy that is a particularly pretty dress. A daisy with roses - what a beautiful posy.

GLOGIRLY said...

Very chic, Daisy. As for those straps....we could have some FUN with them!
xo Katie

Purrfect Haven said...

... like others... that final shot is adorable... Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy you are just SO pretty!!!

Bengal Business said...

OMC...we are in luffff!

We just added your button to our site so we can see your pretty face whenever we please!

Purrrs Lars and Odin

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