Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I like to get high - and why I should just say NO

For some reason, I have a very strong need to climb - the higher the better. The problem? After I climb up, I am often too afraid to jump down. I love the bedroom closet because there are lots of shelves to help me climb all the way to the top. Once I am up there, I can't be coaxed down with food or anything. My Mommie has to get a little step-stool to get me down.

The kitchen cupboards I am on in this photo are too high for me to get up on by myself. Here is my trick: I will cry and cry, and scratch at the cabinet doors, for a LONG time until finally someone helps me up just to quiet me down. Once up there, I walk all around, look down on everyone, and I also like to roll around up there which makes Mommie SCARED. Then I wait until my Mommie gets me down, which is usually way before I am ready to come down.


12 Notes for Daisy:

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Daisy... I like your blog. I've also started a blog this very week and I hope you'll visit my blog sometime.

Merry catmus.


Carolina Cats said...

Hellloooooooo Little Miss Daisy! We red abowt you on Skeezix's blog and he was rite - you are a verry byootiful lady cat. I had a little sis named Daisy, so all Daisies are furry speshul to me and mom. We'll be watching you and yore pretty sister Miss Pixie too. We are north of you in North Carolina and we don't like those hurrycanes eeither! But we like how it's verry nise and warm allmost allways and we can have the windows open. Come by and see us!

Finny & Buddy
The 2 Carolina Cats

LZ said...

I like to get up high too. I tought Latte how to climb across the door trim and it freaks the Lap Lady out. You're probably smart not to jump down, that's a long way. Plus, making the people be your slave is always a bonus.


LZ said...

Oh, and in case you were wondering about my name on blogger it is because both of my brothers have blogs too.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh boy, yoor furry pritty. Welcum to da blogsfeer. We kamed frum Skeezix blog. Oh, I kant beleef how kyoot yoo are~Speedy
Ixkoos our brofur, he's yung and silly. Yoo are kyoot tho.~Zippy and Sadie

Lux said...

Daisy, have you noticed how you can really make your voice project outward when you're up high like that?

Gemini said...

Oh Daisy, that's amazing that you can get that high and with help! Momma would never do that for us!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh my! That is high! You must cry a lot for your mom to put you up there!

Anonymous said...

we sure wish we had high places like that! well, Midnight & Cocoa do anyway. I'm a"oversized" for much jumping.

it's furry nice to meet you - you're a cutie!

The Crew said...

Hi Daisy. Read about your over at Skeezix's page. Welcome to our cat blogging community. Stop by and visit us.

As a beautiful calico, you're invited to join our social group, Coats of Many Colors.


Daphne said...

Hi Daisy!
We found your bloggie through the Cat Blogosphere site!
Welcome to the wonderful world of feline bloggers!
We're gonna add you to our Catnip Links in our sidebar @
Purrchance To Dream
Hope that's Ok!
Meow For Now,
~ Daphne

Susie said...

Wow - that sure is high! We likes to get on top of the frigermonster - but jsut to prove we's mainly just boring up there.

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