Saturday, January 20, 2007

Photo Hunters #2: WILD

You can dress me in fluffy pink sweaters. You can take me out in a stroller. You can feed me Science Diet. But deep inside will always remain the heart and soul of a hunter.


64 Notes for Daisy:

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh Peek A Boo.... Hello and Good Morning Daisy! I am not a mouse - don't chase me!

Have an excellent Hunting Day!

Linda said...

What a great picture!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great photo Daisy, and great caption for it! Wild indeed!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well now that wild child is adorable! thanks for sharing! bee

Anonymous said...

That is way the best picture. I love it.

Take care,
My photo is up.

Lux said...

Love it, Daisy!

Lifecruiser said...

Ha ha ha! Cats! they sure are fun with their hunt instinct. You can really see how excited she is.

Excellent shot, very nice in it's simplicity :-)


Just Jan said...

Cats are so cool.

I posted one too today.

Smalltown RN said...

oh she looks like such a hunter.....NOT! great photo...


Lazy Daisy said...

Wild at it!

Myst (Muddy's Brother) said...

That is the CUTEST photo!!

The M's said...

Yummy Science Diet...If you eat science diet you don't have to have dentals as often.....Yeah!!!
BTW...cute picture, you little huntress. :)

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I love the picture! Daisy, you have very pretty eyes! Best of luck hunting.

Sonny said...

That's a wonderful shot!!! How cute!!
Thanks for sharing!

My photo is up too. Please stop by my blog and have a look!!!

Have a nice weekend,
I will exercise for comments!!!

Hootin Anni said...

soooooooooooooooo purrFECT! What a great shot.

My wild in the desert is posted. Come join in....but keep the bread crumbs in your pocket!!!

Leah said...

Hi Daisy, you are too cute to be wild.

Janet said...

LOL, she's playing peek a boo!

Pamela said...

That is just a priceless photo of your cat! Looks like she is ready to pounce at any moment! lol :)

Unknown said...

I love this picture!! Fits well with the theme. Mine is up too at

Shelby said...

Oh I love it! A true cat :)

Ma said...

That is such a cute and precious photo!

Thanks for stopping by.

Goofy Girl said...

Hahha that does look like a wild kitty! Very cool!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

You look like a furry fierce hunter there, Daisy!

The beans don't let us play with Mystery, so we haven't efur made her tail come off, but Mom says it could if it was grabbed hard enough! Mostly they don't let us play with her 'cause of her tail, it's furry strong and she whips it hard. They're afraid WE'D get hurt!

PowersTwinB said...

Yes, that one surely looks like she would come and chase away my wild turkey! thanks for visiting my photo hunt today

Gattina said...

The big eye (no, that's in London) super picture ! "Big brother is watching you" , fortunately I am not a mouse sneaking by ....

tiggerprr said...

Daisy! What a great picture! Your official photographer is quite talented! :) I gave in to the photohunting craze for the first time this week. I hope you'll visit! (And don't be afraid to link in my Mr. Linky! ;) )

Heart of Rachel said...

I love this photo. Great shot and an equally lovely description to match it.

Mine is up too.

Barb said...

That's a great shot! Thanks for dropping by!

Christina said...

I LOVE it! Cats can be such wild creatures no matter how much we pamper and spoil them. Great photo.

Mine is up!

Tara said...

Wild seems to be in this weekend! Very cool photo! Tara

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy coming here and looking at pictures of you.
You are such a cute little kitty, oh yes and quite a tiger too.
<3 Have a fun day

LibertyBelle said...

Ready to pounce!
Looks like no one can get by!!
Great photo of your ferocious cat!
Thanks for dropping by!
Happy Weekend

Susie said...

Looks like you're ready to pounce!

GEWELS said...

Love the photo. What a cutie-pie

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Furry "wild" photo, Daisy. I can almost feel you gettin' ready to POUNCE!

Lynn said...

Oh Daisy will you come to my blog?
There are labels in my sidebar. If you go to the label for My Animals, Your Animals you will find a photo of our grand baby kitty Candy. She has a similar shot to yours!
Welcome to Photohunt!

I love the pic

mine is up

Unknown said...

So wild and sweet =)

ROOOOAR! 2 tigers and a special tigger? Please visit my wild hunt @ Coffee 2 go - thank you!

srp said...

What a fabulous picture Daisy.... you do look like a wild huntress. Bless your heart, I see that sundress below. Oh, the indignities these humans put us through... we are so good to be patient with them.

Love, Scarlett

My mom has one up too. She wouldn't let us have the birdies though. Too bad.

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

Aw, great pic!

Angelo said...

oh ya, I can just see a pounce coming :) very wild! Happy photohunting :)

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh Daisy!
That is a wonderful picture of you!

There's a wild bunny for you to look at -- at Not The Mama's first attempt at Photo Hunters.
check it out
It’s A Blog Eat Blog World

(aka Not The Mama)

Toni said...

The caption is as good as the photo. :) Nice interpretation of Wild.

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,
Nice to meet you, thanks for dropping by our blog.
We love that photo.

Lisa said...

Too cute. That's a great photo and very clever caption.

Kitikata-san said...

aren't you the cutest peeking though the sheet!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Excellent picture Daisy!

Patricia said...

So true, Daisy! Our Lucy is prone to stalk and attack for no good reason! Thanks for visiting me, too! Blessings

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy ...
dat pikshur remindz me uv one i hav uv miself. i'll hav to post it tomorrow (seein az i jus made a post fer today.)

Just Ducky said...

Cool picture Daisy! Stay just a little bit wild.

Teena in Toronto said...

What a great shot!

Mine's up too :)

sammawow said...

Oh Daisy, you look so very pouncitrated. (you know, concentrated on your pounce!)

China Cat & Willow

Andree said...

awwww what a great shot! I went upstairs to change the sheets today and got quite a shock when I found two cats had crawled up under the covers without me! They got quite a shock when I unknowingly stripped the sheets off! Have a warm and wonderful week!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey I love came to a good site today!! I have one cat named Simon and am about to get another cat soon. I just lost Lucy. You would have loved her. She loved everyone!! Come back again anytime..Sandy

Forty Paws said...

How precious! Were you a model in a previous life?
Luf, Us

Laurie and Chris said...

Very cute picture. Looks like Daisy is hiding or ready to attack.

Sunflower said...

what a cute wild cat!

I will Exercise for Comments!

Mike said...

A neat pic for the hunt. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

*lol* love your wild shot. thanks for visiting us.

Around Your Wrist said...

daisy, that's a terrific picture! mysterious and bold at the same time!

btw, the picture of your sister pixie is a little scary. she looks like she would willing tear someone's head off!

eija said...

Great shot! And perfect caption for it too :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Melissa said...

Very sweet photo - this is why cats are sooooooooooo loved and adored.

Mr. Hendrix said...

love it, love it, love it. Daisy, that is a wunderful picture and caption. You're so fun!!!

Anonymous said...

that's just adorable! oops...we mean FIERCE. yes, very very fierce.

Anonymous said...

this is really cute.
the kitty is gorgeous. :]

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