Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen, edition #5

Here are thirteen of my favorite TOYS, in no particular order:

1. My fuzzy, feathery, catnip-filled carrot. This one is fun AND healthy, in case yer Mommie wants you to eat more vegetables.

2. This is called a Wooley Bully. "He's a mess, he's a mouse again!" This toy is made of wool. When it gets all fuzzed-up, you put it in a sock, and run him through the washing machine, and he is good as new! I think mine is due for the washing machine about now. (If I put myself in the washer, do you think my fur would get less fuzzed up?)

3. This one is fun and delicious! Get someone to fill it with treats. Then, when you roll the ball around, food comes out of the rat's mouth! I never ate food out of a rat's mouth before I got this toy.

4. This is my weird stripey mouse or rabbit. I am not sure what he is, but he is FUN. And, he has very crazy googlie eyes.

5. The fabulous Cat Dancer! It never danced with me though.

6. Cat Nip. Need I say more?

7. Here is my very soft fluffy bear, filled with cat nip. I like him lots. He has one brown foot. Maybe he stepped in mud. Or something worse.

8. This is my fishie with twine in the middle. He is fun to kick around.

9. My Crackler tick. He makes a great crackly noise. And, he stays crackly even when wet!

10. The old stand-by, fake fuzzy mouse. With real fur.

11. I don't know what this is called. It has two holes in it, and a ball inside. It is fun to stick yer paws into the holes to try to get the ball! It is kind of a trick though, because yer paw cannot fit back out once you are holding the ball!

12. Jacks fer cats.

13. I don't know what his name is. He has six arms, and antennae. There is cat nip inside. I like to kick him. He never kicks me back though. That must mean he is good.


34 Notes for Daisy:

Unknown said...

I think my sammy and delilah would like some of these toys...Great post!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

informativ an eksitin.
i happen to hav a fyoo uv doze toyz miself.
in dis howse we hav da feather on da stick toy ... which iz verree popyoolar. (it iz currentlee under da bed wid matsui). we also have a catnip skware which now haz cat slobber frum evree cat on it.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

pleez go back an link to mi tt.
i put da code in after da fact!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You have some great toys Daisy! :) That Wooley Bully sounds cool and all of the other toys look like lots of fun too!

Millie said...

Hi Daisy, that's a great collection of spiffy cat toys.

Anonymous said...

This is a nice stash of toys. Do you have a toy box?
My two kitties do and they empty it by picking each toy up in their mouth and flipping them really far! It is pretty funny to watch two really olde kitties do that.
Um, they never clean up though.

have a wonderful day!!

The M's said...

Mommie, we want some of these toys too.

K T Cat said...

What a great TT! I had never seen the treat-dispensing toy before. You need to notify Kukka-Maria's agent!

Caylynn said...

You are a very lucky cat, Daisy, to have all of those toys.

Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Daisy, you haves lots of neet toys! Where did your mommy get that woolly booly? We thinks we would like one!


LZ said...

Haha, I'm laughing at those great toys and your lovely explainations.

OK, I really really want a WOOLEY BULLY!! I saw one on Daisy Mae's blog and now I really want one!


Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Wow... you've got 13 toys?!

Aren't cat dancers the best?

Tatiana Gamarra said...

Hi Daisy, we love that you are our new friend now.
We dont really have all those toys, but we have each other! jaja.

What a lucky cat!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow! That's a lot of toys! I like the pikchurs!

Mary said...

What a great list! Mine doesn't play with the jacks, but my toddler does, LOL:O) Happy TT!

Tink said...

I'm at the laptop and Freyja & Bastet are watching. I guess they'd love to have all of those toys.
Thanks for visiting my TT!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those are great toys!!!

DK & The Fluffies said...

I have that carrot and the buns get so confused when I toss it to them... Mwahahahaha

Susie said...

You gots the best toys ever! We likes anything mousie related!

Emma's Kat said...

Another great list! Lots of cool and fun toys to play with! Number 11 looks very interesting. I've never seen anything like it. I know Benji would love it!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Wow, that is a lot of neat looking stuff!


Chickadee said...

My kitties have the crackling bumblebee and a crackling gopher. They love them!

My 13 are up.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

daisy that catnip carrot is lots of fun I also have you stred freind i luff the long tail

Mu shue

The Cats Stephens said...

Wow Daisy - those look like super fun toys. I wish we lived close to each other so we could share toys. I'd even let you play in my tunnel.


INAMINI said...

Boy, you must never get bored with all those toys!

Anonymous said...

we should just print out your Thursday Thirteen and give it to the Lady as a shopping list.

Geekwif said...

Ooooh, those look like fun! My cats lose their toys as soon as they get them. I got them a pack of furry mice and a catnip pouch mouse for Christmas and they've all disappeared already.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You've got furry good toys on your TT, too ...

Piggy and Grover said...

Oh!!! Wow!!! Daisy, you have so many fantastic toys! I want the Crackler Tick. I have the Crackler Frog and I lurve it. So does Grover.
Thanks for being so nice and telling your friends about us. We lurve you!

Forty Paws said...

What a totally great bunch of toys!! We haf a toy chest here, but lots of owr toys are duplicates.

Daisy, would u pleeze tell us what a Frootbat is? We don't believe any of us qualify to be Frootbats here and we would hate to make a faux paux in cat blogosphering etiquette.

Thank you for your support.

The Merry Rose said...

aaaahhh - now i have some new ideas for my kitties - astro and smudge... they will certainly like some of them.

Anonymous said...

Here from Geekwif's T13. My kitty, Gus, looked at your toys with interest, Daisy, but then wondered why you didn't have one of those wonderful little red penlights to chase around? He said their the funnest!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my T13 is up... shows to love and hate on cable tv.

Teena in Toronto said...

What a lucky kitty!

Mine's up too :)

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