Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wacky Wednesday: Strollin', strollin', strollin'....

I love to go in my stroller. My Mommie usually takes me on a 3-mile stroll around my neighborhood. We have to start early in the morning before it gets too hot and humid.
Here is a woodpecker that I saw on my stroll. I do not know his name. So, I will call him George.
This is a close-up of George.
When I am in my stroller, I like to rubberneck at all of the interestin' sights. Sometimes my eyes get really ROUND when I see something I like.
The western edge of the development where I live borders on the everglades. Here you can see the edge of the actual everglades!

After strolling, my Mommie leaves the stroller open so I can nap inside. See how relaxed I am apres-stroll? Belly-up, feets in the air, big smile on my face! Then it is Pixie's turn.

Professor Daisy's Tip for Cats:
Ask your Mommie and Daddie for a stroller. You will have FUN!


26 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cool! You do look very relaxed after your stroll. You are very lucky to get taken on strolls. That's a beat bird you saw too!

My humans are probably going to buy me a running stroller for my birthday, so my mom or dad can take me out when they go for short runs. Even though it's really warm in Germany right now, it's still too cold for me to go outside. But in the summer it will be great!

Lux said...

Oh, it looks like you have so much fun! I *have asked, Daisy, but I didn't get one, not even for Christmas.

sammawow said...

What a great stroll you had, Daisy! That was a really cool looking bird and you had huge round eyes. Was that when you were looking at that bird??? Anyway, your stroll certainly left you looking very relaxed!

China Cat & Willow

Unknown said...

we didnt' know you had a stroller, Daisy!! You are SO luckee!! We wants one but the Mom that Lives Here says No. She already has a stroller for the 2 legged kitten and he doesn't share! :(


LZ said...

I LOVE my stroller. You are sooo lucky to be able to stroll right now, its too cold up here for us. That is a very different stroll then what I see, I usually go by lots of Victorian Houses, across railroad tracks and down to a BIG river. I like seeing what other kitties get to see!

(Kaze's a chicken and hates the Out of Doors)

Hot(M)BC said...

You look like you had lots of fun, Daisy Good for you.
Your bud

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Wow, what a great adventure. It looks like you realy enjoy your stroller.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Daisy !! I've been so panic stricken. I've had technical problems writing comments and so I was really going through Daisy withdrawl.

Anyhoo... Darling... You. Look. Fab. in that stroller. You are obviously a curious and intelligent cat to enjoy all of the sights and sounds of the outside world.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Daisy, you are one cute kittie.

Read your post on Sophia's for Whisker Wednesday, you said you have curly whiskers. Well, next Wednesday, we want to see them curly whiskers. 'K?

Love your photos of the stroll, you have the biggest eyes and they do get bigger, don't they.

Milton said...

We lives in the city, and the cars and trucks and stuff scare me, so I don't think a stroller would be good for me. At least to go out... but as a nap spot, ahhhh that looks great.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Yes! Strolers rok!!!! I wunna see a wood pekker!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Sweet ride!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Looks like you have lots of fun in your stroller!!!

Myst and Blackie said...

Hi, Daisy - looks like you enjoy your stoller. Thank you for checking on me - I have owie on my neck where I've scratched myself too hard. Nothing wrong with my one eye - I've only had one for a while (long story).


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, yoo sawed a neet birdy. I asked fur a stroller but dint git one. I'm gonna ask agin fur summer. Daisy, duz yoo haf a little crush on Skeezix? Dat is soo nice.

Kismet said...

Wow, Daisy, your eyes DO get real round! I bet you are great to sniff nip with.

Anonymous said...

we aren't allowed outside on account of the nayburrs mite see us an tell the landlord an then we'd be in trubble but we'd love ta be able ta haf a stroller. we'd also love ta vizzit George. fev-vers...mmmmmm.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I've asked and asked! Mom says, "No. No stroller for you Miss Maus."

You are furry lucky to have a stroller and an open-minded Mommie!


Susie said...

Wow - that was a purdy got furry close - What a nice stroll!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh, we doesn't know about a stroller - it looks skary. but we is glad that you enjoy it.

caspersmom said...

Hi Daisy, looks like you have nice walks with your Mom. That's pretty neat, your Mom gets the exercise and you get to see a lot of neat sites. We have woodpeckers around here too. Sometimes they get a little noisy, as you probably know. Thanks for dropping by our site, hope to see you again.

Casper (Cleo too)

Rosie & Cheeto said...

We live neer a dawg park in the city and we'd make a big mess in the strollur if we got to clowse to a dawg so yoo gotta have fun fur all of us in yer strollur.

P.S. Tell george hi!

The Crew said...

Oh I can't believe it! Another cat that has a stroller, and my Dad won't get ME one!


Hank said...

Do you have a hard time waking up so early to go for your stroll? I guess you could take a nap if you wanted to. I could get used to something like that!

-- Kelly Cat

Kitikata-san said...

You have a stroller?!! I want to do that! My humans never let me out.

Unknown said...

So pretty,pretty,pretty! I wanna one please mommy!
A hug from Spain!

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