Sunday, March 25, 2007

Vishus Deer!

I was pawing through some of my Mommie's old pictures, and look what I found! My Mommie, surrounded by a herd of VISHUS DEER! This picture is from when she went to the state of Wyoming for a visit a few years ago (before I was borned).

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my very own eyeballs. Look, one is about to take a CHOMP out of her hand! And another one is sneaking up behind her. And the third one is pretending he is safe, to try to trick her. I am very amazed that my Mommie survived this attack. It is too bad Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt was not invented way back then. If I was there I would have screamed, "Mommie, run for your life!!!"


33 Notes for Daisy:

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I have never seen a Vishus deer before and nor do I want to. Your mum must be exceptionally strong and brave to have survived such a terrifying attack. She even looks a little entertained! I am in awe!

sammawow said...

We are absolutely amazed how brave your mom was being surrounded by vishus deer! We're so glad she survived to take care of you and Pixie!

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Unknown said...

We see a lot of deer around my house, but I do not think that they are the Vishus type. I don't know for sure, though, so I think I will keep my distance. Your mom is very brave to be just standing in the midst of the Vishus Deer!

Parker said...

You have a very brave Mommy! Vishus deer are rare around here, but the thought of my Mommy surrounded by them ~shudders~ is too much for me to imagine!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...

o, Daisy, that be tha skeeriest pickshure i's haf ever seen. ur's poor Mommie. fank goodness we hafs Rocky & Mao's Vishus Deer repelunt nows.

Unknown said...

You Mom looks like she is handling those deer very well, Daisy!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hmmm ... either yer mom iz verre tall or evreethin i thought abowt da vishus deer iz wrong!
i thought dat da vishus deer were like a gazillion feet tall.

Sasha said...

Hello Daisy, there are a lot of vishus animals in general. Lynettea works as a volunteer at the zoo and she has a lot of vishus animal photos. Thank goodness she doesn't get too close to them. You should see vishus hippos!

Forty Paws said...

Oh wow!!! Uh, mebbe dey weren't too vishus at da time, uh, mebbe a-cuz der aunt-lerz wer cuffered in velvet. Yah. Datz it.

Ok. Problem solved.

Luf, Us

Unknown said...

Your mommie was very brave, Daisy! We don't have vishus deers in our neeborhude but we are always on the lookout!

Conner Cloud

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

whoa, those deer are ginormous!! Your mamma is very brave, indeed. Guess what!? My Hugh Hefner robe came in the mail! I want to ask Pixie out on another date!! YAY!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

IIIEEEEKKKK! What a startling, horrible picture to pop up on the screen for a Sunday morning!
But look at it this mom is very brave to be amongst the deer, so she probably will be a good guard if they come to your house.

=^..^= said...

That deer looks like it is about to eat your Mommy!


Kat 3 said...

Ahhhhh. My little heart! That's the scariest picture I've EVER seen. Look how many there are!!!
Those are very sneaky creatures.

Anonymous said...

How frightening!!
It is great to paw around in old pictures... it is always amazing to see what our mommies were up to before we were born.


Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Wow, Daisy! Your Mommy is very brave.

Tara said...

Oh my gosh, I'd be so scared! Those are HUGH vishus deer! Those horns look furry.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Maybe she was bein' a "vishus deer whisperer" to protect young, juicy cats from bein' eaten?

Skeezix the Cat said...

Daisy, this is one of the most terryfying pikchers I've ever seen! Obveeusly, she narrowly eskaypt being dismembered by this maurawding band of vishus deer. My hart is racing! Are thare any after effex? Duz she suffer frum post vishus deer stress disorder?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Ya know...da more and more we sees these vishus deer photos, da more we fink it's just propaganda put out by the deers - they don't look furry vishus to us!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, cood Kimo and Sabi be rite. Did da deer start doze rumors to keep us furry kitties from hurting dem? Just in case, we'z still keeping a look-out fur dem and keeping our vishus deer repelunt close.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Sadly, (though not for your mommie) those vishus deers are SMALL vishus deers. Actually, they're pretty tiny for vishus deers. I think that's why she survived. Vishus deers are vishus, but kinda cowardly. They don't usually attack things bigger than they are.

Well except the vishus moose-deers. They're the L.A. and biker gangs of the vishus deer world. They scare other vishus deers.

Lux said...

I wonder how your mommie made her escape? She must have been very clever to get away from that many of them!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We wuz terryfide furr yer mum when we saw those pichurs. She wuz furry brave. I fink we will haf nitemares tonight.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Your mommie is either very brave or exceedingly foolhardy. At least she survived to tell about the experience.

Wyoming has a special place in our heart because it's where our mom and dad met in 1994. Mom's best friend from college lives in Wyoming.


Max said...


I think that one is trying to EAT her! Good thing she got away.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

It's good she didn't lose a hand or fingers! Your mom is very brave for getting so close! Purrs to you and Pixie

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Oh, don't worry Daisy. Deers are nice creatures and I am sure your mommy can handle them real well.

Karen Jo said...

Wow! Your Mom is surrounded by vishus deer! It's a good thing that they were little ones. She probably escaped because she was bigger than they were.

Phoebe said...

OH Daisy! I just found some pictures of Vishus Deer too. I posted them on my blog.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

O M G !!!!! But she did make it out alive!

Anonymous said...

"Wow" your mommy is very brave Dasiy.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow! I can't believe how brave your Mom is!

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