Sunday, April 22, 2007

Grandma is coming! Grandma is coming!

My Grandma, who lives in Wyoming, is getting on a plane to visit me! She is going to stay with us for a week! I am waiting and waiting for her to arrive. I am very excited. I found out that waiting is very very boring.
What? She is here?!??!?
Gotta go!
Since I will be very busy with my Grandma this week, I might not be able to do as much visiting with my friends as I usually do. I hope you understand. My Grandma is staying with us until next Sunday!


39 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great photos, as always, Daisy. :) Enjoy your visit with your Grandma! :) Thank you for letting us know you might not be around as much as usual - now I won't worry!

Around Your Wrist said...

grandmas are the best! i hope you have a great visit.

the picture of your yawn is beyond cute!


HRH Yao-Lin said...

Lovely pictures Daisy and you look very excited to see your grandma!!I am sure you will get spoiled and fussed over as you deserve. Sometimes the older humans are the bestest ones xx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your visit with Grandma! Thanks for letting us know that you will be sparse on the internets, because since you visit everybody, we would have worried about you!

Parker said...

Have a wonderful visit with your Grandma - get lots of hugs and smooches and treats! Good to know that you might not be around as much, I know I would have been worried!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

How exciting! Wyoming must be furry far away. We'll miss you, but know you'll have so much fun with your Grandma, and have some good photos to share with us :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

What's a Grandma? Everytime MomBean says that around KidBean his eyes light up and he runs around.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
pleez say hi to yer grandma!
u can rite on yer blog wile yer grandma iz heer ... i know dis becuz i am postin rite now wile mi frendz da mom an dad uv mi grate frendz bruce (da boss) an bobbie ar watchin me!
luv--yer frend--jh

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

I totally understand that you need time with your grandma. Enjoy your week.

Carolina Cats said...

Yaaaaay for Grandmas! They're the best, grampas too. Owr grandma sits a lot and takes naps in the afternoon like a smart cat, so we can snuggle up wif her. I (Finny) am living wif Grandma and Grampa right now. OH NO! Yesterday was Grandma's birfday and we forgot to do a post!!! Gotta run! Have fun wif yore Grandma!

Love Finny & Buddy

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Daisy,
WE hope you have a very good week with your gramma and show her all of your cool stuff and snuggle in her lap and show her your tricks and go for a stroller ride and show her your water fountain
Just have a good old time and thanks for telling us you will be away a lot.

We love you Daisypuff <3


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

HI Daisy! You go right ahead and enjoy your time with your Grandma. I don't get to see mine very often because she lives in another state. When she comes, it's all my attention! I'll check your blog everyday but will understand and not worry if I don't see you around the blogs.

david santos said...

22 de abril, día de la tierra. Quién no la respeta, no respeta la humanidad.
22 of April, day of the land. Who does not respect it, does not respect the humanity.

22 d'avril, jour de la terre. Qui ne la respecte pas, ne respecte pas l'humanité.
22 نيسان يوم الارض. فمن لا يحترم ومن لا يحترم الانسانيه.
22 von April, Tag des Landes. Wer es nicht respektiert, respektiert nicht die Menschlichkeit
22日,一天的土地. 谁不尊重,不尊重人性. 4月の22、土地の日。
4月の22、土地の日。 それを尊重しないかだれが、人間性を尊重しない。
22 апреля - День земли. Кто не уважает его, не уважать человечество.
22 de Abril, dia da terra, quem não a respeita, não respeita a humanidade
22 της ημέραης Απριλίου, του εδάφους, που δεν το σέβονται, δεν σέβονται το Ανθρωπότητα
David Santos

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Daisy, we love visiting with our grandmoms. Have a great time! But, make sure you get a photo op with her so we can see her, too. :)
Mr. Chen & Ollie

The Meezers or Billy said...

we unnerstand - bisiting is furry impawtant! haf lots of fun!

=^..^= said...

What a monster yawn! Did your whiskers point downwards too?

Grandmas are grrreat fun! Enjoy your week wif her and dun furget to come back to the bloggies again!


Skeezix the Cat said...

Have a grate time viziting with yer Gramma frum Whyoming! I hope I git to meet her sum day! (Have yoo ever told her abowt me?)

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Have a nice time with your grandmama! Maybe you could take her out on a stroller ride....

Daisy said...

Icon, I think we will go strollering at least once this week. I hope so, anyway!

Skeezix, we told my Grandma all about you!

I will try to post a picture of my Grandma sometime this week. If she will let me.

Forty Paws said...

Have lots of fun with your grandma Daisy. We are glad you let us know ahead of time that you'll be off the pooter. We would have worried about you since you're usually the first to post on efurrybody's blog.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Have fun with your grandma Dasiy their great people :)

Boy said...

Wow Daisy! I'm sure your gwandma must be a weawwy nice bean since you're so excited about seeing her! Enjoy your week with her!

Artsy Catsy said...

How exciting about your Grandma, Daisy! We're excited too, because my mom's daughter Tiffany from Italy is getting on a plane May 2 to visit us for 3 weeks! Except we're not just waiting ... my human has us busy cleaning house!


Tara said...

Have a great time with your grandma! They are the best. Thanks for letting us know you might not be around as much, I won't worry!

Phoebe said...

Have a lot of fun with your grandma visiting. I know I really like my grandma. I think that grandmas are very nice. Maybe you can show her your friends' blogs too, if she is interested.

Bogdan, the editor said...

Have fun with your grandma!! Hope you got toys and treats! That's what my mom (kitties' grandma) always brings when she visits from Virginia...
Does your grandma call you her grandkitty??

- The Morning Scratch investor

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Haf a reely good time wif yoor gramma. We don't gots one anymore, only Zippy effur met her. Our mom is a gramma now and she spoils bof da beans and da kitties and woofies so I gess dat's what grammas do.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Maybe yer grandma would like to learn how to play on da internets like da rest of us. That's how we gots our grandmakitty interested in da computer!

TheSlyCat said...

Hi Daisy! I'm so glad that your Grandma is coming to visit. Come visit my blog and check out what I got!!!!!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh my Daisy, what a big yawn dat wuz. Now yoo haf made us yawn and we can't stop. Have fun wiv yer grandma and we'll see yoo back soon.

Anonymous said...

That's a big powerful yawn you have there! It's even bigger than mine!

GARGOLAS said...

Hola bella gatita. Que buenas fotos tienes!

Saludos felinos.

sammawow said...

We hope that you have a fun visit with your grandma. We always enjoy when our California grandma and grandpa come to visit. Willow even sits on grandpa's lap - only grandpa's lap and dad's lap.

China Cat & Willow

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Daisy, enjoy your grandma's visit. She sure came a long way to visit you! Where in Wyoming does she live? Our mom's best friend from college grew up in Cheyenne and now lives in the little town of Guernsey. Mom met Dad in 1994 in the mountains of Wyoming (Snowy Range) when she went to Wyoming to visit her friend and they went on a short camping trip. Dad was in the same campground, and he had come all the way from California.

We'll miss you this week, but will check your blog regularly.


Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said... look so excited. Have a good week with your grandma, Daisy.

Lux said...

Oh, have fun with your grandma, Daisy - I'll bet she spoils you and brings you toys and stuff.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Have fun with grammy!

Max said...

Have fun with your grandma! I hear they bring presents when they visit!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well honey since i am a grandma i can personally tell you they are wonderful, furry wonderful, you'll see!!! have fun with her!

smiles, auntie bee

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