Monday, May 21, 2007

Scientific Lizard Study

LOOK! I have captured George! Now I am going to study him. Here he is in this scientifically designed Lizard Observation Pen. I have recreated his natural habitat (see the leaves?). I think he likes it in there! I am observing him closely. The first thing I noticed is that George's eyes are the same color as mine! I will jot this finding down in my scientific journal.
Being a lizard researcher involves many minutes of intense study.
I must observe and record his every move!
I believe in "paws-on" research methods.
I wanted to study many more things. For example, what does George taste like? How much force is required to make his tail disconnect? But Mommie said we had to let him go. So after less than 30 minutes of study, George was returned to the wild. Bye George! Thanks for letting me study you.


59 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

Daisy, what if George is a girl lizard? what wud you call her den? And do you fink girl lizards taste better or worser than boy lizards?

Muffin wants to know if you caughted George all by yourselfs, but she is too shy to ask. She also sez that if you wants she will catch you a birdie (Meowmie's favurite was da one wif da red wings and da yellow hed . . . she didn't like it so much when I ated it and just left the yellow hed on da doorstep) or da mousie for you to examine. She has nefur caughted a lizard, which is probably a good fing cos I fink NZ lizards are endangered.

Headbutts and purrs, Minxy

Parker said...

How did George get in the observation pen? Did you leave an invitation? Did you have food? This is very interesting!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, very cool Daisy! :) I'm glad you were able to study George for a while. How did you manage to lure him into the observation chamber? You are a very good researcher. :)

Anonymous said...

What does George eat??? Maybe next time you can get him to eat... Very cool, Daisy!!!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Very interesting Professor Daisy. Hmmm, his tail did not disconnect in captivity. Can you deduce that he did not feel stress or fear while in the research pen?

I bet he would taste like chicken.

Have a great day, Daisy!



We needs to find one of those observation pens. I think our lizards could use deeper study by us too. Mr. Jinx was in the window yesterday trying to chase down a lizard stuck behind the screen. I bet Jinxy gave him a heart attack. Jinx is a very skilled hunter.


Christine and FAZ said...

If your eyes are the same colour do you think this means that a long, long time ago (e.g. in prehistoric times) you may have been related? FAZ

Anonymous said...

George is very cute.He does look tasty yet it was nice of you to let him go.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

was george ascaired? wow. that is really something daisy! you are furry brave for such a little cute girl!!

smiles, auntie bee

The M's said...

Great observation pen, the boy bean used to have one, don't know where it is now. No matter, we don't have too many lizards here.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That is the most amazing thing I have seen all week!! How did you convince George to get into the Lizard Observation Pen?
I like the second picture where George is looking right at the internets (right at me)!!
Since you let him go right away, do you think he will come back soon? I hope so!!

very nicely done!
-Icon & Katie

LZ said... are doing such a great job studying George! How on earth did you catch him to bring him in for observation?? George looks a little timid, maybe you should lick him a little?


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wow Daisy, you are a scientist! I had no idea!

Thanks for your very scientific study of George. I learned so much. I wish your mommy let you perform those experiments!

Tara said...

I can't wait to read your published paper on George!


Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh oh oh...I love lizards. In New Mexico we have "the illusive blue tailed lizard" and at my old house I once caught on while on a walk with mom...but she made me spit it out. Truth is, they're not too tasty.

=^..^= said...

Wow! I realleee realleee like the Lizard Observation Pen. It looks so cool!

And it's furry good of George to volunteer as a research subject. My brofur wud nefur do that fur me. He says he is too smart fur that.


Hot(M)BC said...

Nice of yall to let George out after only a half hour of study. Maybe he'll come back for more study later. Good job, Daisy the Scientist!
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

Daisy, what a wonderful gift your human got you--a lizard keeper so you can study them whenever you get the urge!

Katnippia said...

Hi Daisy! i finks thats very cool that you were studing George. I can tells youz as well, they are not very tastey. I caught and was going to see what it tasted like, but meowmize would not let me in the house with it. From our experiances they likes to play dead as well. We haven't had one drop itz tail though...Sia

Forty Paws said...

Prof. Daisy, we are glad you had the opportunity to study George up close and personal. We're furry glad that you let him go also.

Luf, Us

The Cats Stephens said...

We have all kinds of lizards on our porch, I wonder if our mom will buy us one of those for my gotcha day and let us study a lizard!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, yoor such a good observer. Prof. Daisy is a grate sientist. We can't wate fur more of yoor obserfashons.

Samantha & Mom said...

Professor Daisy the Curly Cat, CatPHD. Such a smart cat you are. I can wait to read your dissertation.
Mom got Photo Shop 5, tell your mom thanks for recommending it to her. She can't wait to try it out, as soon as she has time to load it that is. Have a wonderful Monday.
Be blessed,
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Bogdan, the editor said...

A doctor and a scientist! Daisy, you do it all!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

so Daisy, can you make that lizard containment unit spin around really really fast? that would be really funny. well, maybe not for George.

Cafe Cats said...

WoW! it looks like you and George had lots of fun together!

hey, i got tagged for a meme, so Samantha thought it would be fun to tag you. come see please!

MaoMao said...

How exciting that you got to study George, Daisy! You look furry scientific. And I believe in the paws-on method, too, hehehe! Lizards are COOL.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

TheSlyCat said...

Oh my! That does look fun! I would also like to read your published paper. Are you going to be Dr. Daisy? I think that you should submit it for your Master's or Doctoral Thesis. I am currently working on my Master's in Bird Vocal Imitation and Communication.

Anonymous said...

Daisy you are furry clever to get George into the Lizard Observation Pen. We don't haff lizards where we live so we were furry interested in George. It was good for George that you let him go after observing him.

Karen Jo said...

Daisy, you were very clever to get George into the Lizard Observation Pen. You were really studying him intensely. I'm glad that you let him go. Now you can study him some more in the wild.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

that's a nice little stroller there that you bought for george, i can see that he likes it

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisy I admire your strict scientific methods but I do think a taste test would have been appropriate in order to finalise the study. Shame. *sigh*


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Excellent science project. I am sure you need this for your medical education.

Yes yes, mommie and the fam just got home. we are really happy they are back and mom let me have some computer time.

We liked reading that last few bloggies as well.

Mungo N Teazer (and the Firecat too!!!) said...

We wants a George!!! But we doan get lizzards. Mebbe we'll have to catch some sick-ay-duhs.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i think lizzardz taste like chicken.

The Furry Kids said...

I think your TT about how to get lizards in the house really worked!!! George looks very tasty, I mean, interesting.


Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow Daisy, you are quite the scientist! What great obeservations you could make with George if you only had a little more time.....mmmmm, tastes like lizard....what? what happened? where am I?

You always have such fun & unique posts Daisy.

The Ginger Darlings said...

Lizards do not taste good and they do wriggle in the mouth in a most disconcerting way. Perhaps, Daisy, sometime you might like to come walk with me and meet slow worms and snake and lizard.
Lizards here have shorter legs, but some are fat and some are small and juicy. In autumn, which I think in your land you call Fall lizards come into our house and creep across the carpet slowly.

Merlin said...

I think I might be afraid of a lizard.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

wow George has long legs. Our geckos here haf short legs. What kinda lizard is George? Did he say? ~poiland tribe

zevo hussein calamari said...

Professor Daisy...will you be teaching at the Poose University soon?


Anonymous said...

I eat lizards all the time. Mmmmmmm....tasty!

You can try one at my garden party on Sunday.

Skittles, The Huntress

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Doctor Daisy, that sounds furry good!
We think you are a good researcher because you let George go back to his home!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is so cool that you got to study George! I would love that chance! I can't wait to see what you get to study next!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow, your very intense in your research. What a talented cat: doctor, researcher - what's next?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Nice research! Makes us hungry though!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Leapin' lizzards, Daisy! You got George! You sure are one outstanding lizard hunter. Your research methods are very solid. We can't wait to read your report in the Annual Review of Reptilian Psychology and Behavior!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Your momma didn't let you study him for furry long. How are you supposed to gather the minute details about George's life-and-times if you don't get to do a longitudinal study?

DK & The Fluffies said...

I so totally want one of those bug huts!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool.
& it don't take much force to get their tails to drop off which, by the way, lizard tails are very tasty

Skeezix the Cat said...

Daisy, I'm bak!!!!! I got to spend a weekend at a reezort/spa for cats! I think I'm going to sugjest that they git a big lizzerd tank to watch for entertanemint! I'm vary imprest by yer reeserch!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Holy shamoley! It's Daisy the Lizard Hunter! Did George behave himself and go into the box nicely?

Anita said...

I am glad that George is free again! Did you learn many things about he?

sher said...

Daisy, what cool pictures! I'm sure you will publish a terrific paper on your observations. Nobel Prize here you come!

Hot(M)BC said...

Thanks for joining us at WCB #103, Daisy! You show the world just how great a scientist a cat can be.
Boni Maroni and Mini

Anonymous said...

Ooh I can see you were concentrating so hard, your eyes were wide and very dilated! You were good to let George go back into the wild - won't he have a story to tell his friends! :D

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh, I really wanna play wif (I mean study) a lizard meself! Mom says on Mootooal of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, they always caught the aminals, studied them, then released them an followed them sum more.
Bonnie studied caterpillers long ago, an then they left an butterflies came instead!

Kitikata-san said...

Daisy, you look like you are a very good natural biologist. Yes, George needs to be studied very well.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Hehe, too cute! Daisy, that lizard (I love it!)seems to be a good subject to study...

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