Guess what the man in the blue shorts delivered? Our prizes from the aCATemy awards! Pixie LOVED the Crash Pad. So, I let her have it. I have never seen her so happy before.

Pixie tried to steal the bananer toy, too! But I got it away from her.

The bananer toy is very very fun! Here I am pretending I am going to EAT the bananer!

You can use your tent to make up fun games with your bananer, too. This game is called "Bananer on the Roof!"

I found out that playing hard with your bananer toy is very exhausting.

Pixie and I want to give a big THANK YOU to
Skeezix for sponsoring this very fun contest!

51 Notes for Daisy:
Those are great prizes! :) Pixie looks like she is really enjoying the crash pad, and you are having lots of fun with that banana Daisy! :) Lots of cats seem to really enjoy that banana!
Wow! Fun! Those bananners are the best!
You are furry nice to give the crash pad to Pixie. We've seen lots of those bananas, they must be fun :)
Wow, you have great toys !!! Nice pictures with beautiful playing cats :-)
I like the look of that banana - we don't have those in New Zealand. I very jealous of you Daisy.
Pixie you look like you loving that crash pad.
Poppy Q
We have one of those nanners too. But ours is now a flat nanners. WE needs to talk our Momma into finding us anutter nanner.
Abby & Boo
Hi Daisy, you and Pixie sure are enjoying your new toys. Looks like lotsa fun. We like our toys too.
Whoa! Pixie's almost doin' a full Monty on the crash pad!
The bananer toy looks like a lot of fun too, who knew bananers were such multi-tasking things?
How cute both you & Pixie look, playing with your goodies! :)
So nice of you to give your sister the crash pad Daisy.
You two had a fun day with the new toys!
We hope you have a happy and perky day
What great prize toys! And it was very sweet of you to share with Pixie! She looks very happy with the crash pad. That bananer toy looks like lots of fun!
Nanner on da roof looks like a fun game. Yoo were a furry good gerl to let Pixie haf dat crash pad. She looks furry happy with it.
What great prizes Daisy!!! We're surprised you didn't let Pixie have the Bananer since she lufs Bananers SO much!
Luf, Us
Yes....bananas and tents I don't think there is anything more fun. Did Pixie try to eat the nana? I don't think it tastes like a regular nana because I like to eat it and I don't like regular nanas.
What wonderful toys, we must insist that Mommie buy us some new toys this week.
Pixie is even posing for tummy Tuesday! She looks very happy.
What great prize toys!
Look at my new video.
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Wow what great prizes you got Daisy!
Pixie on the crash pad - well, she almost looked like a kitten again, didn't she?
I spilled some nip last night when getting out a toy from the catnip bin, and Spooker had a similar reaction over the spilled nip!
That bannaner toy is perfect for you two!
Yoo know, the tummy fotos of Pixie don't give me urjes like the tummy fotos of yoo do. But I'm glad she liked the crash pad. I'd shur like to play bananer on the roof with yoo, and maybe we cood play the "hide the bananer" game, too!
Pixie looks like she really loves that crash pad. Does it smell like nip? That naner looks like lots of fun, too.
Oh, another friend with a 'nip 'nana! have to find one for me!!!
I NEED one!
ooooooooooooo i need a nip nanner for my tent so that I can play the same games as you! - Miles
Daisy: You and Pixie look like you are having lots of fun. So nice of you to give your sister the crash pad. Hey, our tents do look alike. You come up with such neat ideas. I don't have a 'naner, but I could use a mouse. Have a nice nap.
Samantha & Tigger
Oh Pixie! You look so very happy on your crash pad. That looks like fun.
I hope you enjoy that bananna for a long time Daisy.
Pixie looks totally blissed out!!!!
We gotta get ourselves a bananner!
Pixie is really enjoying that crash pad. I'm glad you gave it to her, Daisy. I'm not at all surprised that Pixie wanted the banana, too, after all, it's a BANANA. You look like you are having a great time.
That naner looks like so much fun! Momma's gonna hafta get us one. hehehe, Pixie looks so happy! Sounds like a lotta fun for you girlz today.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That's so sweet of you, Daisy, to give Pixie your crash pad. And wow, we Ballicai have simply got to get one of those bananas!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
What a great game with the banana. Looks like lots of fun as long as it doesn't smell like a real banana...ick!
I wish I knew how to play the Hide the Bananer game, too. It sounds fun!
I am glad that both you and Pixie are happy with the prizes.
Your tent is fantastic!
Very nice prizes :)
what cute pictures! we 'specially like the one where you're going to bite the bananer.
da roolz to da hide da bananer game ar simple.
sumcat hidez da bananer ... an anudder cat findz it.
dat'z it.
hav fun!
life'z grate.
luv--yer frend--jh
Dat bananner looks like the bestest fun. We need one. We are going to send our mum out on a nanner hunt.
Wow! Pixie's rolling all over that crash pad! You're such a nice kitty to let her have it!
As for the bananer, I think she's just confused about why you want her bananer, since she's the one who eats them! (She sure looks like a cat burgler in the bananer-stealing photo, though!)
We play "carrot on da roof" of our play cube! (we gots to get one of them nanners!)
bananer, Oah~~
It looks so much fun~!
Especially eating bananer~~
I am glad you like that banana. I don't have one of those, but I have a carrot and it is wonderful!!!
ha ha ha, you 2 girls are funny!
Wow, I've seen that bananer on several blogs now and everyone seems to be enjoying it. I'm going to have to get Mommy to get me one. I'm also thinking about trying a real banana since I've seen Pixie eat them. I'm thinking I might like it with ice cream and chocolate sauce!
Those are some great prizes, congrats! Catnip Reefer Madness will go down in history as a seminal work of feline film. Nick loves the soundtrack!
Those prizes are terrific and you two look like you're havin' a marvelous time (unless you're just amazing ACTRESSES!).
Bananer looks so tasty and so fun! Now that you introduced me to bananer, I always try to take mommy's when she is eating one!
hehe, if you use duct tape, it's more effective AND it matches Pixie's coat better! :D
Hi Daisy -
We see YU got a nanner too! Wuzzent it GRATE for Skeezix to send so many of us such a terrific prize?
Meomy only got one piktur of Dagger wif the nanner on the Gizzy Qwilt - An we played wif owrs till it was soak-ey wet wif DROOL !!!
Pixie looks like she wuz enjoyin the crash pad, too!
It's wonnerful that yu share yur prize wif Pixie. I shared my prize wif all the Fancidots gang... and meowmy laffed till I think she mitea wet hersef a little bit, too!
yur littel pal,
Those are great toys, and you were so nice to Pixie, although since she loves bananas, I can see why she wanted both!
oh you two girls are so cute playing wif yer new goodies like that. ~poiland tribe
Daisy, we can't believe you would deny Pixie her 'naner - wowie! She sure looks all blissed out on that crash pad. And, bananer on the roof sounds awesome!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
That bananer toy looks good. Looks like you are having fun with it. Pixie's pad looks really pretty. She looks comfortable on it. I know what you mean about crying to be let outside. I do that to sometimes, but to no avail. Especially if Mom is going somewhere and doesn't have time to let us out, but that doesn't stop me crying still, like this morning. Mom was gone all day today.
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