A Dare! With Pink Hair!
My friend Anastasia from The Cat Realm made a dare for us to wear her pink wig and post a picture of it. Well, pink is my favorite color, so here I am! I feel kind of like a movie star. 

A Dare! With Pink Hair!
Posted by Daisy at 7/08/2007 05:11:00 PM
Labels: cats in wigs, movie star cat, pink hair
33 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, you look wonderful in that pink wig!! It looks good with you fur.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
daisy you look boo-tee-ful in pink hair.
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, you did it! You look better than me in the wig. But you would be the ONLY cat ever to look better than me anyways!
AWESOME! Glad to know you,
Please keep the wig as a present from me!
Thanks Anastasia! You are so nice!
Daisy you look smashing in your Anastasia wiggy! You would look gr8 in a potatoe sack....such an Audrey Hepburn kitty you are!
Love and huggies to you. Oh by the way...your pressy is on the way to you in the mornings mail:))
Wonder if I will look good in that pink wig? She wants me to do it but I am a bit of a neanderthal on the PC:)
daisy you look best in this pink wig!
pink is YOUR color!
I'm not so sure ya look too happy 'bout it.
Oh, Daisy, yoo look like a fairy prinsess in that wig! I took the dare, too!
Gosh, you sure look better in that wig than *I do! :)
Ah, beautiful Daisy, I was just waiting to see who took the dare first - you, Skeezix or Lilly Lu!
And your comment about the little cow on our blog picking the wrong earrings? I certainly agree! Cows just have no fashion sense whatsoever!!
"Wow" Daisy your photo came out great
mommy had some trouble with mine yet she's only human :)
Fabu, Daisy! You look better than that Pop singer, "Pink"!
You should be on American Idol! You have your look, now all you need is a PURRRFECT song.
daisy, yu looks meooooowvalous, darling! yu may start a new fashun trend fer kitties.
yuki & kimiko
Terrific look for you, Daisy! Beautiful!
I don't look quite as natural as you do ... My wig's a little different.
yer byootiful daisy ... espeshullee in da pink wig! i'm yer gratest BOOSTER!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
I wish I knew how to put the pink wig on. Even though I am a boy, I would do it ON A DARE.
Lookin good, Daisy! I got dared, too. Might have to get Nick to help me out... Kate and I aren't so good with the Photoshop.
Gorgeous, just gorgeous!!
~gushing Marie
i'm a punk in pink.
Now, you and only you can wear that pink wig. It looks really good on you. Looks like it was made just for you.
hehehe, you look superduper in that pink wiggie, Daisy! It's furry komplementary with yur koloring.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Awwww, Daisy -- you look darling in that pink wig! It looks purr-fect on you.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
You look so lovely with that pink wig haha. I got some idea to find some wig like you too.
You look very cute in your pink wig, Daisy!
Wow Daisy! Yoo look sooooo glammeruss.
Daisy you look so cute in yore pink wig. Are you gonna do magnets with the pink wig too?
You look great in the pink wig, Daisy. You are the best looking kitty in the wig I have seen.
Daisy, you look GREAT in that wig!!!
Very fetching. Kinda look like Rita Hayworth.
LOL Daisy! You look funny!
I do like the idea with the magnets!
The wig is yours, so go ahead and do it!
Also: come and pick up the button for accepting the wig dare!
You know I love PINK, but Tipper and I still think you look more beautiful as blond.
Your friend
looks like a tick in her face...
anyway cute cat and somehow crazy... (in a positive way) :)
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