I am helping Pixie!!!
I am very excited today! My great friends Jake and Bathsheba sponsored a very fun contest. The winner is the 15th post on their 200th blog entry. And guess what? I WON! And the prize is a $50 donation to an animal charity of my choice, and a $25 gift card to Petsmart. Here I am telling Pixie the fantastic news!
I decided the donation in my name should go to the Winn Feline Foundation. They are a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting health related studies about medical problems affecting cats. Winn's goals are to improve feline veterinary care and help us cats live longer and healthier lives!
Donations to Winn can be made to one of several funds, including a General Fund, the Bria Fund (for FIP research), Breed-related projects, Specific disease funds, and the Ricky Fund. The Ricky Fund is for studies related to feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). I asked to have the donation earmarked for the Ricky Fund!
As you might know, my big sister Pixie has a very advanced case of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I am very proud to be able to help support research on this terrible disease. And I am very grateful to my friends Jake and Bathsheba for this chance to help cats like Pixie who have HCM. I think Pixie is smiling (on the inside.)

Donations to Winn can be made to one of several funds, including a General Fund, the Bria Fund (for FIP research), Breed-related projects, Specific disease funds, and the Ricky Fund. The Ricky Fund is for studies related to feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). I asked to have the donation earmarked for the Ricky Fund!
As you might know, my big sister Pixie has a very advanced case of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. I am very proud to be able to help support research on this terrible disease. And I am very grateful to my friends Jake and Bathsheba for this chance to help cats like Pixie who have HCM. I think Pixie is smiling (on the inside.)

38 Notes for Daisy:
Congratulations on winning, Daisy! :) That is wonderful! I am very glad you are donating to the HCM fund. I hope they find a cure for HCM.
Have fun shopping!
Concatyoolayshuns Daisy.
The Ricky Fund sounds furry good, and we're sure Pixie reely uhpreesheeaytes yoo choosing it.
concatluations for winning, daisy!
very good joice to doante to HCM fund. you're a very thoughtful girl cat.
What a wonderful idea! I am sure that Pixie is smiling on the inside for helping her. HCM is an awful disease.
I hope you enjoy your shopping spree too!
good choice for your donation honey! now what are you going to buy?? how exciting. i hope you get to choose what you want. you get something for pixie too, okay? maybe a bananner.
smiles, auntie bee
deer daisy,
wutta grate way to spend yer prize. i know dat yer sistah iz smilin on da inside. an wutta wunderful prize frum j + b! koodoze to u, j + b fer a fabyoolus thing to do!
pleez vizit mi blog daisy.
thank u.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
What a faboolus prise! Watcha gonna buy Daisy, another kyoote outfit, some toys...concatulations Daisy! And Jake and Bathsheba...you guys rock!
Super great choice for your donation. We are very proud of your winning the contest! Pixie looks happy. She is such a wonderful girl kitty and you are a sweet littel sister to her!
Happy day!
Congratulations Daisy.Your a very sweet kitty and that's a wonderful
choice :)
:-) <3 I nominated Pixie for rockin' girl blogger. I can be one, so can she!! come get your fancy awardie Pixie-kins <3
oh Daisy, that is so sweet and wonderful! you is such a good girl.
Congratulations, Daisy, and well done for picking such an awesome charity! Enjoy your shopping spree!
Congratulations! What are ya gonna get at PetsMart? I'd get a bunch of toys!!!!!
Congratulations Daisy!! That's so pawesome you are helping out your big sis!
Congrats Daisy! Hope you pick up some great things in your shopping!
~Donny and Marie
Concatulations on winning. Have fun shopping.
Wow, Daisy, that's grate! This has been a good weekend for you with Skeezix's mug and now this! Concatulations. And purrs to Pixie, too.
Congratulations, Daisy! And what a wonderful sister you are for helping Pixie - you are one sweet girlkitty!
Rocky & Lucy
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
congratulations daisy and I think your charity is a really wonderful cause.
What a great sister you are! That was a perfect sponsorship.
Congratulations on winning the contest. I didn't know Pixie had HCM, I'm sorry to hear that.
Pee Ess: The velcro is off my paws, but there are some glue remnants I am desperately trying to lick off. My tongue hurts.
congratulations! I am very happy for you and I think your choice to donate the money to winn feline foundations is wonderful!
Wowy - concatulations! That is furry nice of you to support Pixie (we hopes she remembers that the next time she wins a contest!)
Concatulations, Daisy. You are a very nice sister. It's so nice how much you love your sister. Purrs.
concatulations on your win, daisy!! we are proud that you chose the ricky fund, since our nels is in that category, too!
you are a furry good sisfur to pixie an' we bets you gets her something on your shopping spree. hope you had a good time!!
Oh, Daisy, I'm so happy yoo wun! Jake and Bathsheba are THE BEST! And I hope they kyoor HCM vary soon. Cuz even tho Pixie is a blog hog, she's still a grate sister.
PEE ESS: Tell Pixie she'd better hid her catnip bananer cuz if Tripper sees it, he will deestroy it like he did mine.
We monitated you for the Rockin Girl Blogger Award. You can copy it and put it in your sidebar if you like.
BPW Cats
Very wonderful news! Congratulations Daisy. Good choice of charity!
You Rock!
Daisy -I Dare You!
Come over to our blog and check it out. I notified you first because you like pink and I know you will look fabulous with the dare!
Good work Daisy. Tibbles and Jake will be posting soon about their newly arrived rescue toddler brother Oscar. Pics coming soon! Hello all x
Ah Daisy, you are such a wonderful sister. The Ricky Fund sound like a good place and so glad they are studying about HCM. We hope it is cured soon. Happy shopping!!
Samantha & Tigger
Wow, Daisy! ConCATulashuns on winning! That's superduper, and that's extra superduper of you to those great kitty causes. I'm sure Pixie appreshiates it -- you're a furry good sistur to her.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
concatulations daisy! great purrizes! one of ar brofers that went to the bridge had that cardio thingie like ricky and pixie. we fink that wuz a grate choice to donate to the research place. we cants wait to see whats yu buy wif yur gift card.
yuki & kimiko
Furry excellent! I can't think of a better organization to support!
Congratulations for winning Daisy! \(^0^)/
That is great! You have a very kind heart to donate, I am very proud of you.
Oh Daisy, I'm so glad you won. You get to help Pixie too. Sounds like the Winn foundation is a really neat place for finding out more about kitty diseases. Thank God for people like the Ricky Fund and everyone connected with the Winn foundation.
My sweet furrrrrend Henry the VIII went to the bridge on his 3rd burthday from this HCM! it was so sad so sad!!
Please love Pixie up real good for me. She is so special to me...
No I don't have any slipper furs in my mouth. I am missing my canine tooth there and often have my Elvis snare look going on:))
Congratulations on winning, Daisy. The Ricky Fund is the perfect place for your donation. I hope you find some fun stuff on your shopping spree.
Congratulations Daisy. That sounds like a terrific cause to contribute to.
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