The Photo Hunters theme this week is
fake. See this chicken? I know he looks very very real! But he is FAKE! This was a big surprise to me, too.

I tasted his beak, and he was very rubbery. Even though real live dead chickens can taste rubbery, sometimes.

So, I tasted his foot. Even rubberier. Yep, this chicken is a fake. Darn it! (I do not know why my leg is sticking up in the air like that.)

He even smells fake, too. This is a very big disappointment. Because I wanted to eat him all up. But I know better than to eat a rubbery chicken.

ps: He was still very fun to play with. Rubbery things are stretchy. In case you did not know this.

Photo Hunters #26: Fake
58 Notes for Daisy:
Are you *sure that's not a real chicken, Daisy??? I think maybe you killed it!
Hahahah -- I love how your pictures tell such a good story.
Dear Daisy-
Thank you for the heads up on
this rubber chicken business...
Now I know NOT to try and make
chicken soup out of the one I
have at home.
A fake chicken?? Now, that's just wrong!! We've never tasted a chicken but we think a rubber one is just silly. As always, you look cute investigating it, though, Daisy.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Haha...Daisy with a rubber chickie? sure taste bad with that elasticity. Happy 070707 and a Happy Weekend :)
deer daisy,
gess wut! i havva fake chicken too! maybe dat'z wut i can do dat'z speshul today ... take owt mi fake chicken!
i'm thinkin abowt it!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
hahaha! that's funny!
your cat's adorable!
Poor chicken! LOL
Great photos and clever choice for the hunt.
Mine is up too.
The story with the pictures is very funny!
hee hee hee - why IS your leg sticking up?
yup, a fake chicken daisy! you are so cute honey. and such a good little girl...
smiles, auntie bee
Hi Daisy,
Very cute photos especially the leg
pose :)
I'm glad you told me that was fake. I just never would have believed it!
See, that consideration is what makes me think you're very well brought up. That is, until I read your comment on TNChick's blog ...
I'm sure I don't understand what you mean :)
Hah!! Daisy, you're a nut :~)
I think your leg is up just in case that chicken decides to come to life, you can step on it!
Never can tell about these FAKE mouses and chickens.
rubberier <---- I like that word!
rubber chicken is not good, but it certainly looks funny!
happy Saturday
Fake chick-hens look furry, furry fun. Maybe we shood get one!
Yup. Rubbery chickens just don't taste real.
Luf, Us
I bet that was a lot of fun playing with that chicken. Great shots.
Oh . yeah..once again you make me smile...always something unique here to read!
MOL!! That chicken woulda fooled me too!
Hi Daisy! Thanks for visiting me at my photo hunt today! You look so totally engrossed in making sure your chicken is a fake! Love the photos!
Woow, you had me going there for a while, when you have finished with your poodle coat can you send it back as i will need it soon.LOL
Cheers Mark
hi Daisy!
I am sorry that the chicken is fake. I love some chicken, too!
Does it squeak, too?
Fancy leg work.
Hi Daisy. Looks like you're enjoying your new toy. So full of concentration. Thanks for the visit.
Sorry that you didn't get to eat the chicken, Daisy, but at least he was fun to play with!
An excellent collection of a 'fake' item. How's the chicken doing now a days.
Daisy, I inspekted the pikcher vary closely, and I think it might be a rubber cornish game hen rather than a rubber chicken. Although it duzn't matter to me --- I like looking at yer tummy in the ferst shot!
Hope you don't live on a chicken farm,..... you would be missing a few! Great photos!
Nothing like a fake chicken in the absence of the real thing!
Hmmm ... Maybe a rubber chicken sammich would be good.
I bet your lizards taste a lot better than your rubber chicken, but you can't blame a cat for trying!
Did your Mom try to tease you with that fake chicken! How rude!
But it looks like you can at least play with it and have fun.
If you can´t eat it, play with it.
That´s a good motto!
You are a very smart cat, Daisy.
We didn't know chickens could be fake. How sneaky of them. Maybe he was scairt and lost all his feathers then got rubbery.
hehehe, that's one sneaky chicken, bein' fake and all! I'm sorry you didn't get to eat him -- bein' rubbery he woulda tasted kinda yucky -- but he sure looks fun to play with!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Yep - Mommakitty says she been to lots of parties where da chicken was like rubber! Did you notice our theme music this week? It's da great "chicken dance" music! We all loves chiken!
*giggle*, Daisy! You look like you're having lots of fun with that faux chicken. He might not be good to eat, but playing with something so stretchy can be lots of fun!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Daisy, the chicken sure looked real and not "FAKE" to us. Maybe your leg was up so you could balance yourself and not fall over.
Samantha & Tigger
Ohhh, you know I don't think it is fake at all..I think that there chicken is just playing dead, that's all! LOL
Were you a Rockette in another life? That is one fabulous leg kick there! Wow, you are so FABU, Daisy!
Too bad it's not a real chicken Daisy ~ I think it's excitement that caused you to lose control of your leg there ~ lovely photos!
ps. Thanx for sharing your experience with flying ~ I am thinking of the idea of having Snow and Forest in below the front seat ~ though there's still lots of time before the trip!
those are great pictures, daisy! i'm glad you let us all know that there are rubber chickens masquerading as real live dead ones!
ben fuzz
hmmmm, real live fake dead chikens. what will silly beans think of next?
yuki & kimiko
So is putting the leg up in the air kind of like when a human puts their pinky up in the air when drinking tea? Very delicate! ;-) FAKE Photo Hunt
Aw, I'm sorry that the chicken turned out to be fake. I love all the pictures, though. Maybe your leg is up in the air because you were getting ready to kick that chicken in disappointment?
That is very true when you know the fake thing your action will do.
Awww very cute. Happy weekend.
What a great choice for the theme. Looks like you were having a lot of fun :)
We never fail to learn things from you, Daisy.
What great pictures and love your commentary, Daisy. Thanks for visiting.
Happy Saturday, Biker Betty :)
Great rubber chicken! Looks like you are having fun!
Now why on eurth wuld the peepul give yoo a fake rubburie chicken instead of a reel juicy one? How silly of them.
Haha that's a funny looking chick-hen. Fink yer probly rite and it is a fake. Yoo better just chew it and not try to eat it.
Great story told in pictures!
Happy weekend!
You make me want to buy a rubber chicken. Quite frankly, I don't care much how it tastes.
Great Chick! Nice shot! :P
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