Friday Payday!
My Mommie said that since I posed nicely in my new 4th of July holiday outfit, I would not have a fashion shoot for today. This reminded me that I should have gotten paid time and a half for working on a holiday! I only got 8 Temptations for that photo shoot. This means I got shortchanged by FOUR whole Temptations!
When I discussed this with my Mommie my agent, she agreed to pay me for the extra Temptations I earned. I got very excited and gobbled them right up!
I said "Please hurry up! My tummy is grumbly for Temptations!"

Professor Daisy's Tips for Cats: You must always get paid extra Temptations for working on a holiday. Always.

53 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, Daisy, you are really enjoying those Temptations! Great photos!
Thanks for the tip. I wonder if I can negotiate for extra treats if my nails are clipped or my ears on cleaned on a holiday?
That's the way it should be. Well done on yer neegosheeating skills.
Very smart negotiating! I have to remember to ask for pay when the camera comes out.
You are the smartest girl around! See without you we would not know to ask for our fair due when we work extra on holidays!
I would do just about anything for Temptations. You have to state your needs from the beginning! Good thing you did that.
Have a happy day Daisy. Hugs to you and Pixie
Extra pay is always good, for us kitties. Thats cuz we'd deserves it of course.
Thanks Daisy for being a great union rep.
Can you come and visit my site? I has a surprise for you!! We hope you like it.
Your friend.
Poppy Q
Daisy, u r so smart!
Great negotiating. My Momma says next time, try double time, plus 8 hours. That's what they get where she works. If 1 Temptation = 1 Hour, then thats 8 Temptations X 2 + 8 more Temptations. I think that's 24 Temptations! Hmmm, that's a lot of Temptations.
You do deserve extra Temptations for working on a holiday! Yore mom, er agent, is really nice to agree to yore terms. We loooove Temptations too.
We got our Blond Daisy Magnet and mom putted it on the refrigerator. Yay!
Smart and cute and beautiful and talented and and and. There is no end to your skills, Daisy.
Very good advice, we will certainly keep that in mind.
By the way: have you been in the movies? You always look so stunning in pictures, we are sure you must have a career in film? Or maybe theater?
These pictures are very wonderful once again!
We are big fans!
That was very smart Daisy! Obviously your agent won't make that mistake again!
Wait, you get paid to get your picture taken? I need to talk to MomBean!
You go girl!! If you need us to walk a picket line with you at anytime, just holler, OK?
Luf, Us
Very smart Daisy! I will make sure to do the same next time I work on a holiday. I think Kavan and I got short-changed!
I don't know Daisy... If you're successful establishing such rigid labor guidelines, those of us in management might have some financial hardships real quick...
does just looking cute count as werk?
Wate, we'z apposeta get PAID fur getting our pikshers taken...oh, mom owes us lots of back pay...what..oh, we won't ware cute outfits so she sez it don't count. Give us tem-tay-shuns anyway!
Daisy you are not only a high fashion model, but a very astute business cat as well! I am very impressed. I love tem-tay-shuns too : )
Bastille Day is coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!
And thank yoo for edjukayting me on labor laws. I never knew! Can yoo git bak pay all the way bak to win yoo were a kittin?
daisy you are a very smart business cat. i am amazed at your wide range of knowledge and skills.did you get a business degree to learn all about negotiating or is it just natural talent?
altho i don't do dress-up photo shootz dat offen ... i will remember wut u hav taught me abowt bein paid propurrlee.
so dat wuz a noo lizard mi mom brought me! i'm sorree i coulden't uv yoozed it a little!
an thankz fer tellin me abowt da puffee, show-off thing on da lizard. iz it yoozed jus fer showin off?
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Daisy, this is excellent advice, I am getting my caculator out now! FAZ
Great advice Daisy. I wonder if Mom will let me pose for Bastille day. It's a double holiday around here cuz it's her purrthday too. I love treats, though.
I so love Temptations...especially the salmon flavored ones.
Daisy, you are so smart. We would have never thought of that! We're gonna tell Mom we get paid for every picture clothed or not and double time on holidays! Ha! Thanks for the tip.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
I get what The Furry Kids' Mom gets, too, Daisy. Since you work by the shoot and not hourly, just go for the double pay, I think.
That's a good thing to be aware of, Daisy - I never thought of it! You are so smart!
Thanks for the tip, Daisy!
I'm not sure I would be as dainty as you are, but I'll remember your advice!
I wonder why I don't like temptations since every other kitty seems to love them. Clyde loves them too. I just don't like kitty treats. Just give me tuna.
Good point, Daisy! We should always get all the Temptations we gots comin to us!
nice blog
Nice job, Daisy! If anyone deserves extra pay, it's you!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Daisy, we think you and your "agent" do a great job.
you are so smart honey! good for you...
smiles, auntie bee
Can you be my negotiator when the Kitty Kaviar comes out? I'll even share with you the (numerous amts of) Kitty Kaviar when we get them!!
Daisy your face is so funny, you are thoroughly enjoying your payment there!!he he You deserve it, you worked hard modelling!
Yes, more treats! I think you deserve more treats!
hehehe, you're a furry clever negoshiator, Daisy! And you look like you're lovin' those Temptashuns. I love 'em, too, yummyyummyyummy, MAO MAO MAO!
Purrs and snuggles from MaoMao(MaoMao!)
Wow, working on a holiday isn't so bad, after all, considering the yummy pay, *giggle*! And as always, you look adorable.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
If yoo were smart, yoo ask for dubble pay to poze nekkid. Yood make more munneys and yoo woodn't have to go thru the torcher of dressin' up.
You got underpaid?? I'm glad you could put that right!
Great photo's of the payment, btw... :)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
ROCKY!!!! Yoo apolujize rite now!!!!
i am sure that saturday is a holiday since there will be the live earth concert. i hope you get paid extra for that!
Thanks, Skeezie!
daisy u r a genieus! what a kute outfit for the holiday! looks like you enjoyed ur temptations! i never had some befor... i'll have to talk to my union rep about that
Wowy - holiday pay! We learn somethin' new everyday! We has to find a way to git paid fer strollin' - any suggestions? How would we justify our invoice to our beans? Hmmmm....
Hey, maybe I should ask to get paid in Tempations instead of cash. the Peopel always spend my money but I sure don't see them eating my crunchy treats...
I think you should look up holidays and show them to your mom when she hauls out the flashy-box. "Hey mom, July 7 is National Processed Cheese Food Day -- how about some extra Temptations?"
Daisy, congratulations, you are the winner of our 200th blog post contest! Come visit our blog again for details.
Daisy, you are so clever and wise.
we love you - miewoyeh
Rosa snd Felicia
Look at your eyes! You should be in your own animated cartoon show x
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