Thursday Thirteen, Edition #28
2. On the top of my head, between the ears. This is one of my most favorite spots to be kissed.
3. On my cheek. This tickles my whiskers!
5. In that hairless spot right in front of the ear. This feels funny. And it makes my ears twitch.
6. On the back of my neck. I do not mind kisses on this spot. And the fur is very soft there, too.

7. My paw pads. My feets are very sensitive. Why do you want to kiss them, anyway?
8. My chest. If you kiss me there, I will sniff the top of your head. OK?
8. My chest. If you kiss me there, I will sniff the top of your head. OK?
9. Right on my tummy. I am a little sensitive about this because I think my tummy is getting a little bit squishy. So, if you kiss me there, do not make any smart remarks about my big tummy.

11. My back. I do not think I have ever gotten a kiss on my back before. You can kiss me there if you want to.
12. On my armpit. It is safe to kiss me there, because my armpits do not smell stinky. And I do not even use deodorant!

66 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, what a great Thursday Thirteen you have done!! All kissing spots are wonderful except for that last one as you said. We will get mommy to give us kisses on our arms and armpits to see how that is. The side-shot photo of your head is just so sweet!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
HaHaHa! Daisy, that was great! #13 is not a good place to kiss, I agree!
That is both original and adorable.
Fun list Daisy! Lots of great kissing spots. I normally only ever get kissed on the top of my head, but sometimes on an ear, or on my back.
Lol...Love the list Daisy :)
That was so cute. I bet Skeezix is blushing now.
This is one cute list, except for number 13!!
Agreed it is not reccomended, but the thing is, Jasmine (our cat) would not let me (in particular) go anywhere near her, she is a mummies girl!!
Happy TT, stop by and check out ours...
what about the tip of your tail honey! that would be a furry good place to kiss i thing!
smiles, auntie bee
That's a great Thursday 13 Daisy. Our favorite place to be kissed is on top of the head between the ears, but mom kisses us in all does other places too, except number 13. Never number 13.
Very good list Daisy, momma does kiss on our lips too much because we have fishy breaths.
deer daisy,
dis iz a verree good list an i'm thinkin dat i would like mi mom to kiss me in most uv doze placez ... maybe she will wen she get'z home frum da grate state uv florida tonite.
an wile i'm on da subject uv da grate state uv florida ... did doze b-i-g stormz scare u?
luv--yer frend--jh
Even though 13 is off limits, Max seems to like to proffer that area in my face as he settles for a nap in my lap... Not very modest yet. Happy tt
Thanks for the tips! I may consider those when kissing Freyja & Bastet. I'll discuss your list with them. :-)
My list is about handfasting this week, but for my feline friends pawfasting will work too!
Those is all furry good kissing spots (except fur #13) and we love getting kisses from mom. We hope Skeezix was taking notes, he shood be kissing yoo all over (except #13).
heeheehee very cute and funny Silly Daisy. We like being kissed in all of those places too.
We hope you have a very very very fun happy day Daisy. (((Hugs))) to you and Pixie
Daisy, your list is as creative as ever. Such a clever girl you are.
Luf, Us
I tend to just kiss the boyz on the top of their heads. But thanks for the entertaining list...
I love this TT! You are smart about #13 its not a good place to kiss but its OK if your siblings sniff it. But that can make your tail twitch.
This is a great TT!! There are some places to kiss, we never thought about. Have to get mom to try them out. But 13 that's a never for sure.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Those are the very best Thursday Thirteens ever, we agree! You are the best, Skeezix must be sooooo proud of you! And your Mom too, what a privilege for a human to be in you employment!
Skeezix will definitely like number 9!!! And we don't think anyone should ever THINK about number 13! EWE...
*takes notes*
I still didn't see any big belly, though...
Wowy - we didn't know there was so many kissable places on gurlz - we was takin' notes!
Oh Daisy you are cheeky! FAZ
Duz anybuddy know CPR???????
You are so funny, Daisy! Mom also tries to kiss me on the lips - yuk! But she never tried that :::whispers::: bad spot.
Daisy you are so funny! I luv yer list! My mum usually only kisses me on the top of the head between the ears, I am going to print your list and tape it on the bathroom mirror for her to study : )
P.S. Again, you have come up with some wonderful high fashion model poses.
I think I'll let Skeezix kiss you hehehe I'll just play with you. Very cute TT, Daisy! It was great to see you at the big party yesterday.
Mini, Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Gree and Pepi
What an original Thursday Thirteen, Daisy. You obviously did a lot of research! you are such a smart and sweet kitty!
What a cute post, and a cute cat too!
Daisy, who have you been kissing that you have SO many kissing spots? Are those just yur mommy's spots to kiss? If you tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone else at all. Toodles, Tyler
PS Are you devoted to that mouse boy or um... could I try a few of those spots myself? You know once you've tried black, you'll never go rat.
Oh, Tyler! ::blushes:: Skeezy is the mancat for me! Have you seen his muscles? Then you would understand.
But we can be great friends!
Miss Daisy that is an amazing bunch of kissing spots on such a small package of a cat!
I will stay away from #13, Daisy... I promise =)
Happy 100th TT!
Daisy, I past owt win I saw yer T13 this week becuz all the blud rusht to my face and I ternd brite PINK. I think it will take me a few yeers to werk up the nerv to kiss yoo in all 13 --- um, make that 12 spots.
Pee Ess: ::wispers:: Hoo's that Tyler guy? Do I hafta send Trip over to beet him up?
Skeezix, I mostly only get kisses from my Mommie. Sometime maybe we can practice together!
Hmmmm. I think I saw #13 in my brand new "Field Gide to Cat Butts." I'll have to kross refrinse it.
Great TT, Daisy. You sure are cute enough to kiss all over. Ariel niminates you for Rockin' Blogger Girl. Come on over to our blog and see.
Ha! You crack me up!
I like to be kissed just about everywhere (ok, except #13) by Not The Mama, but sometimes he gotta watch out, cuz if I ain't in the mood, the claws come out!
I like to lick his nose, though, when I feel like it.
That's my way of kissing.
hehehe, I'm crackin' up laffin', and so is my momma, such a cute and funny list of places for kissies. I love bein' kissied in most of those places, but like you said deffinitely not #13. I also like to kiss momma's nose, it's fun!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a lovely round-up on kissing spots and which ones are best!
ha ha ha excellent TT Daisy. I agree, number 13 is not a good spot for kisses, especially when mao is around!
I allow my humans to kiss my paws and I will occasionally bestow a kiss onto their foreheads. But only on special occasions, mind you. xx
Guess what, Daisy! I nominated you for a Rockin' Girl Blogger award *smile*. Come see my blog for details, and conCATulations, you rockin' girlcat blogger, you!
Love ya!
I swear the animal TT's are the best! First time here through TT. Great list. Happy 100th TT Celebration!
Daisy, you are just kissable all over!
Furry informative, Miss Daisy ...
I LOVE this thirteen!! Our cats love a kiss on the tip of their nose also the most! Followed by a paw pad massage... :)
Daisy you get kisses from us: 10 from our cats, each gives 1, and the other 3 from the 3 humans living here. ;)
13 kisses from the Netherlands!!
You know, #13 is a proper CAT greetin, but I nefur unnerstood why the beans don't wanna sniff there.
Daisy, yur adorable in efurry one of these pictors an kissable all ofur.
That's a lot of good kissing spots yoo got there Daisy.
::whisper::When mum gits me mad, I've told her to kiss my #13 befurr, but don't tell ennycat else.
Pee Ess Empress Bee is rite bout tail tips! Mom likes to kiss our tail tips. Efun Bonnie lets her sumtimes.
What about on your tail? I love kissing Badness on her tail or basically anywhere that irritates her. LOL!
DKM's fav is number 5, which is good cause then when she moves her face, I get to clean her forehead.
Great TT Daisy! My Meowm is very fond of #2 and #5. I might let her try some of the other spots.....except for that last one!
Kisses? I get paaalenty of those frrrom the slobberrr woofies.
Yes, they have kissed the #13 spot, but that is just wooferrr naturrre.
all 12 are furry kissable. mommie likes to kiss my orange tail tip too
ha ha ha you are always and original Daisy! I love your list. Hugs to you and Pixie. We're glad you made it thru the boomies safely.
Hi Daisy, I nominated you as a Rockin' Girl Blogger! Come see me at my blog!
EEEEEEEEEEE! This was adorable!!!!! :)
This list is wonderful~!
michico do kisses me those spot.
even #13, but that was an accident, waha....
That's because I did it in purpose.
That was a great TT, Daisy, and very funny, too. You are very kissable. I agree completely about #13.
Momma says that is the nicest list. She likes to kiss my toes and then she smells them. I bite her toes, they smell nasty!! She is laffin and laffin bout #13.
Furry nice TT Daisy, Meowmy is obsessed wif kissies, especially our noses and behind our ears! Of course, who can blame her as cute as we are! The hoomans just can't resist kissing kitties, can they?!
CAN I WIFF YER PITS? CAN I WIFF YER PITS? Cuz I never snift a gerl cat beefore and espeshully not her armpits and I woodn't even mind if they were smelly as long as I cood bunnykik yoo for a littul wile afterwerd wich reeminds me... do yoo beelong to a harum cuz I'm trying to put one together and yoo seem to be such a dood magnit that yoo cood help teech me how to talk nice to gerl cats so they wood join my harum like maybe the PINK LADEEZ wood like to join??? Cuz I can danse and danse all night long inklooding dansing on the seeling and doing the hokey pokey and I tern myself abowt and the LIMBOOOOO! I luv to limbo and I can beet Rocky up and git his seekrit stash of preeeeemo nip the kind that givs yoo a bad case of googly eyes and then we can go to JAK IN THE BOX to git stuff to eet for the muncheez I don't have a stroler but I have a prizzin box with a MOOONROOF and IT'S ALL MINE cuz it still kinda smells like my dookie but yoo can just strap it on top of yer stroler and we can go ANYWARE YOO WUNT as long as we end up at my harum and I'm sorry I kinda have a bad case of gas tonite sorry for the stinkiees.
Tripper, you are certainly a cat of many talents, and the life of the party, too! I really would prefer not to join your harem, but I would not mind giving you tips on how to treat the girlcats in your harem. Here is your first tip: do not bunnykick your girlcats!
ps: You can sniff my armpits if you want. Just one time.
wow what a great thursday thirteen!
we loved reading about all the different kissing places. Great suggestions!
We'll leave kiss on top of your nose for you *blush*
this was a funny posting....omg!!
love it!
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